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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. LadyCrimson


    Humans suck. Cats and squirrels, on the other hand, are awesome.
  2. Not a picture, but someone's old combat video of Mount & Blade on YT. Screens don't give it justice. Riding around on horseback whacking enemies is soooo addictive. Whether with an army or just you against a dozen footmen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIz4Ms57TDI Edit: Haha! Here's someone with the battle-sizer mod set to 400 or something, making for huge battles (and obvious lag...). I can do up to about 200-250 but after that lag gets so bad I can't play. It's a nice video tho.
  3. Still Mount & Blade, w/no gameplay mods yet, except one to increase the allowed battle sizes to 160. I've become pretty good at couched lance damage/insta kills on a horse (not much trick to that...) but I still suck at melee horse combat. Can never get the pass/swing timing right. Plus, after the initial charge your army of 50+ ends up in a giant clumped brawl that you're better off just watching, anyway. The dashes up the siege ladders are insane (get locked in, no maneuver escape) and you should not attempt to go up the ladder yourself until near the end. Swadian Knights are awesome, but next time I'll try a weaker faction.
  4. How do people even find these threads? Search function is a wonderful thing?
  5. LadyCrimson


    I've been known to throw hammers after I hit my thumb one too many times with them, but I have a feeling that isn't what you're actually referring to.
  6. Why is half the screenshot empty white space? Not complaining, just curious? I've looked for a decent 3D sand-boxy baseball game that didn't have kiddie-cartoon faces ... haven't found one I liked yet.
  7. LadyCrimson


    I love my husband, but his slob nature is the one thing that really drives me crazy at times ... I don't care about bed and clothes but it's the sanitary/dirt stuff that bugs me. He'd leave cans/bottles/raw meat/mayo utensils un-rinsed on the counter until they covered every nook/cranny/shelf and they'd stay there for months. He'd use the same unwashed, stinky bath-towel for a year if I let him. That kind of guy. At this point the only thing he's generally allowed to do in the kitchen is make coffee/toast, sandwiches, and use the microwave.
  8. My older brother's fiance's son is a promising young filmmaker who's won quite a few film festival awards for one of his short films. Maybe one day he'll be famous and rubbing noses with bigshot Hollywood directors. http://www.rosethemovie.com/ The trailer:
  9. "Relationships are unfathomable and oft very irritating" is a concept that's pretty universal no matter what gender. heh
  10. I think we could use a "boys suck" thread to balance this one out.
  11. Well, I have never seen it, so I'm glad it was posted. Gave me my giggle of the day. Hilarious.
  12. I'm considering writing to Arnold and telling him that if he's that worried about a California drought, maybe he should ban lawns and all those L.A. golf-courses.
  13. Since I was a teen Duranie for a couple years, that made me giggle. The last theater movie we saw was "Taken." I mostly wanted to see Liam Neeson kick some arse, which is basically what it offered. It was a mediocre-to-ok action movie, but I love Angry Liam. Edit:typo
  14. Well, ep3 didn't impress me. Echo's progression of seeming to remember itty-bitty memory/feelings despite mind programming/wiping could be interesting, but unless the show becomes consistently better fast, probably won't last long enough for us to care to watch it. The FBI guy is a complete waste of space.
  15. Ring around the castle, besieging is such a hassle. You'd think a King would be worth more than that. Spellcheck, please.
  16. The 21kt won't cover my city, but a 140kt would obliterate my city and several of it's popular surrounding cities (including some of the richest, like Atherton...) as well. Our Mid-Peninsula area is one of those places where you have many small-medium towns/cities clustered together that most people think of as a large whole.
  17. 64. Jonty Barnes ...Anyone w/a large role in making Dungeon Keeper gets my vote. I still have a 1999 PC-Gamer mag that had a list of the "Greatest 25 Game Makers" where they got them all in one room for a photo shoot. For fun and the sense of passing time, when I see new lists like these, I like to compare who from that particular old one is still in the new one. The 1999 article was refreshingly not in a numbered best-to-least-best format, but the people mentioned were: Peter Molyneux, Chris Roberts, Sid Meier, Erik Yeo, Will Wright, Ron Gilbert, John Carmack, Warren Spector, Brian Reynolds, Bruce Shelley, Andy Hollis, Larry Holland, Bruce Carver, Gabe Newell, Brett Sperry, Roberta Williams, Jordan Mechner, Mike O' Brien, Tim Schafer, Hal Barwood, Steve Meretzky, Richard Garriott, Chris Taylor, Norm Kodger, and Justin Chin
  18. Chaotic Evil. Today I'm backing up a bunch of stuff on the 1-TB external HD I bought. DVD-rom backups don't cut it anymore. Beef brisket cooked in a crockpot makes awesome meat for sandwiches and it's cheap. My 18y.o. cat with CRF is sometimes exhausting? exasperating? messy? to care for. Same with husbands, even when they don't have CRF. My mother's heart is weakening and it's making her tired. Makes me (and her) sad. But she's mentally as wonderful as ever, which makes me happy. I remind myself daily that it's the little things that keep us sane and truckin' on. Like the bowl of chocolate ice cream that I'm about to go eat.
  19. I know the graphics are uber-dated - I had to use a mod to help with washed out colors, even - but there's still something marvelously fun about charging up a hill with your calvary. Best horse combat I've seen/done..not that I've seen/done a lot.
  20. I've never minded other people's outdoor cats before. When we first moved in there were a few that would use our fences as highways etc. Normal, no biggie. But the new renters next door ... they like cats, so they're cool, but 4+ right next door is something you notice. Especially when they poop all the time in the dirt/tanbark around the edges of the yard and under the windows...
  21. I'm an internet senior! I personally had plenty of idle time but I didn't get really into pc games until late 90's, so there's a lot of games I've heard of but never bought. And a combat system based on insults does sound pretty funny.
  22. I downloaded it, but it isn't very clear how it changes the game. Is it mostly cosmetic or is there a new map etc? I haven't joined a faction yet ... I'm having too much fun with the trading/independent aspect at the moment. Right now I'm trying to figure out if trying to keep all 16 Companions is worth the headache. The two who dislike "too much fighting" are difficult...the rest not so much. The map travel/battles remind me a lot of Lord of the Realms2 ... there's even the aspect that letting the computer resolve battles for you means much higher losses than you watching your troops while sitting on your horse doing nothing. The more I play the less it feels like a RPG(action or otherwise) and more like a light strategy game w/minions who level up/have stats. The horse combat is awesome. I want a huge army of nothing but calvary charging around. Too bad you can only see 100 units or so at a time, without mods anyway.
  23. I've heard of Monkey Islands, but the games never appealed to me so I didn't try them. Haven't heard of the others. Older style adventure games was one genre I never got into. I'm not all that into plot/stories in games (I read books/watch movies instead), and they generally don't have any meticulous "tinker" value for me to obsess over.
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