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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Unwinnable battles in general remind me of puzzles in adventure games that are completely random (ie, no way to actually logically figure them out). There is NOTHING so annoying as thinking you have a problem set before you that you're supposed to solve, and then realizing that there's either no way to solve it, or the only way to "solve" it is stupid trial and error and 50 re-loads. Sure, I've put up with it/done it to get through an otherwise good game, but I don't find it fun. I don't have to win a fight to get through a goal - perhaps you may finally realize if you can't win the fight, that the solution is you have to somehow sneak by/trick the baddie instead of defeat/kill him to move on - kind of like getting by Humfrey's moat defenses in the Xanth novel series - but fighting the same battle/reloading for a couple hours before realizing or being told by the game that it was supposed to be unwinnable and there's no other solution would really tick me off. Waste of time I don't really have anymore.
  2. Warcraft is also a RTS, right? So maybe they're thinking of a new Warcraft RTS to go along with their WoW hit? Starcraft does seem a bit more likely tho.
  3. Today I learned that if you're wearing a white shirt and are eating chocolate crackers, you shouldn't absent-mindedly wipe the 'dust' off your fingers by brushing them against said shirt.
  4. I finally saw Aliens vs. Predator. It was absolutely senseless and moronic - but since it made me laugh out loud several times, I can't say it's the worst film ever. And hey, I almost felt bad for the poor wibble Predator at the end ...
  5. I lifted my camera a lot today ... Seriously - it is amazing how just 30 minutes of some exercise a day can make a big difference in how one feels. It doesn't even have to be super-vigorous exercise. Sure, one can go for more conditioning, but in terms of general health, it doesn't take too much, as long as you're not eating 5 pounds of cake for dinner.
  6. I guess I'd have to say character development. Basically, Kotor2 was a game that made me actually pay attention to, and like (or dislike) the characters. Most RPG's I've played, even if I really enjoy the game, characters are just pixels to control to give me an advantage in a battle or there to give me instructions; they affect me emotionally in no way whatsoever. So any that do, are exceptionally memorable to me.
  7. The Lake House. If you're in the mood for the romance drama, it's not terrible. It had one of the fella's from Nip/Tuck in it in a small role, too.
  8. Oooh, how cute, I want one. :D We don't have any red ones near us. I think there are some with red tones, but nothing that red. I need to get back to Yosemite and Tahoe.
  9. Eh? It's just a Calif. ground squirrel. They're everywhere, usually in huge colonies. Gray squirrels (bigger, bushier tails, less like chipmunks) and the like are semi-common, but you don't actually see them in the open very much, except in certain parks perhaps.
  10. Well, I myself thought that Padme post was kind of amusing ...
  11. So going through a bunch of pics, and I was about to delete the one above for being boringly un-printable, when I zoomed in and noticed what the squirrel was eating. The couple feeding this bunch of squirrels - I thought they were feeding them nuts and crusts of bread. Y'know...what people usually feed squirrels? But no! It's a ..... TWINKIE.
  12. Congrats! Now all you need are some minature game control pads for her to practice with ...
  13. Or get the save game editor and/or some mod tools here.
  14. There was a small dead rat in our pool a while back. Yes, I took a picture. So far, however, no human has fallen into our pool.
  15. I rescue bugs out of the pool, pop them in jars, then take pictures of them. heh Does that camera do pretty well with macros? I need to get a few extenders for my macro lens. I hear they're not too expensive. :D I find in terms of taking pictures I either want to be physically up close (macros) or zoomed in max to get up close (animals/scenes from long distances). Every zoom lens I had in the past (film) was always at max-zoom position all the time. I would love to have a 500mm prime. That optical zoom on your camera seemed pretty impressive, so it'd definitely be the sort of camera I'd like when I didn't want to lug heavy camera gear everywhere.
  16. I don't understand that kind of music. I have nothing against it; it's all personal taste, but if I wanted to listen to someone screaming in my ear I could just pick a fight with my family, or something ...
  17. I'm kind of hoping that smiley face doesn't come with it ... then again, it'd make an interesting convo piece...
  18. I hope it's not a Kotor MMO vs a Kotor3. I personally find MMO's fun to play for a couple months at a time, just like any other game, perhaps, but the MMO as a constant fad on the whole is rather ... dull.
  19. Hubby has a Canon Rebel SLR and during a trip today he managed to accidentally (and fuzzily) catch me in the background of a couple of pics. One of those "picture of someone taking a picture." I was trying to take a picture of these. There were a bunch in tidepools fighting over some dead snail meat. I failed to get a great shot tho.
  20. He's a scientologist? Oh well ... he's still cool in the show.
  21. I have no real answer, but I've seen articles just before the release of NWN2 that said NWN sold about 2 million copies, and more recent articles stating that the 'NWN franchise' has sold about 3 million. It seems to be pretty hard to get sales figures for games tho, beyond the no-figures 'top ten' lists?
  22. I forgot ... I was going to make the reply to this comment. My husband has said similar things before. Another of his favorite things to say (nothing to do with seasonal birth stuff) is that dictionaries frustrate him, since how's he supposed to look up a words spelling if he doesn't know how to spell it to look it up?
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