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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I love zoos. We used to go the SF Zoo every couple of years. But now it's too much hassle to go to SF for something we've already seen a half dozen times.
  2. I think it has more to do with simplicity. Not everyone is a control-freak/tech-geek who cares about or would even use/utilize all the stuff that pc's supposedly are "better" for. (Edit: ie, they don't care about "performance" but functionality/ease of use in what they use a computer for, and that's it ) Now, I'm just generalizing here...I'm sure there's lots of Mac users who pant "ooo pretty," as well as those who want more Mac software support and like to tinker, but well .. then they'll either buy a PC as a 2nd rig or switch to the type of computing that works better for them. Also, for a while at least, Mac did very well at marketing in schools. Thus parents who could only afford one computer would buy a Mac to match what their kids used, and perhaps now it's habit. It's what they're used to, and perhaps they have no reason to change. People like what they're used to. Let's face it - both Mac and PC suck in their own special ways, just like everything else. That really depends on how you use computers. My mother has owned two Macs in 15-20 years. I don't think that's very expensive, even if it might've been a bit cheaper if she'd bought PC/Windows. Obviously, if you're into games or anything else that requires/makes you think you need frequent rebuilding of a rig to keep up with the times, Mac's can be a disadvantage (so I hear, I don't own one). But perhaps a lot of mac users aren't that type of computer user and thus the initial cost doesn't bother them much. Because this is a forum populated by (somewhat) hardcore gaming fanatics who largely use PC's. I find on many such forums, any mention of "Mac" tends to turn into "PC vs. Mac" and then "Mac sucks." Heh
  3. Hmm...if you use Firefox, there's an extension/add on called Scrapbook. I have not tried it so can't tell you if it's any good or if it does all of what you might want. The Firefox page of user-reviews is here. edit: typos
  4. @taks - hehe I ate some teriyaki beef/rice for lunch as the Boston/Yankee game started. Almost 4.5 hours later (but only 9 innings), the game is finally over and I'm hungry again. That was one wicked/stressful (to fans) game ... possibly one of the best ... certainly one of the weirdest ... what is it about Bos./Yank games that are so crazy?
  5. OMG *laughing* '81 Dodgers win, and 4 of the players went on Solid Gold ... I saw this when it aired ...I've remembered it ever since and it always crosses my mind when I see a Dodgers game etc. Can't believe someone had it and put it on YouTube... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtaafSTzcDA
  6. I'm so sick of i-everything... But that's an interesting and imo important distinction far as the "Apple vs. MS" goes.
  7. Haha, and I agree. I saw dubbed Das Boat on VHS the first time, and I thought "nice sub scenes but what's the big deal about this movie?" Then I saw the subtitle version, and suddenly it's one of my all time fave films of all time. But hubby hates subtitles (he's a verrrry slow reader) so I don't see many films that have them. No movies seen yet this week. Maybe over the weekend.
  8. I've been busy, but not much worth relating on a forum. However, I just ate a banana, and half way through I hit a gross mushy spot, which reminded me of why I don't generally like eating bananas.
  9. Hope she's ok. Hubby's tuning up his van in the driveway. I said "feel free to that to my car too." He says "I can't , it's a Subaru." Haha...no one likes to work on Subaru's.
  10. Hard to give advice without knowing anything about you and yours likes/dislikes. Not that I'd have a great answer anyway...hubby and I have the issue where he's utterly spontaneous/won't commit to anything and I'm more of a planner - plus we hate spending $100 renting jetskis for an hour or whatever. We've been together long enough that these days we just putter around ... But let's see ... --parasailing --parachuting --concerts/plays (make a dinner/night of it) --roller coaster/amusement parks. If they do night shows/concerts stay and see one. --conventions on something you two like --Las Vegas --Get in your car one weekend, start driving in one direction, and keep going for a day/night. Stop at any town/store/local fair etc. that seems interesting to either of you. Stay overnight at a camp or hotel. We found our fave jerky spot that way. --helicopter tourist rides --see sports events live instead of on TV --horseback riding/tours --just walk around touristy areas of big city and shop/eat And finally, remember it's not always that your other wants "uber-exciting" so much as just "get out of the house" and/or "initiating stuff means you care/think/notice about me and my wants (without being told)."
  11. Lurking to read Kevin Spacey's twitter feed is becoming a guilty pleasure. I don't give a fart about Oprah or most others, but Spacey's my man. Not to mention, some of the Red Sox are on there. Curt Schilling is nuts.
  12. Is this more of a city sim or is it more akin to AoE etc? Their "beginner guides" aren't very helpful....
  13. Can you open the page in multiple windows and just do different things in each box? I guess the play-timing would be impossible tho. Edit: Oh NVm, I'm being a dufus again. It'd just overlap during it's repeating cycles.
  14. Like this? http://crimsonkeep.com/downloads/mp3/alanschu-amlab4.mp3 Hard to edit the front/back to make it a complete smooth transition tho.
  15. r-click the big box, copy, paste into forum post.
  16. So this is some kind of music//math tech exercise thingie or something, isn't it? No wonder I don't get it. I tried something more symmetrical, but it means nothing to me. heh 41512,16400,1282,2692,5440,2688,5440,2688,2688,5440,19088,70980,19088,34056,6554 0,41512
  17. It's too tinkly for me ... but definitely better tech-designed than what I'd probably ever come up with. I just go by what my ears like. heh PS - some of the ones people posted far down the page are pretty awesome.
  18. You're so symmetrical. Similar to my first but more refined - I just made some adjustments so it's more pleasant sounding/less discordant (to me). I wanted a new-agey sound and I think I did it better that time. 74752,37376,18688,32768,81920,8192,18432,4096,8192,16384,8192,4096,2048,512,5120 ,69632 I'll try to make something fancier later. Not enough time right now.
  19. That is AWESOME. I like simpler, so here's my first quickie. 67584,8200,32768,4096,128,32768,2048,8192,32768,8256,2048,512,0,256,1024,65664
  20. Melting, as I always do as soon as the weather gets anywhere near warm. Trying to figure out what "Fantasy Baseball" is and why so many people seem to do it/refer to it.
  21. Marley & Me. I liked it about as much as you can without actually loving it. That's a good thing, btw. I'd heard it wasn't a 'slapstick' comedy, like the ads might make you think, and it definitely wasn't. Much better than that. Some laughs, but also poignant moments about how life has twists and turns. More like the tone of When Harry Met Sally, maybe.
  22. Look at it this way - less potential dental expenses!
  23. Oh? Is it public or just for them to use, if you know what I mean? If it's public, and you remember the name, I'd be interested in knowing what it is.
  24. I was thinking about the "mainstream" issue ... isn't that going to be a potential problem with any 'net social network kind of thing? As soon as enough people hear about a thing/use it, it becomes too bloated to be attractive to the average person. Thus these things just feel like tech-fads that won't last. Programs like ICQ etc. seem better for friends/family. Some kind of central company-twitter might be interesting, where people could "follow" companies and comment/suggest in one place (but couldn't really talk to each other so much). That way I could keep up with a lot of company etc. news w/out having to check dozens of different sites and companies/the famous might reach more than just those who already know about them and go to company-specific fora, but...ah well, guess I'm just not into this social networking stuff.
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