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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Oh..that's where the shorter one came from I guess. I couldn't get blizzard.com to load for a while, either. lol
  2. Wait, the one on YT isn't nearly as long. I'll wait for dii.net.
  3. Oh...that's easier. But I'm in the middle of downloading diinet's, so I can have a hard copy.
  4. I was finally able to get dii.net to load and start playing the actual monk gameplay video. I'm definitely making one of these first. The Witch Doctor/Barb is unappealing and the Wizard...well, maybe.
  5. I also don't have 9 cats anymore. Only 1...and probably not for much longer. Won't be getting any new ones for a while, either. What I did yesterday: shoveled 5 garbage bags full of the stupid, tiny-sized and cat-attracting tanbark mulching that whoever lived here before us used to cover up all the dirt areas in the front yard. Replacing with more rocks and cement paver stones. Still tempted to remove the front lawn and pave the whole thing over and just use a few giant plants/trees in barrels for decoration. Lawns....meh.
  6. I'm going to take a wild guess the Monk has "prayer" powers of self-protection/melee enhancement, with less focus on them helping other players.
  7. I'm rarely impressed by any game trailer...since they're usually nothing at all like actually clicking your way through the game. But it is nice to see how the Monk will look (while moving) and using what I assume are some of his skillz. One of those skillz I'd guess to be a magic protection shield of some kind, form the way he responded to all the fire bolts falling down towards him.
  8. District 9: A solid B, maybe a B+. I liked it quite a bit, although not quite as great as all the hype. Had some very intense scenes that may stick with you a while, interesting main character (in terms of his back and forth like/dislike he makes one feel) and a crowd-pleasing action ending.The allegory is almost too heavy-handed to be truly effective, but that's sci-fi for you, so roll with it. There are tons of subtitles, in case that sort of thing annoys you...and while the 'shaky' & super-fast cut camera work isn't all that bad compared to some, it's definitely there. My husband didn't like the movie overall to begin with, but he particularly dislikes 'shaky camera' trends and ranted on about it for quite a while.
  9. Monk class! Awesome! I think it's a cutscene, not a cinematic. I assume they wanted to show off the actual class, not pretty chr. CGI that wouldn't be in the actual game.
  10. Then what was the point in stating a specific date, if you're not refuting a specific predictive claim? I guess I'll just respond by stating my opinion that I think predicting the end of the world for a specific date/year is an exercise in general futility?
  11. Well, as you said, such predictive nonsense has been around for ages and ages...nothing new....what I was actually more interested in was this part of your first post: I wasn't aware it was supposed to do that in 2012. (ie, what, exactly, is supposed to happen in 2012...or are you objecting to the predictive concepts in a more generalized way?)
  12. 1 - You know what? Rocks and stuff, even little ones, they're a lot heavier than they look. Just saying. 2 - Have I mentioned I found a use for Twitter, for a while now? Gabbing during baseball games w/other team fans. Like being in a bar/living room with random sports nuts. Yeah, kinda fun. 3 - Happy 40th, Woodstock. I wasn't there (since I was only a baby then), but the music of that time will be in me forever.
  13. What? What new net viral rumor/fad is this? Link please.
  14. No clue. Cable on-demand had the HD-extended version for "rent" and that's how I saw it.
  15. This. Just like what happened with women and smoking (IIRC) at one point. There's probably other contributors, but I'd guess the above is likely the biggest one.
  16. Saw directors cut of Watchmen. It was somewhat plodding in the first half but picked up for me after that...partly, I think, because by then the flashbacks had done their job re: characterization. The guy playing Walter Kovacs/Rorschach was great, and I loved his character. I think his character alone made the film, for me. Not the best movie, but a B or so for it's genre, imo. Now, I haven't read the GN...the new styles haven't appealed and I've ignored them for a couple decades. But I went to the bookstore and bought Watchmen. I preferred the movie, but not because it was all that different (except for a few key points) and not because I didn't like the story itself. The illustrative & narrative style/presentation in annoyed & distracted me I guess...along with the large text info segments. I think those would have worked better at the end of GN as appendix reads. Plus, Rorschach felt flatter and less compelling on paper, w/out a lot more 'inner thought' insights like a text novel might have...he was certainly less frightening/pathos inducing. Anyway...an all-text novelization I might enjoy a lot more than the GN...is there one?
  17. The wildcard spot is still very up for grabs, but wow, I thought Boston was going to lose the game tonight. Awesome 9th inning...and no, not just because "my" team ended up w/a win, but as one of those games that showcases how exciting and 'not over until the fat lady sings' baseball can be. And why most fans don't leave until the game's last out. Well, unless their team is losing by 15 runs in the 8th, maybe. I've seen many late inning comebacks like that, from many teams...and they're always pure awesomesauce to watch.
  18. No no, really, it's one of the best comedies on TV atm. Like a couple weeks ago when the Sea Shepherds attempted to use their super-expensive prop-fouler on one of the Japanese harpoon boats and they missed with it (they ALWAYS miss with the prop fouler), but when they went around to get it back so they could try again, they found the Japense were already fishing it out of the ocean and then took off with it, leaving the Sea Shepherds all crying and sad that their prop fouler was stolen. ANd then they became afraid that the Japense were going to use the prop fouler on them and started driving their boat around in circles as fast as they could so they wouldn't get prop fouled. Hmm...unintentional comedy? Maybe I'll give it a shot. I think cable has some on-demand episodes.
  19. Look, I regularly go to a forum where there's a lot of people who like to debate baseball in a similar...enthusiastic...manner as your previous post. I have nothing against it and they seem to have a lot of fun. I just don't enjoy it myself and try not to get engaged in it. As for trolling, except perhaps for one snarky line, I don't think my actual postings constitute trolling. But whatever...we sports fans are definitely a contentious lot at times. Anyway...there's a lot of debate going on in "my" net world over the Youk brawl last night. I'm always a little disappointed (tho also, hypocritically entertained...) when players let emotions get the most of them like that but understand the snap nature of 'em. And Lowell stepped up as pinch-runner/hitter nicely. Still, we'll miss Youk's offense/defense during his inevitable suspension. Oh well...C'est la Vie.
  20. Stupid 2 min. time limit makes for "speed scrabble..."
  21. I liked Last Express quite a bit until I reached a weird glitch that made it impossible to continue. I should try reinstalling it, since that time was years and years ago w/a much older/different pc. Can't think of anything to add, since most games I've played are either at least fairly well known or were terrible.
  22. This thread has done nothing for my desire to watch my first episode of this show. Not that it was very high to begin with. I'm beginning to think I should start breeding chickens & pigs in the backyard for my meat.
  23. Andromeda as in astronomy? That would be cool. Course, I'd want one with cute kittens...but not because it'd be cool. I just like cute kittens. I saw an ad that claimed some kind of monthly service that would NEVER go up....until, that is, your original service contract term was over. Marketers...sometimes you just want to fling monkey poo at them. Today: The sky is very blue, my mood is very happy, and while it's still kind of early, so far this has been an awesome day. For no particular reason at all...it just is.
  24. For laughs, I tested again several times right after another. Download speed went from the 30's to mid 20's and one time being about 19. Wouldn't notice the second-to-second changes that much, of course, but it does make me giggle. Comcast.
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