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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. They can look out the window. I do let 'em outside for a few supervised minutes now and then but not much. I don't like my kitties being run over by cars. :/ Don't like fleas either. heh One day I'll build an outdoor but fenced in cat-run. Hubby's having one of those days. It puts him to sleep. He needs "emergencies" to wake his brain up.
  2. Heh, yeah, they scamper everywhere. And I think he buries most of them. I've never seen a squirrel so obsessed with burying nuts, he really goes to town. I think he'd come to the door every 10 minutes all day long, but I don't want our yard or the neighbors yards being nothing but peanuts so I only give him a handful. Mine are indoor-only, but there's about 6 cats who periodically frequent our yard. The squirrels don't seem very bothered by them. They'll even be aggressive and chase/battle the cats when they get too close, which is funny. But most of the cats here aren't very big - just the 5-7 lb sort.
  3. This one now comes to the door for peanuts. Soon as he gets one, he dashes off, but in a few minutes comes right back for another one. Often I can tap the peanut on the wall and he'll show up almost immediately. I started doing it this way because of too many large birds that would "steal" peanuts out of a dish faster than the squirrels noticed they were there. The squirrel's buddies aren't as brave as this one, but they often dig up the peanuts he buries. So instead of the bread-winner, I guess he's the "peanut winner." The first hour of my morning now consists of sitting by the glass door drinking my caffeine, w/peanuts in my robe pocket. No, I don't try to pet him or anything stupid like that.
  4. Yeah, we saw that not too long ago. It has a few almost-belly laughs, and is overall a cute movie, but it's not as funny as one might hope. But it's silly-entertaining. Got around to taking that Film Addict "test." Result was 55.6% Which surprised me since I don't tend to like sitting through most 30's-50's classics - the style of acting in those days grates on me. But I guess I saw a lot more of them than I thought I did when I was younger/forced to when I was kid, or something. I've seen a lot of the 60's/70's/80's films (and all Alfred Hitch**** movies, apparently). Like others, there's quite a few on that list I've seen bits and parts of, but not all in one sitting, so I had to say "no" on those.
  5. Started my day by shuffling towards the kitchen for my dose of caffeine and slipping on un-noticed cat puke and falling on my arse. It could only get way better from there, and it did. Rain outside, warm fire inside, smells of cooking, and loved ones. Warm fuzzies.
  6. Not a top 10, just some ones I liked: Rob Petrie - The Van Dyke Show Al Bundy - Married w/Children The Odd Couple (both of them) Benson - Soap Data - ST:TNG House - House MD Gil Grissom - CSI: Vegas Columbo KITT - Knight Rider (1980's) President David Palmer & George Mason - 2nd season of 24 Alex and his Dad - Family Ties Underdog! ...I'm sure there's more and better ones but that's all I feel like thinking of right now.
  7. I don't have the system either, but I'd be tempted to buy one just to check this game out.
  8. On cable this afternoon I watched a 1996 Aussie film called "Dating the Enemy." I turned it on because it had a pre-LA Confidential Guy Pearce and I was curious. But it was one of those tired-plot body-switching movies - guy and gal switch bodies etc. So I didn't expect much but I thought maybe it'd be mildly amusing. Despite a few good jokes that worked (guy in the woman's body having menstrual cramps, stuff like that) it was abysmal...one of those films where the movie stars wished they'd never had to do, I bet.
  9. Right now, I'm trying to convince myself that I like brown rice. I like brown rice It's really really nice Because unlike white rice It doesn't look like lice. ...it's not working.
  10. I saw the title "scandalous" and was expecting drunk lampshade dancing pics or something. I'm disappointed. Seriously...nice pics. I really like the first one, great scenic portrait photo.
  11. The rainwater that had collected in my birdfood dish outside was frozen this morning. Not all the way into a solid round bowl-shaped ice-cube, but more than half-way there. Hey, it's coastal California...doesn't happen too often. I'm still waiting for another sea-level snowfall, like when I was in 2nd grade. It could happen.
  12. I ended up liking TQ/IT a lot and actually finished it. I thought I was going to re-play it, either w/new chrs. or higher difficulty, but it lost me after that. It was very fun while it lasted tho. And I absolutely loved the shared-stash feature. All hack n slash games should have those. :D Still playing Dungeon Siege2...mid-way through the 2nd difficulty and still having a blast. I didn't like the DS2 Broken World expansion very much, so I went back to the "original" version. Broken World has some ok skill re-balancing but the new Act sucks/is boring and I can't stand what they did to the item mods - where every single item feels like some variation of "Chance to do some magic effect on hit" and not much else. Feels lifeless and dull compared to the original three acts, so I'll stick to DS2 2.2.
  13. DS2 has an easter egg level that, among other things, is filled with game-maker persona chrs standing around in many rooms, most with things to say if you click on them. It was kinda cool. The most fun, tho, was "meeting" Chris Taylor, who wa very busy having a pillow fight....and then "stealing" his pillow. Now time to try Broken World. After doing all the stuff to avoid the inn bug (no mods needed, either), I decided to start from scratch anyway, cause I got PO'd at the way BW's lvl 39 npc's are built, compared to what I'd turned them into.
  14. No, I'm not using BW yet. I bought it since it was cheap, but I heard it changes levelup/power/chr. formulas or something - plus I'm a little worried about the inn-bug if you import your party I heard about - so I'm waiting till I finish the original game at least once. I'm almost there.
  15. The thread title excited me. The actual article announcement did not. I thought it was fun. No replay value, but silly fun. It's not DK tho... That's my take on it. I'm sure they can take the environment (you play a monster instead of a "hero") and all of that and turn it into a MMORPG, but to me DK means strategy game...not a RPG. A DK-themed on-line RPG...I don't see it being anything but another WoW or whatever. What would the imps do in a RPG? Could you play as an imp? I suppose playing a Bile Demon with varying levels of super-farting powers might be kinda amusing tho.
  16. Interesting...akin to the meanings behind our human names. I guess Oakland was named for having a lot of oak trees or something...not much change there, hah.
  17. True Lies Terminator 1 & 2. Call me weird, but I also liked Twins a lot...
  18. Graphic 'ho. It's 4 years old after all, using an engine that's probably even older. I remember when Dungeon Siege1 came out 6? 7? years ago and how everyone thought it was so gorgeous for an isometric perspective. lol It's slow to really get going, but the game is fun...unless you just hate hack n slash on principle, of course. As I often say, no such genre game will do anything to change anyone's mind on that. Anyway, w/gamma darker and video higher it can look a smidgen better. Contrast washes out badly if you turn the gamma up to see, the textures seem soft overall, and up close, chrs./monsters have what I call chunky-butt polygon syndrome. But I still like it.
  19. Being trampled to death wouldn't be on my list of "favorite things," no. We're probably not doing much for Xmas, per usual, but all the shopping bargains may be taken advantage of.
  20. How about something new to decorate your tree with this year, in the form of reindeer dung tree ornaments?? Honestly... Source Link
  21. The U.S. State Department reported/confirmed that they died... R.I.P. Sorry to hear. Sounds like you're a good friend. Did mostly mundane household chores this morning. But I did have a dream about coming to this forum and seeing some very strange threads. Srsly, it was a dream, not reality.
  22. There's another Tombraider? Still playing DS2, so ... Packmule when you first buy him If you "feed" him he grows! Ouch. One snake head down, one almost dead, one to go. Sneak attack
  23. What? It's not the kind of game or ssreenshot where you can see lots when you're zoomed out that much anyway, and it's not a great-new-graphic game. I was trying not to do a big screen-warping picture or take up Ob's attachment space, but fine ... here you go. Heh. The game doesn't have an in-game 1600x1200 setting, btw, but if you alter the ini file it'll accept it.
  24. Last night mom came by and had dinner at our house. She comes over a lot more now that we moved closer.... She's doing well but her mind wanders more and more, making continual conversation a bit more difficult. And she occasionally calls me by my sister's name, stuff like that. Course, I'm half her age and my mind wanders almost as much....so between the two of us, the evening can be, uh, quite interesting...haha I need to find a small portable DVD/TV thingie for my dad, who currently is restricted to lying on his sides, so the TV in his room isn't viewable, and he's kinda bored. Mom's not a very good tech shopper...
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