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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Give me a break, Cant; nowhere did I say that I didn't like Blizzard or thought they had a terrible programming/tech record re: their games. By fast food I meant the style of the games they tend to be (often) noted for, that many on this forum say they dislike - ie, click-fest no-story action RPG's.
  2. Well, I don't know about voice vs. music, but I use Sony's MDR-V300, and I like them quite a lot. Not really big, but decent sound quality for the size, even the bass. Price - maybe 50 US? Two minor caveats - if you wear eyeglasses most of the time, they may not be very comfortable, as they can press the earpieces against the side of your head too much, and the cord gets that hairdryer-twisted-together-cord effect really easily. And of course, like any small-middle size headphones, a good seperate sound system might overwhelm them on certain frequencies (classical ranges or bass-heavy rap music, perhaps). But on the computer they're great, imo. http://www.onecall.com/ProductDetails.aspx?id=7965 Bigger image
  3. I always disarmed the mines for experience, so didn't really care about floating above them to bypass/speed things up. Or failing that, in normal difficulty at least, I'd just run right through them. :D And yes, I think HK did call him that, once. heh
  4. We're getting my sister-in-laws kittens a bit sooner than we'd thought. So tonight I shall be sleeping with cute and rascally small kitties. And a lot of Claritin. :( And I'm worried about Misty. I've noticed she's lost some weight recently - she's not even close to fat anymore. It wasn't immediately noticable because of all her fur. I'm hoping it's because she doesn't like the kitty kibble I switched to after the pet food scare, which would then be a good thing (not being piggy-fat) but she's gettin' old so probably a vet-check for her ...
  5. I've seen a lot of types of fungus and molds in houses, on walls, ceilings, etc, - often pretty large, fuzzy and disgusting patches - but never mushrooms.
  6. Whether one likes their games or not, typically Blizzard makes good fast-food games, and usually supports them better than most, even years and years later. Whether they've lost their 'magic touch' or not because of those who left, I haven't decided yet. As much as I might like a well-done Diablo3, I'd like a completely new game even more ... not likely that's their next move tho.
  7. Graphically, GoTo had a tendency to constantly block my view with his huge round ... self ... by zipping in front of me or just plain floating too nearby. With the lack of anything to really distinguish him from another ranged npc, he wasn't worth using. He did have some funny cut-scenes tho.
  8. Over the weekend I learned to always check that you haven't accidentally hit the diopter adjustment dial on your camera.
  9. From Hurlshot's mini-description - I now want this game ... even tho I'm like BigBottom and already have a couple on my desk unplayed.
  10. What exactly is so much better story-wise? NPC's talk more when you click on them, or the fetch quests all seem to tie into something a bit more comprehensive, or something else? If the first one, I probably wouldn't think it was an improvement. But I'd probably give it a try anyway, if I had more time. I think MMO's can be a lot of fun for a while - when it gets old I just stop payin' - but for me at least, I need the time to seriously obsess over the game, and I don't have that at the moment. I'll keep it in mind tho for when I do - I'll admit the cartoonish aspect of WoW - and the graphically Warcraft based races - wasn't my fave thing.
  11. I don't know if it's my favorite, but it's all I can think of this second. "Y'know the thing about computers, the thing I like, is that I'm immersed in them but it's not like a living thing that's gonna leave, or die, or something." - Chris Cooper in Adaptation There were a lot from the book Wisdom of Insecurity that I liked for their philosphy quote-factor, but I'd have to find my copy of the book to quote from it.
  12. Uploading a zillion directories and files for a plugin and then upon install, having a message say there's a new version of the plugin already (not on the official site yet) and having to re-upload/overwrite all those files again, is a pain in the @!@#$. Other than that, my day has been peachy.
  13. LadyCrimson


    What is the purpose of the peanut butter? In that small amount, it's probably not for really for taste - thickening? Wouldn't corn starch or flour work just as well or better? And I don't know about other areas, but Spam doesn't seem very cheap here, per pound. I thought one of it's hallmarks was being cheap.
  14. I would be scorched and crispy on the outside but light and tender on the inside. Like BBQ chicken. More seriously - I don't think I could be one or the other. Too much discipline required for Light, too much evil masterminding plotting for Dark, so I'd have to give up the dream of being a Jedi and just be a civilian.
  15. Yeah, been done a lot before, but I know that boredom sensation ... And so I'll say ... um ... Atton. He's just too cute not to love. ARGGH.
  16. Hubby hates the store-bought cardboard-like tomatoes so this year he finally decided to grow some. We decided on potted ones since our neglected yard would be too much work to cultivate. The plastic containers he brought home were a lot bigger than I was expecting - I guess he wanted the big tomatoes. :D
  17. I didn't finish K1 (I played K2 first ...), but I did get far enough to meet/get the wookie ... in fact that may have been one reason I never got back to K1.
  18. There was a brief moment in time when I wanted to be an astronaut, but then I got a little older and realized it wouldn't be like in Star Trek ...
  19. No, I mean something that's not a re-tread of a series that's known to make him money via a built-in audience. Also, I'd be interested to see if he can still make a movie that isn't fantasy fluff - ala American Graffiti. Not that fantasy fluff isn't great. I'd just be curious.
  20. Can only speak for K2, but my preferences were Atton and Disciple, with occasional doses of Bao-Dur. I don't think I have any logical reasons for my choices - I just liked them. Atton did well at either ranged or Jedi, and Disciple could make a good tank Jedi. I really wanted to use T3 more, because I also liked him (cuteness factor), but whenever I tried, he just felt useless. Sure he could help out via ranged combat, but not enough. HK was ok, but beyond his funny sarcasm, I didn't think he was that great in combat. Visa's was fine as well, but I didn't find her entertaining - she was a sort of stick in the mud. Hanhar really got on my nerves with all that growling and his backstory-whining. I don't like Kotor wookies at all.
  21. I'd like to see George do something new that is NOT SW related, although at this point, I think it's not too likely ...
  22. I didn't return mine, but I had about the same experience. Which may seem odd, because I'm one of those with "no taste" (ahem, hehe), who liked the first one well enough as hack n' slash to play it for a few months. But the 2nd one was just terrible. Doesn't mean this new game will be the suck, tho - only time will tell.
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