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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Yesssss....... It doesn't look pretty because I installed it on my ancient pc first to see if it would even run. It does...mostly. Haha Now to put it on the somewhat better PC...
  2. Ok, it's not technically a car...not to mention, not technically invented yet...but I'd like one of these. If I had the money, I'd get the guy to make me one. Forget those 30-second old style things...7-20 minute flights would be more than enough for quick trips to the store! Micro Turbine JetPack. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lcMHfJoY_M
  3. Is this real? It's like what The Onion would do, or something. Worried about swatting a fly? Fly abuse, oh noes? Oh PETA....have a grand old time going after all the fly-swatter companies. *snicker*
  4. Wasn't there a time where you could see the tally of your WoT posts? Or a percentage number, at least? I kinda miss that. Heh Most of mine are probably from the Kotor forums, way back when. I shudder to think what it'd be including WoT.
  5. @Gorth - lol Boneless beef ribs are relatively cheap --$3-4 a lb vs. $6-8 a lb for the better sirloin/t-bone/ribeye steaks-- and taste pretty good (ie, like ribs) when BBQ'd. More tender than the cheapie steak cuts, too. Don't laugh, I never tried buying them before. I'd see them, but think "if I want ribs, I'll just buy the rack o' ribs..." And they cook faster/easier w/out all that bone. The gas-grill is working out nicely. Just leave the crusty stuff on the burner covers/drip pan area for the smoke effect and it starts to taste something closer to charcoal grilling.
  6. Oh yeah, hubby also liked the Oldsmobile 442's. I can't think of any new/modern cars either of us would have the hots for. The 50k+ sports cars are all so mundane...and only good for cruises down beach roads. ...but assuming I could comfortably ride one, I wouldn't mind getting one of these, because they look fun for casual riding. Piaggio MP3 500
  7. I wanted a 911 for a long time...or a early/mid 60's Mustang...but I probably couldn't reach the pedals and see out the window at the same time. Problem w/most sporty cars for me.... Hubby used to want a mid-60's Ford Falcon - actually he had a very beat up one, but he wanted one in good condition, heh: He also liked Chevy Impalas.
  8. I think hubby and I spent $20 on some sterling silver bands at a jewelry convention. Hahahaha. No engagement ring, we were poor then and I'd just lose it anyway. We haven't worn our rings for a while now...took them off one day while swimming and just never put them back on. Someday I'll get us some titanium bands or something, tho. And congrats, Kor. May you be blessed with decades of hall-sex bliss!
  9. Agree about too many sub-genres. It's reaching ridiculous heights that I consider unsupportable. But that's just me. At this point in my life, I don't really have favorite genre of music....or even favorite bands, really. I hear and like an individual song, one at time, and that's it. I like music with varied rhythm tracks and melodies (think Stomp or Kate Bush)...or music that makes my "spirit soar" (Celtic/Gaelic/orchestra). Songs from any genre may fit either of these categories at some time, so just about every genre will have an album or three worth of songs that I might really enjoy. What I don't like is when music is instrumentally too "busy" or mixed/tortured to death, or too monotonous over the entire song. I don't typically like screaming as singing, either. In other words, usually I like melody over cacophony. I always dig my 80's roots. Lots of 60's rock n' roll and 50's/60's folk rock too. Modern rock/metal music mostly escapes my notice, except when TV/internet points it out to me.
  10. Fever Pitch. Yes, I watched it because it's a Red Sox themed film...kind of. It was ok. I think While You Were Sleeping made a better romantic comedy, since Fever Pitch didn't really hit my funny bone that often. But it was watchable. Although I have to say...I can be an obsessive nut at times, but even I wouldn't go as far as Jimmy Fallon's chr. in the movie.
  11. Still waiting for summer to arrive. Apparently it's on vacation.
  12. Don't know of a 'best' method...not even sure there is one, for actual live streams (vs. prerecorded videos). Try a desktop video capture program. I'll let you Google.
  13. The remake of Journey to the Center of the Earth w/Brendan Fraser. Did not watch in 3D. Cute in spots but mostly meh. The background props/paintings/sets seemed subpar too, reminding me of 60's/70's. Maybe that was intentional. Or they blew all their budget on the big dino scene.
  14. I love taks. Just sayin'. Wondering what makes good backyard garden crops. Corn is out, too many crows/birds/squirrels. Tomatoes, strawberries, jalepenos, blackberries and honeydew this year....but thinking of expanding the 'farm' area for more plantings next year. Problem is we're not that into many vegies, particularly in large quantities. Maybe our own lettuce/cukes? Garlic/other herbs?
  15. Twinkies will always be Twinkies, I'm sure. After all, they probably have at least 200 years worth already on the shelves...
  16. So far today, I've stayed up all night, as I've unfortunately been doing a lot of ... stress ... but it has had the side benefit of my discovering all kinds of enlightening and useful info via the internet, such as the fact Squirmels have become available for purchase again in the past few years. I've also learned that Snuggies shed to nothingness before too many washes and have a tendency to fall open in the back, ala hospital gowns. This is brilliant stuff I'm learning, and it's all possible because of the internet! Later hubby and I going to visit my mother to help her some semi-techy stuff and I hope I can get some sleep.
  17. I think this would fall under the overpayment type of scam. ie, they give you a fraudulent check/MO that you deposit...then somehow convince you to send them money back before the bank rejects their stuff for insufficient funds. W/my own quick google, I think one of the later mails from the other similar craigslist scams would look something like this: So they'd probably send you a MO, then send another mail/call claiming they've canceled the furniture delivery and desperately need those 'extra' furniture funds back in order to cover moving expenses. Since you think it's 'extra' beyond your rent fee, you send it. Etc.
  18. You are confusing my (irritatingly constant) general dislike for equating personal feelings/culture beliefs/trends with fact, with an attempt to actually change your own emotional stance about suicide. I wasn't trying to change anyone's personal opinions there. I don't really feel strongly about it one way or another. I think suicide is a sad choice and a selfish one, but my personal feelings are that selfish does not always mean cowardly. I can, however, understand why some feel that suicide is cowardly. I just don't necessarily agree.
  19. Yeah, I've noticed that too.
  20. uh huh, but the average woman only has one egg per month and then after fertilization requires a full year to get back into condition to have another (at minimum) Mathematically, since it was 11 different women, that's only about 2 kids per woman. That's not hard or mind boggling...it'd take less than 2 years. But they could definitely have used some birth control...
  21. I started to watch this simply because there was nothing else I was interested in that night, and the American Idol wannabe dude was in it. The show is awful. I couldn't watch even half of it. Worse than Fear Factor. And then I saw Lou Diamond Phillips and I shook my head...even for charity, WTH did you choose to be on this show, Lou? Why, oh why? Spencer and Heidi - 2 of the more loathsome TV personalities I've ever seen. And I had no idea who they were or why they were 'celebrities'...I still don't. Nor do I want to. Got it Tivo'd, looks hilarious! Nowhere near as funny as the ads made it seem. Cute moments, but mostly...not. Granted, I don't like Bear very much, but even Wil wasn't that amusing.
  22. That's not fact...it's cultural perception. There have been cultures and times when it was considered noble/honorable. *shrug*
  23. I've read other articles claiming there were cords wound around other areas of his body. Maybe a sexual kink gone awry vs. suicide? ...regardless of cause, it's still sad, and he was an icon of my youth. I will miss him. edit: typo
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