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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Public access to downloads of clips doesn't neccesarily mean permission to use them in your own movie. But I'd have to read the website fine print or something, and I probably won't bother.
  2. I have hundreds, so I suppose my answer has to be 'yes.'
  3. The page calls them "integrated peripherals" - I have no idea what that means, tho. Small displays for other plug-in hardware or something?
  4. I suppose if you don't already have them on DVD, it might be cool, but otherwise ... ? Are they stuff that isn't on the DVD's? Anyway ... publicity, definitely.
  5. Wide Awake. A sort of autobiographical documentary about a guy with insomnia/nightowl habits, and a little bit of doctor-theory tossed in. Somewhat mediocore and self-absorbed film - the guy stars, directs, produces, etc. But oddly fascinating too, if only because while watching, I kept nodding and saying "yeah, I know what that's like and know exactly what he means."
  6. I don't know how it is right now, but when I was a kid, another issue was a lack of teachers for particular subjects. There was one year where one of the better science teachers had to teach history, stuff like that. Also, size of classes - students per teacher kind of thing. That was in public early/middleschools in the 70's/80's, btw, and not private or universities.
  7. NOOoooOOOOoooOOO. Sigh. Well, I guess he has to pay for his yachts somehow.
  8. I'll give it marks for trying to be different.
  9. Just as LadyCrimson loses her interest, mine actually surfaces. Please... tell me more. Well, it is possibly a little misleading since there's apparently a 1st person zoomed in view, and a lot of the videos are shot using it, possibly to try and attract the FPS crowd. I'm pretty sure the class/skill system would feel Diablo-ish. But even considering all that, gameplay, based on the videos I saw, looks more like Doom3, or MP Doom3, or something. And the fact they're trying to attract the FPS crowd to me means there's probably some dynamic in the game that makes either players or the company itself think there's justification for such a marketing tactic. I don't know. It's hard to tell, but it definitely has me thinking I'll wait before I buy. There's more than this if you look around, but a couple of the videos I saw: General spliced together video of in-game play Some MP footage. You can see the player going in and out of 1st person view as he goes along. Oh, here's one that's actually from the company, during a news conference or something. http://youtube.com/watch?v=9oZCJiFIyS0
  10. I have done those things, along with watching videos and TV shows, hoping visual representation would help in my case. It doesn't usually. I've talked to my brother, as well, who was the only teacher (he teaches highschool advanced math courses) that ever got around my learning block, or disability, or mental fog, or whatever you want to call it, for brief periods. Trying to learn that stuff for me is like trying to read a book with text so blurry you can only read half of the words, and those just barely. I literally cannot make my brain "see" it, and all I get after hours of trying is a major headache. I wasn't trying to say the teachers (or book authors, for that matter) are to blame for my not being able to learn math - but just that I perceive all their answers to sound like that, no matter how great - or poor - they are at teaching, or how much research I try to do myself. And in the end, I just gave up and stopped trying.
  11. I think in most cases, particuarly in forum discussions such as these, it isn't empathy with the perpetrator so much as a desire to maintain a certain level of ethic (?) as a whole - whatever that may be to the individual; the possibility of wrongful conviction, the possiblity of reform/redemption, the thought for such to be a highlyeffective deterrant it's possible it could get out of hand, and so on. For me, if I was absolutely certain evidence wasn't only circumstantial and the case wasn't a 'showboat' of hurried conviction to please the voting masses, I have no objection to a death penalty with extreme crimes. I'm not for it in general, but there are certainly cases where I'd deem it ... appropriate. I'm not sure I think it's appropriate for this case in particular, tho ... not from reading one little article, anyway.
  12. Huuby isn't a big gamer, but he's the one that introduced me to Doom. His co-workers were playing it at the office, he thought it was "cool" and showed it to me. He's regretted that ever since.
  13. I was looking forward to Hellgate London - maybe not with eager drool on my chin, but definitely waiting for it. I finally got around to watching some videos of some gameplay, and now ... I've lost a lot of my interest. It seems to have a feel of a sci-fi FPS more than an action-RPG. Meh? Spore, oh Spore, where art thou?
  14. Jades WoW experience sounds similar to my own, significant-other reaction included. :D Luckily for me, my obsession lasted only a few months - but mostly because I don't like grouping that much, and it got boring after a certain point solo, not because of any great willpower of my own.
  15. You'd be surprised how many 'bad teachers' I've run across. But it's not just a matter of how good or bad the teacher - no matter what their answer, it's likely to sound like "It just does" to me. My brain is very visual and I just can't visualize abstract formulas & explanations. It takes an exceptional teacher to make me do that. Most don't have the time, even if they have the know-how. Luckily, higher math isn't a requirement for social survival.
  16. I understand basic math because I can visualize it - if I have one candy bar and there's another candy bar, together they form something we've decided to call "two." The more complex and theoretical math becomes, even if repeated use shows it always provides the right answer - or the answer we seek/works for our purposes, at least - I have more problems with truly grasping it because I don't see the logic of how we get there. Teacher: "To calculate this, use this formula." Me: "But why that formula? Why does that work, what's the reasoning behind it." Teacher: "It just does." Me: *frowns*
  17. Boots in the face do kinda hurt. But spiked heels are even worse. ... Even if you alone can't change the "world", you can change things closer to home, and that's where it all starts. If we try and fall and pick ourselves up again to try some more, maybe the chance anything will change is really small, but if we don't, there's no chance at all. And if I keep talking like this, no one will believe I'm actually a big cynic.
  18. Misty is no longer hiding in dark corners as much etc., the weather was great, and I've gone two days without a single smoke despite watching my spouse go outside/into the garage to puff away - not easy, even with a patch on - so I'm having a good day.
  19. I remember how Majesty's huge size maps, with their constantly monster-spawning den-points, on single-player could lag up your machine some if you didn't have the hardware - but the rest of the map sizes were fine, even with max units/monster and such. Did SC have big MP maps, generally? I never got very far in the game ... and never tried it on-line. Have no idea.
  20. Movin' to Skeeters. Are the scratches really bad or very minor? Is there another computer in the house you could try to install the game on, just to see if you get the same sort of error? That might help indicate if it's more likely the disc, or something about the pc itself? Maybe. If you've successfully had it installed before, and your computer hasn't gone thru any significant changes since the last time you played it, then like Sand says, it's possible a new disc might end up being the solution.
  21. Yup, pretty random ... they'll show up eventually. If there's a store you haven't been to at all yet (haven't even talked to the merchant) you can save your game, and if they don't have any robes, reload and try again. Some of them change their inventory, within limits, if you do that. Once you've spoken to them first tho, it's set. Just to mention - some of the better stat-robes, imo, are a lot uglier. I couldn't stand most of them, so I often went thru the whole game using just the black Padawan robe, because I'm character-clothes-snob and they looked the best on-character. On the female models, anyway.
  22. I don't need pc-eating graphics, but I am a sucker for style, and I don't like that art style. That said, I agree that Blizzard's ability to make fun, addictive games that don't require a beefed up, souped up pc is definitely one of their biggest success features. From my limited tech-standpoint, their MP hosting is another one, imo. I've played many games that might've had a bigger or longer lasting following if their MP aspect/access hadn't been so limited/terrible.
  23. I find it interesting how there are so many more city lights on the Eastern half of the US than the Western. I guess we're packed like sardines on the coast over here. Gotta leave room for those farms and parks and deserts and stuff.
  24. It's a habit I've never been able to break.
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