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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Is that an official policy? Depends on the city/town. Wouldn't matter either way around here, anyhow. I don't believe firetrucks have a ladder long enough to reach from the street to the end of a backyard. The only thing that might help is one of those big crane/lifts that can lift people 40+ feet, but since the space between side-fence and house here is only about 5 feet, I kinda doubt they'd fit one through to the yard - or be inclined to try. Most cats manage to come down when they get hungry enough - but humans become worried long before then.
  2. After a combo of pseudo-studious choices and random answers, I was apparently raised by bears, or something:
  3. I played that to death when I was a kid, along with a lot of other folksy melodies, heheh I never got past chords/bar chords tho. Largely strummed those chords for all I was worth. Mom made me do it. I had an acoustic Martin that was small enough to fit my short fingers. Nice guitar. I can't believe how much some people ask for them on ebay now.
  4. Yeah. My short game attention span likes the no-goal sandbox nature of the game. I keep getting to about level 25, trying different factions etc, then re-starting. One game every faction was beating up on Vaegirs and the poor saps were soon reduced to huddling in their main trade cities w/no castles left, so of course I had to join them and help them win back their territories. Hah.
  5. After a few hours I didn't see the kitty in the tree anymore. I also haven't seen the kitty since, so I dunno if he jumped to safety or fell out of the tree in a bad way. Hopefully I'll see him hale and hearty tomorrow. At least the palm tree underneath would likely help break a fall.
  6. Nah. We've done enough routers, switch-boxes and internet/cabletv wires in the attic/walls/running down the hallway to connect our multitude of internet pc's and small bedroom tvs in 4 different rooms as it is. My pc in here, big TV out there....more work, more wall/attic holes, not worth the effort. Plus the hulu vids would probably look terrible on a 50".
  7. Well, I just went outside and saw that one of our side neighbors cats is stuck atop the big tree in our back neighbors yard. Nothing I can do about it, but I suppose if it's still stuck a couple hours from now I'll go knock on the door and let them know. Not they can do anything about it, either.
  8. Porcupine shields. Their shields failed not long after and they were toast. -------------------- Ouch? -------------------- As long as your reach is longer than theirs, couched lance tactic is awesome. One-hit kills ftw.
  9. Their commercials are funny. I occasionally use them to catch up on something, but watching on my pc monitor is not the same as watching it on the huge TV in HD. I'm visually spoiled now, and it's hard to sit still for less. We don't have a DVR at the moment, and I miss it. Plus my computer isn't set up with a comfy lounge chair, so it's not very appealing to watch TV on it. heh I think one of the issues I'm having with the show is that I thought originally it was supposed to be about rich people getting fantasy dates or social thingies, and it seems to be moving in the direction of it being rich people using the service for dangerous criminal missions. Which is it? The boss constantly mentioning the danger-risk percentage of a mission but allowing it anyway is akin to Kirk always mentioning (and then ignoring) the Prime Directive.
  10. I get far fewer colds/flus since I started using the debit card almost exclusively vs. cash. I'm still not convinced flu shots really help that much. A little, maybe. They don't cover all strains, it's a statistical guess, and getting one doesn't mean you're immune from the flu, period.
  11. I've never liked "chick flicks" and my parents OD'd me on most dramas. Not that I haven't liked at least one or two movies from every genre at some point. I don't personally think there are too many comic movies ... I'm just bored of them. It's what happens when I predominantly like a few film genres and their sub-categories - action/suspense, western, sci-fi/fantasy. Comic book movies to me fall into the latter, and no matter how much you like a thing, anything gets old. I wish movie companies spread their genre making trends out a little more, that's all. It's no different than Paramount sucking the life out of Star Trek by making too many series too frequently, out of greed, etc. Re: 300 - Never read the comic, but I enjoyed the movie for what it was. An over the top violent "epic" - and I use that term very loosely - about near-naked impossibly six-packed dudes being macho in the name of honor whilst fighting evil fantasy figures. I admit, I LOL'd in a few places, which made it all the more silly fun.
  12. Overlord2 is supposedly coming out this year. I can't wait. Yes, the first was a silly, irreverent game w/not much replay value, but I still loved it. Plus it was one of the few games my not-a-big-gamer husband has liked/played in a while. I loved beating up hubby's minions while he mumbled excuses under his breath. Heheh.
  13. Today I'm thinking about how no company can seem to make a self-tanner product that doesn't make my pale-for-an-Asian (but still naturally a bit tan) skin kinda orange if I apply it more than once. I read about some that supposedly won't and try them, but the reviews lie. But I haven't tried any that cost 100+ bucks, maybe that's the issue. Har. I don't like skin cancer, so I never sit in the sun anymore, but I do like being tan. Pah. Oh well.
  14. I'm kinda bored of superhero movies too...but probably because at this point they mostly feel the same. The effects/cinematography is cool, but the rest is eh. Movie companies always do that, tho...make a thing to death until they move on. Think I'll go see the new Witch Mountain movie this weekend. Hey, I grew up on the original Disney film. Ike Eisenmann was the cuteness as a kid. Ah, memories. The new one is getting ok reviews, too, for what it is.
  15. Can I ask from what? Anything specific? They've been failing like crazy lately AND they managed to release some sort of firmware that bricked a lot of hard drives: http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/3...7200-11-failing It's gotten so bad that they've removed their five year warranty! It is now three years like the rest of them. I had noticed the last ones I bought seemed to be noisier, in an odd kind of way, which made me nervous about their reliability. I haven't bought any since. Shortening their warranty certainly isn't a good sign.
  16. Did you hit the Lo-Fi link at the bottom? Edit: Or ... try hitting the Options button in the r-upper corner while actually in a thread. Should have a display modes menu from there.
  17. FBI cookie raids! ... nah, I can't see it.
  18. I sadly realized that I no longer like cold pizza.
  19. Ditto. I think for me it was a combo of well-done sounds and use of lighting, creating a feeling of constant tension and maybe claustrophobia at times. For some reason combat felt nerve-wracking and dangerous, and you knew that around every corner, every step something could be coming etc. Shades of the movie Alien1. To me that's not even focusing on horror, that's just focusing on visual gore and the "ewwww"' fascination people have. Such "horror" movies aren't scary, either. To me, anyway. They're more grotesquely comical or just full of the cheap "boo!" moments than anything else. I love scary movies, but real ones that make me feel sustained and palpable tension are rare, just like with scary games. And I have yet to read a book that truly "scared" me. They're just good popcorn fantasy reads, with boogie-men instead of dancing fairies. In a game, I'd define it as an atmosphere or game mechanics that makes my palms sweat every time I know combat may be/is coming...and the sweat is from nervous tension of possible failure because to not fail feels emotionally important somehow. I don't care if you can just re-load - if the game is "scary" the tension/fear reaction will still be there because the game has you avidly living in the moment, rather than a "I wonder if I can whip this boss-dude butt with my starter pea-shooter, haha" semi-humorous/curiosity/because it is there game mindset.
  20. Lee Majors as a middle aged stuntman was funny for a little while. But the theme song was the more memorable. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwZTcGEU23A
  21. And that's why I'm in favor of moderation, not abstinence.
  22. I liked the last episode better than the singer one, and agree the guys in the vault w/her were fun. But the show still hasn't captured me. I keep watching because it's rare I see a show from the very beginning and I don't want to hear how great it became later and then be "lost"until syndication ... but ... Too bad it's on Friday nights.
  23. The singer has to have good voice control to sound great w/out music. Popular solo singers don't usually have to the control of, say, barbershop quartet singers to sound fine behind the music. And backup singers even less. I didn't think her singing in the show was that horrible. Which isn't to say it was good...kinda pitchy on the upnotes...but it didn't bother my ears.
  24. I'm still waiting for it, and Kotor2 is still installed on my old pc in the event it is released someday. Look on the bright side - by the time it does come out, for some of us at least, it'll have been so long since we played Kotor2 that the game will seem almost brand new again, even without the mod additions.
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