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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. leroy jenkins is black Make up sticks. Creative license, too. Not to mention, while the musician Leroy Jenkins was indeed a black man, Ben Schultz, the face/voice behind WoW's Leeroy (yeah I mistyped it earlier), is most definitely not. Neither is the Leeroy on the WoW game trading card. I think Ben's original chr. had dark skin tones, but it's a game with green, purple, and blue skinned folk running around in silly outfits so who cares. He could be rainbow colored. Casting Bruce is still perfect.
  2. Kevin Spacey on David Letterman last night, trying to explain Twitter. A highlight: (after Kevin posts a quick tweet on his account while on the show...) Mr. Spacey:
  3. 12 string guitars are actually quite common Although they're more typically used acoustically, such as in classical guitar. At least at one time. My mother had/has a 12-string Martin acoustic. Very nice.
  4. Yeah, split-brain patients. They do that (rarely) for extreme epilepsy cases. It obviously has some...weird effects re: visual interpretation/correlation of information and also provided interesting evidence of the general "jobs" of the left and right hemispheres. Example, the left brain, by default, is much more geometrically incompetent.
  5. I hereby request ... no, I demand ... that Bruce Campbell makes a cameo as Leroy Jenkins.
  6. I haven't read the books (well I read the first, years and years ago) but if this is turned into an HBO series, I might have to order HBO again for that year. I think a lot of books, fantasy or otherwise, could be well served by a series-long format vs. the 2-3 hr film or 4-5 hr mini-series. Will be interesting to see how this develops, if it could start a new trend, etc.
  7. I still remember a show about this girl, who as she got to be late teens or early adulthood or something, started getting very bad headaches. They finally got around to looking inside her head, and it turns out her brain consisted of a very skinny "thread" that went from back to front, with the rest of her skull filled up with that cushioning brain-fluid. Yet she had been functioning normally for years. The brain is very mysterious.
  8. I'm sorry to hear. Even when it's not completely unexpected, it's still a sad loss for the family. Condolences & well wishes.
  9. Went to Pier 39-Fisherman's Wharf area today, with sister-in-law, brother-in-law, and hubby. Brother-in-law was in town while his wife was attending some kind of medical meeting/test/I dont really know, and he had time to kill. So we wandered around, ate food, yakked...haven't been to that area in 15+ years, it's changed and yet is much the same. I guess it has a Hooters near Fisherman's Wharf, too. No, we didn't go in. heh If it was sunny, you could see the Golden Gate Bridge. Alas, it was cloudy and windy, like San Fran is 75% of the time. The end of Pier 39 is apparently "seal town." This man hid behind his "bush" and would reveal himself/scare passerby. People would actually tip him for this. One lady literally screamed. It was hysterical to watch. This was just...hilarious. Needs no explanation. :D
  10. I figured it'd just be a dull 10 millionth photo series of backyard raccoons, but ok, here's a small collage of some of them. And here is a picture of a part of Oracle's park-like walkways/areas that surround their offices. Seriously luxurious, ponds, paths, huge grass fields/trees and a gazillion Canadian geese. Makes a great place for an afternoon walk during warm days. It's right up against a local marsh reserve/bay inlet park, too, making it feel kind of like all one place.
  11. It's weird, because I liked Morrowind quite a bit. Not in a "best game evah" kind of way, but I enjoyed it and loved mucking around with the alchemy, wandering aimlessly around, and other tinkering stuff. But I recall becoming annoyed halfway through the actual game plot/sidequests and just editing my way to supergear-hood and doing freaky things with the editor for giggles & entertainment, or trying to do things like stay lvl 1 forever (to keep the monsters low), rather than truly finishing the game. With Oblivion, it didn't take me too long to realize it was going to make me feel the same way, so I stopped playing before I even really began. I did think it was pretty, tho.
  12. I'd like to be playing (or at least trying it out) Majesty2, but apparently it's now going to be released in Sept. SIGH.
  13. There are a lot of raccoons around here that roam around looking for dog food dishes and gardens to raid, I suppose - tho they've never even tried to touch our garbage cans. They make loud fence-climbing noises by the windows every night and a couple nights ago I finally went outside...and even followed a mama and her 4 younglings down the street where they hid from me via a sewer drain entrance. Tonight I left a big dish of peanuts as a lure and another one showed up to eat them. The peanuts were the prize for it tolerating my camera flash going off constantly, for 10-15 minutes. :D Who needs to go out to see the common wildlife? It comes to me. Hahaha
  14. "Righteous Kill" w/DeNiro/Pacino. ...some funny lines but the movie itself is a C grade crime thriller with a big lack re: the "thriller" part. Plus, I guessed the ending in the first 15 minutes.
  15. @samm - They're assigned random names, and now gain levels. There's no real traits ala visible stats or anything tho and it's not clear what gaining levels does. More health/damage ala gear, I'd assume. You can reserrect minions (it costs lifeforce) too, so you never have to lose the fancy-hat guys. In the 1st game, I'd reload everytime I lost certain minions. heh And yes, browns still the only ones who have visible gear. So to get some of the hats you have to make sure to take some browns...or in some cases, like the panda hat, make sure you leave one panda alive and bring the browns back later.
  16. How can you not love a game where your minions can pick up silly hats - includ. some 'unique' ones (Champion hats) - and wear them? Dragon Champion (Salamander King) Spider Champion (Spider Queen) Gnome Champion (Finish Kill 1000 gnomes quest) Legion Champion (the most riddiculous 'hat' in the game, lol) Panda Hugger (from pandas in the green hive area) Pea**** Plucker (kill a pea****) Lizard Lover (no idea where he picked up this one, but somewhere in Empire)
  17. That was a tight redsox game today. They won 1-0. And the Yankees lost, so yay. The redsox seem to be in a mid-season mild batting slump. At least, they don't seem to be burning quite as bright as they were last month. But that's ok. Maybe they miss Lowell, heh. I only hope the next time they play Tampa, they can actually win. Tampa has had their number for a while, seems like.
  18. This is very cool, especially since I've never played it. I'll have to check it out. Dunno if I have the patience to play the whole thing, but I definitely want to play. Most definitely.
  19. Looks like a great and fun trip, thanks for sharing it with us. But I have to mention that as of this moment, at least, a few of what I assume to be photos are only displaying a giant ImageShack "Proudly presents" Anti-sec Movement (whtever that is) wall-of-text image.
  20. Finished Overlord 2. Would've done so earlier but hubby hogged the game and he's very slow...besides, I didn't find it quite as obsessive as the 1st game. The end boss was even easier than in the 1st game. Multiple guard markers, sit in a corner and wait...duh. Disappointing. I also missed entertaining 'bosses' like the fat halfing king. The ones in OL2 seemed more straightforward bad guys. The button pushing elevator after Spider Queen was frustrating due to some mouse control bugs/speed issues. But I liked the game overall...just not quite as much as the 1st. However, all the great minion 'champion hats' were awesome.
  21. I know nothing about pudgy football players, but I do know that watching the Red Sox lose a 5 game AL East lead in a week is frustrating as heck. Baseball can be very exciting, but most of the time it's not...it's a game of slow buildups and long innings, punctuated by sometimes miraculous comebacks...even the biggest fans would admit that. But when you're rooting for a team you adore, it's all worth it.
  22. I was thinking about trying to make a short reply to this thread, but then I got to the end and alanschu said it all for me.
  23. When John Cleese goes, I'll be in mourning for a week.
  24. Well at first I thought Overlord2 wasn't going to allow as much 'farming' of lifeforce, but I was wrong. You just have to know the spots. Only thing hard to get/can't 'farm' is the dark crystals. The constant little cut-scenes are annoying - I don't mean the long story ones, but things like in the Tower or the 'show a monster/lever' bits. The section using Greens to stealth around Everlight fort was both delightful and a serious pain in the arse. Mixed emotions on that one. I have a Tower Mistress and a cool looking flaming sword now. I am Overlord hotness.
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