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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Ghost Riders in the Sky - Johnny Cash, aka the master
  2. Most of the ones on their current list that I'd be interested in I already own. Anyone play the Prince of Persia-Sands of Time? Any good? Never tried the first Gothic either.
  3. I just have a short attention span for weekly TV. And commercials. I wouldn't have even gotten into CSI:Vegas if they hadn't released the first 4 seasons on DVD for me to see all at once. :D
  4. Is there a way to make the eaves of your house unattractive to yellow jackets and paper wasps? I've tried the little plastic container thingies with yellow jacket attractants, and it kinda worked, but paper wasps don't care about those. They show up in the Spring and hover over the lawn and around the eaves in front of the sliding glass door and build little nests. You can spray the nests later and then they're gone, but until then it's a worry that one will fly into the house whenever you open the door. Never had to deal with them before like this. Urgh.
  5. lol, same here. We had 4 of these things he got from his old office...one did finally break, but I'm using a 2nd and hubby uses the other two, both on one desk. They're 19" Viewsonic Optiquest V95's. At the time, they weren't the best (we never have "the best", hah), but very good for their price. Ancient now, but not worth replacing till they break. I have a huge office desk, and hubby has an old-style all-steel desk that weighs a ton, so desk-weight's not an issue. They were a pain to move from house to house tho.
  6. I didn't watch it because I was assuming that'd be the case. I guess my attention span for the show has evaporated. Maybe I'll buy the DVD set to catch up later.
  7. Let's assume one has a garage or spare room to use/fill up with some basic weights equipment ... you can always jog in a park ... would you guys still go to a gym? And I don't see what the big deal is about bringing your own towel...it's either that or they can charge you even more for providing/washing constant racks of clean towels. I played a lot of Mount and Blade over the weekend ... now back to reality.
  8. I'm certainly no professional. I don't know what it is about my eyes. Things like games I don't care much about, as long as it looks reasonably good. But when I start fiddling with photos - which I consider to be different color issues-wise from 'graphics', actually - I can become extremely aggravated/picky and it's like I can see every color/tone pixel imperfection. Nothing is ever going to be 'perfect' of course, but some monitors/TV's are definitely a lot better than others with color reproduction (for my own eyes) and I can see the differences in a big way. I've encountered others who are like me, here and there, and we're endlessly frustrated, lol. LCD's have become good with contrast and such, making colors look vibrant and appealing. I'm sure that it is a very good monitor for the price etc. Like I said, I just have to get past my own super-pickiness.
  9. Milk - Sean Penn had a great performance. Overall it was ok, but marred by a slow/oddly structured beginning. Still, I think it did a reasonable job paying homage to a man who is considered a huge political icon around here. Not that I was old enough to emotionally understand it when he and Moscone were killed in SF (I was 10ish), but I remember the impact to the news and family. Not to mention the Twinkie defense.
  10. I pledged loyalty to the Kingdom of Swadia, because through some accidental meetings, I had become fast friends with their King. Some of his other vassals are a bit jealous of my friendship, but some others have also come to realize my greatness and love me, as well. We've been at war with the Kingdom of Vaegirs for a long time, and they're pretty unhappy with me. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact I've been holding their King prisoner in one of my castles for months, despite their repeated efforts to get him back via ransom offers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ One day while patrolling around I came across my good buddy Lord Meltor, who was being unfairly picked upon by some Vaegirs armies that wanted their castle back. A castle granted to Meltor after Swadia wrestled it away from Vaegir. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ So I rushed in to aid him. 150 vs. 500. Odds? Who cares about odds when it comes to friendship? I have to save Lord Meltor! I lost some hardened soldiers who'd been with me a long time, which made me sad, and had many wounded, but I was successful. Meltor was fortunate that unlike most of the Lords of Swadia, who place a lot of faith in unmounted crossbowmen, I put MY faith in nothing but Swadian Knights. They serve me well...as long as I pay them, of course. But they sure do eat a lot of food, which is hard on the coinpurse. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vaegirs have been a constant irritant to my plans, making me rush around to help/defend my well-meaning but absent-minded buddies, when I'd rather be tending to the prosperity of my own towns. So I'm currently sitting my castle, making plans to completely crush Vaegirs. I think the city of Reyvadin would make a fine addition to my estates... Perhaps I'll leave them Rivacheg, where all the Lords who manage to escape the confines of my prisons can huddle in fear of me while hoping for vengeance that will never come. I'm evil like that. (Vaegirs property is in green. The first shows what properties they had when I first began my travels. The second pic shows what they have remaining.)
  11. My cat pooped on the hall rug this morning, apparently mistaking it for his litter box 4 feet away, making me think about how all my other cats passed away before having any such issues. You want to take care of your ancient pet as long as you can, but this sort of thing is becoming a bit too regular as his hind legs get weaker and (I guess) standing in shifting litter makes him lose his balance. Yes, more cat-poop stories. My life is apparently full of them lately.
  12. For some reason, I like the white-haired gal w/the glasses. And the doggy, of course. Some of those designs vaguely remind me of Riven.
  13. I started to get excited about this monitor, but the review said not great for "graphic professionals" etc. That made me sad. It sounds pretty cool for most things - my hubby would probably love all those connections and stuff - so it's one I'll keep on my list. I saw one of those 24"/2ms Sceptres in a store a month ago or so, which had a FPS game playing on it. It looked seriously awesome. I almost bought it, but then went home and the tech reviews were mixed enough to make me frown. I'm really tired of the 60-80lb behemoth on my desk, tho. I have to learn to overlook my minute pickiness I guess. I haven't yet, but I'm going to, damnit. *bangs head*
  14. Dumbest name change idea ever. And I don't know ... if I was txting and wanted to shorten it, I'd go SiFi, not SyFy. Fi already has only two letters in it, why the heck would I want replace i with a y? "Too cute" for me. Ugh.
  15. I find it generally amusing, myself. For all their logic, men still love a good whine.
  16. Jeez, I saw on the news the day before that she'd been in an accident, but they thought she was ok. Those head injuries where you seem ok but actually aren't can be hard to detect until it's too late. Poor Liam.
  17. I'd agree. Sounds like you'd be at each others throats before long and that is rarely good for "for investment" opportunities... Does he have some personality-compatible friends he could do it with, instead?
  18. Yup. It has nothing to do with which sex...we're all farked up somehow, someway. It's a matter of whether you find someone who is farked up in a way that compliments you. Or something. Haha. Seriously...when I hear stuff like this, my thought is "you aren't meeting the right women/men for you." Either because of where/how you meet them, or because, just like women, men can have unconscious patterns of being attracted to personality types that isn't what they really want/is good for a LTR...and all that other pscyho-babble stuff.
  19. Looked at a used van hubby was interested in, that was almost identical to the one he currently has and really likes. Decided not to get it and he's tired of looking, so just giving his old van a paint job instead (it's completely wasted, that paint). Went to a rock/gravel place for large river stones, because I'm tired of the dirt patch in the front yard between the front door/concrete porch area and the curved concrete walkway that connects to the driveway. It's like a half-oval, humped area of tanbark/dirt that just collects weeds and cat poop. Going to fill it with rocks and maybe a small tree later. But I had to spend a couple hours weeding/shoveling that dirt/tanbark to increase the empty depth and level it out - so rocks won't spill out onto the walkways - and move the extra dirt to another spot in the yard. My arthritic hands didn't like it much, but I think I did ok. Now we just need to fill up the back of hubby's van with 400-500 pounds of rocks and bring them home. hehe
  20. I'd estimate I've finished about 30% of the games I've bought. Many I might get about 3/4 of the way through before being distracted by something else, get burnt out because I'm afflicted with the 'constant restart/fiddling' syndrome, or sometimes, find it too hard/irritating for my liking towards the end (shooters/linear strategy campaigns). And these days I tend to choose games that don't really have a final act. The act of finishing isn't why I ultimately play games. But ones I wanted to at least try again/play more but never did might include: Sacred (didn't love it, but I did want to go further than I did) Roller Coaster Tycoon1 (loved it, but never finished the last few missions) Casear4 (ditto) Half-Life2 (a shooter I actually liked...but not quite enough)
  21. I'm not sure that one would deal with a muddy dirt road very well either. Or at least, one would be constantly upset at dirtying up the tires/paint. So do you guys like the shortened/squished windows some cars have these days, like that? I don't mind the looks, but the reduced visibility might bother me. Sitting in my mom's Prius, I feel like I can't see anything to the sides/back. She's complained about it too and since she has old-lady driver syndrome, I worry.
  22. How come the Fallout screenshots all come out lookin like the player got their faces dusted by an anus of a coal mine? There's a lot of incredibly weird stuff going on with skin tones in FO3. I spent some time working with different faces but after a while just gave up and took the best I could get with a small amount of work. SOme of the charcter skins in the game are bright gold, almost as much as the HIgh Elves in the ES games. I would be curious if that was intentional on Bethesda's part? Or if they just didn't do a very good job. Maybe the population has to deal with a lot of bizarre skin diseases/conditions/discolorations caused by all the .... fallout? Sorry, couldn't resist.
  23. My brother is 6' 4" and he drove one of tiny Honda Accord hatchbacks from the early 80's for a long time. It was always amusing to watch him fold into it. Don't ask me how he dealt with it, I don't know. He's very skinny w/small feet, tho. My husband is 6' 1" but has size 13 shoes and in most small cars/sedans/Asian imports his feet feel horribly cramped (driver or passenger)/the pedals are too close together so he dislikes them a lot.
  24. Watched Lakeview Terrace on PPV. I expected a typically stupid but still viscerally enjoyable neighbor-from-hell kind of movie, with lots of gratuitous violence and Samuel hamming it up or something. Alas, it failed even in that. The people playing the put-upon neighbors were terrible, and they had a lot of (boring) screen time, which didn't help.
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