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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Agreed. The other archons do have a bit of the voice echo effect (like they're speaking in a very tiled-bathroom...) but Anjali has a word for word pacing delivery that I find somewhat.... off putting. I'm not sure if the VO actress did it deliberately or if her line readings were altered later, but to me it's fairly lifeless, and as mentioned, mechanical. Rajani (and even the Stonebridge automotons) have more emotion/pitch delivery pacing, imo. Anjali does....not. heh. Could still be a character "thing", but even if you take out the "echo", the cadence to the words is monotone in nature. Think of how questions sound when ppl don't raise their voice slightly on the last syllable/word of the question. If she was largely raised by Odo/humans, you'd think she would have picked up some humanish speaking habits/accent.
  2. Yeah, I listened to those too. Games, just like movies & other things, often have bits & pieces that are left on the cutting room floor, so to speak. VO is done for a bunch of stuff/all the possible things being considered at the time, but not all of it is necessarily used, for various reasons....and sometimes, they leave those recordings in the voice file for some reason (as well as tests, duplicate line readings, etc). It could be because of time & resource constraints, or it could be something as simple as a decision that what was cut didn't fit with what they wanted (artistic decision), and it was "too late" to do something else instead (so a combo of both kinda). Anyway, there's nothing like that in the game that I've found and I also wished the swamp section was longer, if only because I liked the environment vs. the usual buildings and dirt paths.
  3. As far as I know, if you can run the game, the modded game shouldn't behave any differently. That's what I hoped. Thanks, guess I'll give it a shot.
  4. You have to play with these: http://crimsonkeep.com/wallpapers/data/med...geckface-01.jpg Good luck. I tried altering Cass's face once (Boone too). Even w/the more advanced controls in the GECK (vs. in-game chr screen) it's tough to get what you want. I probably just didn't know how to "use" the settings tho.. P.S. If you try, every time you make significant change I'd save the mod file and copy the file elsewhere, in case you mess up and want to restore without having to start alllllll over again
  5. I'm thinking of playing KOTOR2. I can run it on Win7 w/out any "fixes" last I tried, hopefully it still will. Question is, I'm interested in trying that 1.7 restoration mod thing....will that work on Win7? Or should I install it all on my XP PC. I'd prefer playing on the Win7 PC, but...
  6. It's a glitch for my character to have it when Lucas defensive ability is not Mastered/Empowered.
  7. Actually.... You start at lvl 1 (0pts), max lvl is 30 (29 pts), but since you seem to get one extra point around lvl 5 (at least, I always do/have), you can max out 6....if you reach lvl 30. A lot of ppl seem to get only into the late 20's by end-game unless you do a moderate amount of extra grinding. So for people who don't like to grind much for any reason, it's probably going to be only 5, yeah.
  8. Lucas may be an idealist, but he still prefers letter of the law over emotion. Heh I can see Anjali being fireproof, but Lucas? (graphic glitch, no idea what caused it, didn't last long).
  9. No, not necessarily. Just like that, lots of people are doing it. It's working just fine. Finally. I agree. I do understand the desire of fans of anything - books, films, games - wanting sequels/prequels etc. to essentially be 'more of the same' (yet also 'new & improved'...fans can be demanding, hehe), but there is absolutely nothing that says they must be. Absolutely nothing.
  10. There seems to be a "level cap" to areas. That is, yes you can be "over-leveled" for where you are. When you outgrow an area/level of monsters, instead of gaining only, say, 1-3 exp per kill, like many games do, you just get none. I noticed this early on when grinding for levels early in the game. For instance, in the Glitter mines, when I hit lvl25, the exp. from killing stuff stopped abruptly. I can't remember exactly how much I was getting per kill, average, at clvl-24, but I know some were still giving 59xp and the like. Turned lvl-25 and it was immediately 0. Quest exp. only. (none was gained when I left Mines & went to finish the Foundry either, Foundry may stop earlier) I'm assuming when I reach the next main plot quest area it'll start again. Whether this "exp gain cap" is intentional or not, I have no idea but I don't personally see it as a bug/problem (that areas stop giving exp. after a certain chr-lvl) - 1xp, 0 xp, either way, in a game, if you're grinding for lvls, it means it's time to move on.
  11. Don't be logical when I'm being emotionally paranoid! I want these bunnies.
  12. Oh aye, the graphics are better (texture detail and lighting effects I'm sure too) etc.... For me I just mean that every fantasy game world looks similar. You have the grass, the tree lined paths, the lakes surrounded by big rocks, all with the same kind of graphic "look" to them (because that's the tech of the day). They tend to blur together after a while. Edit: don't mean to sound like a stick in the mud. I've seen the videos & the dragons and mammoths etc. all look awesome. But I'm typically more interested in gameplay info. Like the console GUI...I hope they're either not annoying on the PC or at least highly remappable (looks towards DS3, ahem ).
  13. Ah. Yeah, it's been a long long long time since I paid attention to/knew the world globe/maps. But I think Chad the human name has other origins tho...
  14. Be fair, aliens with a genocidal superiority complex would be bound to use Macs. Good one.
  15. Finally got around to getting some stupid pics off my camera.
  16. The better textures etc. are nice (altho the basic "look" of the world isn't different/exciting to me, really they all start to look the same) but all I care about right now is how it plays on the PC.
  17. Black Widow Finesse/Better Criticals Silent Running Intensive Training ...altho tbh I pretty much don't care about 95% of the Perks in NV. I pick some because I have to pick something but they don't really add to my playstyle much. IT helps me the most so I can have high CHA and still have 7 STR & 5-6 in most other SPECIAL.
  18. Enlighten me on what's "wrong" with Chad, please? I have no clue, it's always seemed a perfectly pleasant name. Sunshine tho...definitely "hippy." hehe Someone somewhere is naming their child Twitter as we speak, I bet. ....and I'm playing - some music. Gaming is for later.
  19. LadyCrimson


    Irish Washerwoman - yea I'm in that Celtic mood again.
  20. If lasting fanbase translates to "a handful of nerds on a messageboard", then DS certainly has one. I prefer the term "geek" instead.
  21. Ditto. I've used Empowered healing to save my companions arse during boss-fights at times, since that also benefits me so why not, but it's pretty rare I use Empowered for any other reason. They could use some boosting or something.
  22. Points have nothing to do with empowering an ability. (edit) Also, the bar Tig is talking about isn't the passive proficiency skill points screen. It's the very first one, with all the circles. If you highlight/click on one of those ability circles, you can see a 'bar' under the ability name. (edit: illustrating screenshots: One - Two You just have to use the ability. It's a little bit like how the skills worked in the old DS games. Every time you use/cast an ability, you gain a tiny bit of progress in the "Mastery bar" meter. When that meter/bar fills up, you have Mastered the ability and can now use the Empowered version of it (if you want, don't have to) by pressing the Shift+ability hotkey (eg Shift+1 .. on kb, not sure on consoles). So if you want, say, Empowered Wind Shear, start casting Wind Shear. A lot. Empowered takes up 2 Power spheres tho (the little purple orbs under your health meters). I personally haven't needed them much, even in HC.
  23. Bah humbug...oh wait, wrong holiday. 4th of July is ok...the city fireworks are always fun & we're really close to them. Can get an ice cream and walk to a parking lot and watch 'em. The over-enthusiastic neighbors popping their loud bang firecrackers until 2am is not fun, however. ...get off my lawn.
  24. I was coming in to post that I realized there are more that respawn right at the beginning, too, just past that first walkway w/the flame spout lines (near the 2nd save point after you talk to the foreman guy who gives u the quest/instructions). The ones up the stairs in the small room w/the cyclops & another one under the walkway. I'm beginning to think all the chests that are not the bigger, more deco-banded-gold glow-y chests will respawn in the foundry. Which makes me wonder if it is a boo-boo. Maybe it was intentional.
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