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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. ply you with booze, do thing to/with you... uh, huh, i see how it is. taks I walked right into that one.
  2. ST is getting really good reviews. I have the impression it will please casual ST fans and non-fans because of plenty of winky nods to the ST:OS and being, largely, a fast-paced action CGI flick akin to the comic movies, except w/spaceships. I also think that I'll like the movie quite a lot for it's own merits, but that it won't feel like Star Trek to me, just a great sci-fi flick. I'm too old-guard...but hopefully I'll be wrong on that. I thought he was awesomely sexy in LoTR and in general, but the stills from ST have him looking plastic-greasepaint faced. Is that a false impression?
  3. I remember the pics you've posted. The one way to get me to talk a lot, fast, in initial social conversations is to ply me with booze. Which isn't easy to do since I generally don't like booze. One on one suits me a lot more than large gatherings, which I usually avoid like the plague. But for the OB forumites I'd try to get over that.
  4. No, in the context you're bringing this up, I don't agree. Enoch said: He is, I assume, talking about rules, not morals. Whether a rule is stupid or not is subjective/moralistic and could be debated forever...the point tho is that if there's an official game rule and you're caught breaking it, you have to play by those rules and take the heat.
  5. I haven't seen anything that actually confirms the male enhancement rumor. Only that "sources" claim that's what the prescription Rameriz was getting was for. I don't consider unclaimed "sources" to be a reliable source of facts. Others say that he's not contesting the 50 game suspension equals he's afraid of an in-depth background probe etc. Take your pick on rumors. But it a good reminder that at this point it's too early to say how guilty Rameriz may be. No one can tell for sure who is/isn't just because of they way they look or perform. Drug tests become better/more subtle refined and ways to avoid/pass them become better. Yes there's a lot of stuff that can cause positive tests on someone who's likely not a regular/serious user of the "bad ones" but I think juicing is a lot more prevalent than people want to believe, and has been for years.
  6. What I've read some people worrying about in terms of 'credibility' is what such players do to stats/records. ie, you can no longer trust them. You could expunge personal records like "most bases stolen" but you can't expunge "World Series Win" ... ie, people begin to doubt a team would've won. I'm not sure how valid that might be ... I tend to think most of the time, not so much, but maybe once in a while.
  7. It only "ruins" it because it's not part of the rules ... ie, not everyone uses it, therefore the 'contest' isn't an equal playing field. Maybe they could have steroid-leagues for those who want to compete w/others who like to chemically enhance all they can be.
  8. Yeah, I've met a few as well, and agree. Or at least, they are always different than what you first envisioned (edit: not always a bad thing, either). I like to think that in general my net personality is pretty much the same as my RL one - but text doesn't reveal things like ... hyperactive leg bouncing, my childish bored-habits like tossing wadded up pieces of paper at my spouse, my combo of very laid back yet fairly reserved demeanor, or the fact 23 hours a day, I'm extremely non-entertaining.
  9. Seriously? LOL Maybe that's why he was always causing a ruckus. Now maybe all the BoSox fans who still holler that we shouldn't have let Manny go will shut up about we "need" him. I'm still laughing.* *I don't personally think performance drugs in pro-sports are cool/should be used, unless perhaps everyone used them(and the same ones), if y'know what I mean - but I still find this hilarious.
  10. An Obsidian Forum BBQ would be one of two internet-meeting type things I would actually make an effort to go to. I don't know what the results of such would be, but at the least I bet it'd be memorable. And ... uh ... seemed like I was going to type something else about "my day" or something, but now I've forgotten what it was. Um ... I had a really good pastrami sandwich, tho.
  11. If you don't/never watch AI, this probably won't seem funny, but I just about busted a gut laughing. One of the "Top4" tried to sing "Dream On" (never a good one to do on AI) last night and that last famous note was awful. So someone made an "extended version" of his performance, looping the note several times. I love the internet. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGw8gjCwzEE
  12. Never found him funny, but as always, still sad to lose pop culture icons. It won't be long before I won't recognize anyone in a movie or on the music stage anymore.
  13. Exactly. If you're never going to be more than a day or two's hike from your car, in a fairly popular recreation park, and if it psychologically makes one feel better to have a cellphone at all times, that's cool. It's probably even helpful in those cases. But in deep remote areas ... well, if you're that concerned you should fork over the cash for a good PLB, or, um...not go tromping around such areas in the first place. :D
  14. Quantum of Solace. Disappointing. Some nice action scenes to be sure, but the story kinda sucked. For one thing, unless you'd seen the first film last week (I saw it maybe 5-6 months ago, I think), this movie dumps you into a plot that feels like it's already half-over, leaving me confused and annoyed. Even tho I understood what was going on in a general way, it didn't feel like a plot at all. More like an epilogue.
  15. After being essentially told that a choice to not take a cellphone camping/backpacking in extremely remote areas is "foolish/unrealistic", I've been musing on how reliance on high-tech has made most people incapable of taking care of themselves without it. ie, how many people know what plants are edible, or would have a decent chance at building a fire without a lighter/match. Most people (in the US) don't even bother to learn CPR or basic first aid beyond putting on a band-aid. I fear the humorous vision of far-future humanity in WALL-E might not be too far wrong. :D
  16. Epic Oakland vs. Seattle game on now. 15th inning, 7-7. They both scored 3 runs in the 13th to keep it tied. Much more entertaining than Boston's earlier loss.... After this is over, going to watch that 2nd "new Bond" movie on PPV.
  17. Our neighbors with the 50 cats have now built a large birdcage next to our shared fence that's taller than the fence. Little tiny chickadee-like birds who go "tweet tweet" all day long. Maybe they sell them. Arrrgh. They can't move out fast enough for me. On the plus side, it's funny to watch their cats sit on top of the cage trying to poke paws at the birds.
  18. Nap didn't help. I'm still sooper-duper tired. My eyebags have their own suitcases. Zzzzz. Should I watch the Redsox game on the smaller PC or on the big TV? PC has daybed/easier net access, big TV has couch. Connected the game pc to the TV last night to checkit - mlb.tv looks pretty decent at 50", I'm surprised. Quite a bit better than some of the non-HD signal channels, very watchable.
  19. 95F to ... rain and clouds. Cool. Got up early, fed cat, picked up hubby/dropped off hubby, did some stuff for my mum which entailed me driving back and forth from her place to mine a few times. Lack of sleep lately, hard to keep eyes open, except during times of cussing out people who are apparently unable to merge even at the snail speed of 10mph. Got home. Fed cat. Turned on some tunes. Nappy time. I get cranky w/out my nappies now.
  20. @Wrath of Dagon - I'd concur that is a distinct possibility. Left-field: See this? http://bouncewith.me.uk/europe/8027043.htm
  21. Had two friends snap vertebrae in their middle/upper backs from dirt biking but lucky to not have it damage their spinal cords. They're both up and generally fine now....and both got back on their dirt bikes for a few more years. Crazy stuff, the human body.
  22. I wish we had a hooters here. I have a feeling I'd be very amused.
  23. until i read the rest of the explanation, i thought it made perfect sense. ahem. taks Where's the *hehe you cad* smiley? It was usually about chemistry. I really don't remember many actual "convos" before first dates...opening lines, yes, but convos...no.
  24. @GuardDog - Hugs. The randomness of fate is definitely the pits sometimes. Just remember to try and focus on the positives - you can walk and you're still alive, and you've got places like this to vent during the bad days. I hope you're feeling a little better today. Today: Learning that being the only child currently living very close (and doesn't work...) to a now-alone parent means getting a lot of visits. I enjoy them, and I'm trying very hard to be supportive and good company, because I worry about her being alone etc. but I'm also not used to it (the frequent visits) and I'm very tired.
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