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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. *pointedly ignores Volurns ranting* I'm feeling pretty happy with V-Mart at the moment. Not that I know much about the trading side of things, but seems it's turning out to be a good one. I miss Masterson's potential long-relief ability - especially during times, like now, when some of Boston's starters have trouble going very long - but so far, V-Mart feels a good fit for the team. Still desperately looking for a consistent, well rounded SS, tho.
  2. I'm not sure I'd completely agree that the Dodgers are kicking this years NL butt largely because of Manny. They did pretty darn well at keeping up their record, seemed like, when he was suspended for all that time. Not saying he doesn't make a difference...no one's going to argue that Manny isn't a great offensive player....but the Dodgers just might have had a shot this year even w/out him. Sometimes teams just seem to gel one year. I also don't think Ortiz' decline has anything to do w/Manny, unless it's a 'roid connection, hahaha. In terms of clubhouse poison...well...he was poison for Boston because he didn't want to be in Boston anymore and kicked up a ruckus. If he's on a team he wants to be on, he's not going to behave in the same childish manner (to try to incite a trade), and thus won't be poison for that team he's favoring, right? Right. There's ninny fans for every team, who like to say silly stuff...(see my 'elitist fan' gripe post a bit above). Try not to be one yourself.
  3. Haven't played WoW in close to a year I think....finally logged on to change my WoW account contact info etc. and discovered there's a WoW Visa. I'm sure it's really old news, but I hadn't noticed. For every $1500 charged, you get a free month of WoW - so for $1500 you can save $13-$15. All I have to say is....pfffft Plus, y'know, imo flashing around a Visa with a Dark Elf on it doesn't make you cool.
  4. Gorgon's work connection is super studly.
  5. I always find it hard to suggest music since tastes are so varied. Plus, I don't exercise in a gym where such distraction might be needed. I combine the exercycle with TV or go outside and am inspired by scenery instead.
  6. Yardwork. Walked in a park. Went to Home Depot. Currently watching the redsox game with one eyeball while bouncing in and out of the house (it's hot). Deciding what's for dinner. ie, the usual. Also realizing that maybe some of my most long term 'net buddies and I have finally grown enough apart for me to consider walking away. Makes me a little sad, but that's 'net life. The internet is big, I'll make new ones.
  7. The Red Sox have a slim chance of still making the wild card, but I don't see it being very probable. Not impossible, but...wow, did they have a lot of weirdness. Injuries, weird trades, pitching collapses, offense collapses, etc. I know teams generally do better at home than away, but this year it's been extreme. Yup...they will be doing a lot of restructuring the next couple years. And that's ok with me. Can't win every season. And I still watch. That's what us masochist fans do...
  8. Despite long term exposure to the internet, I'm still mostly nice, most of the time. Depends on who you talk to...my spouse, for example, might tell you I'm the devil incarnate...
  9. I'm kind of in the same situation, only with me, it's pants. I have no pants. Well, I have 1 pair of jeans and a bunch of pajama bottoms that I wear while errand hopping. A few pairs of shorts. That's it. I go to stores now and then but never find anything I like anymore...used to be junior size small would fit ok lengthwise in leg, but now almost everything is 10 inches too long (for short people). Silly "fashion trends."
  10. I want your internet connection - or at least the upload speed. Don't know if Verizon does that here yet or not....tried going to their site but no easy 'can we serve you where you live' javascript.
  11. If Beckett loses this game tonight, I might join you. It's rare (my being drunk), but baseball can drive even die hard fans over the edge, at times. :D
  12. Makes sense, I figured. And in that case, I'm surprised users didn't rate Comcast, business account version or not, a bit lower. It is, after all, still Comcast. I wish upload speeds were at least twice as fast, it's frustrating....tho I can maybe understand why companies don't want to do that. Is downloading from Steam always local-ish to you, or something?
  13. @Enoch -- Nice wasp picture. I haven't done too many macros recently. Yesterday had to deal with old kitty having 2 big seizures...he hasn't had any for a few months, so that was kinda depressing. But as always, afterward he seems peppy and fine...for an old cat that is. Hope he won't have more for a while now, again. But he's already gone through 99 lives, I keep wondering how many he has left (he's 19ish)? Woke up early. Going out soon, then in the afternoon watching Boston hopefully trounce NY...Beckett is our best hope for that. And here's one more pic from the SF series. I kinda like it, mostly because of the people in the foreground, the splash of bright blue of the girl's jacket. I don't know who they were...random shot.
  14. That is video-cool, but definitely lacks practical usage at this stage. I'm mildly miffed that by the time humans may have robot servants to do laundry and dishes, I'll probably already be dead.
  15. Cable's been playing a lot of Eastwood's later, non-western movies. I always forget just how great In the Line of Fire is, until I see it again. Absolute Power wasn't bad either. P.S. Forrest Gump holds up pretty well, too. It's a film that's so easy watch...it always feels like it should be boring, but yet somehow it isn't.
  16. Re: Boston ... I think Theo's been drunk for a while. I question some of his trades and decisions...while at the same time understanding. The 2004 caliber team can't last forever and many of them are old and petering out. The next couple years of trying to rebuild a new pennant-capable team will be interesting. That said....last night was very embarrassing, even past Smoltz. Smoltz should either retire or be put in the bullpen where his obvious lack of shoulder stamina might work out decently.
  17. Btw, don't feel too impressed. That's just local. Anything near W. coast isn't bad/stays above 20-25, but you test from a server on the East coast and it sinks like a stone. It doesn't matter what your rated speed is vs:worldwide surfing...too many other factors.
  18. I want to know what the star rating means. User ratings of service co? Edit: I did it again just to see how different it'd be moment to moment:
  19. For a few months the only tune I listened to during aerobics was a slightly slowed down version of the Loituma song.
  20. I'm debating, at this late hour, whether to send a quick out-of-the-blue email to someone I knew in highschool, that I haven't seen for 22 years. I always think it'd be cool just to exchange a few emails or something, but then I totally chicken out. Yeah, I'm a wuss. Beyond that...hubby had some interesting work related news today. I can't/won't go into details, but it's potentially exciting, that's for sure. Still, it could turn out it's not a good fit, so we shall see.
  21. I don't personally care about no LAN, because I generally play on bnet or single-player/solo...but hubby won't be pleased. If he wants to play, he wants to play only w/me, and doesn't like using the internet when we're in the same room. Oh well.
  22. Picked up TitanQuest/Immortal Throne again. Reloaded all my previous chrs. Obsessing over items and such is always fun for a while. It'll do until Diablo3 comes out..
  23. The International. 2.5 out of 5 A strange movie where visually it's awesome and it keeps you watching, but the characters/story leave you cold and unemotionally connected. You don't care what happens to anyone. Yet as I said, you keep on watching. I don't think it was the actors fault...more the director and script. There was one great action sequence more than half way through, tho...and the actor playing the hitman in that scene was awesome. A small role but he was the only chr. who evoked a smidgen of emotional response. If the movie had been all about him, it would've been a much better film.
  24. Elitist fans really get my goat. "If you've never been to Fenway, you're not a real fan." I live 3000 miles away on the West Coast you farking elitist "anti-bandwagon" sports nuts. So I don't want to spend lots of cash flying and traveling to Fenway. Sue me. That said...the Red Sox have been having a bad week or two. Hope they punch their way out of it, but regardless...I'm still watching. Painful as it is, I still watch.
  25. Anyone see "Food, Inc.?" I hear it's great, and I love movies that bash the food industry...but the only place it's playing around here is in a small theater I don't like.
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