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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I've only had Chalky-boy for 90 minutes & he's already driving me crazy with that. Not as bad as Cass but yea... :D I've had him on Passive and I've noticed he doesn't seem to auto-shoot when I go into Caution. I don't know if that's normal/a change or some random glitch I have, but I like it. I didn't get DM, but I'm glad they're doing different approaches to the DLC's...something for every player or whatever. The .45 Auto is awesome. Being a pistol/sniper type, I love having a new pistol. And it has a silencer! Whoop.
  2. The game updated itself recently (I'm told by some I know), but I don't know what it's for/what it might do, if anything. I haven't gone online to download it myself yet, no announcement in the forums about it.
  3. Dogs aren't my thing, but the one on the right is definitely cute/adorable. It's been cloudy/rainy here too. Last time I remember rain in mid-late May, around here, was when hubby & I got married, back in the early 90's. At least it gives my allergies/cough a break. I can almost sleep for 3 hours in a row now. I'm learning to live via 2-3 naps per day.
  4. lol, I'm glad I'm not the only one that had the problem with the start. I actually did it TWICE before realizing what the trigger to avoid was. I think they just didn't take playstyles into consideration. In my case he drops off his rock to give chase as I backed off, meaning Chalk did as well, so I thought they were both enemies. Then while shooting in real-time it became a matter of wild shots going wild. I didn't even notice one had a "name" because they were so far away. @virumor Oh I dunno...while in-game it looks fine. Nothing spectacular/has it's issues but it works and sometimes even looks pretty. @mkreku Definitely liking the exploration part. I foresee it'll take me longer than the 3-4 hours so many are saying elsewhere, to finish. I'm so slow initially.
  5. Bah, I had to restart. I'd read about the opening problem that causes you to Fail & ruins the whole thing, essentially....and thought I'd avoided it but no. The descriptions I'd read weren't clear enough and so I must've accidentally hit the NPC guy and then in the ensuing fight just thought he was an enemy - didn't notice the FAIL QUEST message (since I have the GUI set to be very faint). So when you cross the first bridge, don't shoot, just wait. Then you're fine.
  6. You could say that about the original NV game, too...the main quest of NV is doable in fairly quick progression if you really want. Myself, I entered the DLC at clvl4 (hehe), still on VH/no VATS playstyle, and am having a ball exploring before dashing toward the compass marker. I guess that's how I am tho. I don't care about the quest marker, I wanna see what's out there first. The Abiliene BB Gun, scoped 9mm and silence 10mm has been working great, but I'm still weak enough (with my lvl and all) that I'm running around grabbing every plant to heal myself with. I didn't bring tons of healing with me, and early exploration=no stores yet, so...yea. Great fun doing it this way. It's almost...challenging.
  7. Yeah I think it's .0014, if IIRC. Most players won't notice, but I've seen posts from people who emptied their inventory down to their undies and wondered why they still had 20 excess weight...it's almost always the 1000's of lead they forget they have, from breaking down ammo. lol
  8. I'm not sure, really. The current US "diva" type of singing generally leaves me cold, even as I can respect/admire the technical polish of it. Maybe it feels too artificial/fake so it doesn't hit me emotionally? Other than that, it's probably more the style a singer sings in. Singers/music like , or Enya & Natalie Merchant are more likely to grab me, for instance. Haley does have a bit of throaty"growl" to some of her notes, which is all right. She's a little volume-weak in certain ranges and the "glory notes" put me to sleep tho. Vicci sounded pretty good, imo, during the battleround. Her funky weird "war dance" is endearing, too. lol
  9. Assuming I read that right...lead isn't actually weightless. If you have thousands etc. it'll weigh you down. The only items that are truly weightless are the ones with -- in the weight column. If it says 0, it still has weight, just too small to be listed as "1." Edit: not that this ever amounts to much for most people.
  10. I'm buying it tomorrow. Probably not the very instant it's available on Steam, but I'll get it. Going to go in lowish to middling clvl and with a fairly weak weapon load-out with a low DT outfit. I don't want to start it as a buffed out terminator.
  11. Somehow I haven't yet leveled a new FNV chr. for HH, so after the ballgame I have to buckle down and do that. Luckily it won't take too long, since I only plan on being between level 13 and 17. Haven't decided exactly.
  12. I liked the episode much better than last week. The political intrigue is ramping up, the scenes re:Tyrion & all that were great and/or twisted-ly funny, there was a bit more action feeling with the jousting & the end, loved the scene between the rotund bald guy and...uh, whoever that bearded guy who "still has affection for Mrs Stark" is, etc. (I can't keep all these darn names straight)
  13. Nope, not kidding. Haley is definitely more polished. Vicci has the passion & energy. To me it's like the difference between, say, Janis & Whitney. Which is not to say that I think Vicci actually compares to the legendary Janis (not even close). I'm just saying I prefer raw energy to polish, overdone vocal run type stuff, and vanilla staging. eg, I find Haley boring/doesn't evoke any emotion. Just my opinion tho.
  14. Bah. That chick Vicci did it much better on The Voice. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMbnbgq58GA :D Haley has a nice voice (let's face it 98% of the ppl on these shows have at least good voices) but it's so...diva-vanilla.
  15. I dunno...I don't see how this is any worse than having the Emergency Alert System come on in the middle of your TV/radio program, which you also can't "opt out" of, at least in terms of inconvenience. Especially in this day & age where more people are likely to have a cellphone than be sitting in front of a TV/radio. I don't have any sympathy for people being possibly upset because their Facebook, Twitter, or phone call was interrupted for a possibly important tornado/tsunami warning or whatever. But if there are possible data-privacy concerns re: the software/techniques being used to relay the EA's, that's always a sticky thing (don't know if there actually are, just saying "if"). Still, "smart phones" already have that in spades, what's one more?
  16. If you mean those double-sided DVD's, then no. I'd fill up 100 of them or something, way too much clutter, I'd rather have HD's. And many of the video files are way more than 4-8GB since I use direct stream copy to splice stuff together into one huge file. If you meant some other tech gadget that I'm not familiar with, then...dunno. And today so far I woke up very early (again) and have been playing around with voice recording. Just for kicks, no projects. Mostly an attempt to fill some time and to try to ignore the pounding of the neighbors who have been nosily replacing their roof for over two days via drowning them out with my bad karaoke singing and narrations. Later, baseball & Game of Thrones.
  17. I have one of those. It's more than half full of raw, uncompressed FNV videos that I still can't make myself delete. I need to get another one for other backup stuff again. Also...I hate FOX and their blackout contracts on MLB. I pay MLB for their MLB tv, I should be able to watch any game using it. IMO. Curse you FOX.
  18. Not from me. I watched it for a few years. Lost interest when Cowell left tho. I tried, but without his "mean" wit & interactions w/the others I find AI kind of boring. Such shows have so much boring fluff filler that if the judges don't work for you, it's hard to watch for long. imo. Sometimes I watch the singer-only clips on YT but that's about it now. I'm liking The Voice a lot more at the moment. It still has a lot of filler but just nice to see something a bit different from AI I guess. I'm sure I'll get bored of it before long...it was mostly the blind auditions I liked so much, + Adam & Blake are funny.
  19. Getting ready for a SG-1 marathon. Netflix has all 10 seasons on instant. Haven't seen the earlier seasons in a long while. Forgot how in the 1st episode, Sam makes a MacGyver reference. Haha, funny. Long live Richard Dean Anderson.
  20. The trailer makes it seem a lot more interesting to me than the 1st DLC. I much prefer more world space vs. what seemed to be in Dead Money. Going to have to make a new character who actually finishes the game again, just in case I want to go ahead and get this. Was going to wait for all DLC's first, but...eh...I've been bored.
  21. My new favorite YT video: Why I Like Tyrion (Joffrey Gets Slapped)
  22. I'm having a difficult time feeling like I'm really doing anything in Amnesia. It's a tense/suspenseful march around, looking for keys or whatnot, but actual motivation to keep on progressing is a little light, for me. The scripted flashbacks & such are a bit immersion breaking too. But I'm still enjoying it for the "scares" and fun of wondering what's around the corner.
  23. That pic is I don't mind talky per se & I didn't expect this series to be a fight action-fest since I did read the book. Some of my favorite films are like one long series of conversations...but depends on how it's done. Maybe it's because with a long series it starts to feel drawn out soap opera style. Or how Shakespeare on the actual stage can be awesome but often filmed versions (even Branagh's stuff) can never quite capture it (imo). But it wouldn't surprise me for the series to be like the book, for me ... kind of a struggle to get through most of it but by the very end I'm suddenly "MORE I WANT MORE." So I'm patiently waiting.
  24. My husband, who hasn't read the book, when the episode ended: "That was unexpected." (reaction to the very very end/Tyrion) but also: "That wasn't nearly as interesting as the previous episodes." (for me, I'm still going to watch every week and I still like it, but I still feel like something is missing.)
  25. I like Amnesia so far. It's not as shock-scary as System Shock2 was (yet), but it definitely gives you that tension filled sense of dread as you're stomping along through dark hallways and rooms. I'd say "sneaking" along, but Daniel's footsteps are so loud I'm not sure you could call it sneaking. The use of darkness and light (candles, your oil lamp) is a much better example of such than the flashlight in Doom3. Much much better.
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