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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I don't think I'd say D3 looks the same or better as TQ, but it does constantly remind me of TQ graphically. That is, when I watched all those early vids they kept releasing, my mind kept thinking "TQ." I'm not sure exactly why. It's not just the shared 'top down" 3D viewpoint thingie either - many games that remind me nothing of each other have that...but something about TQ & D3 specifically reminds me a lot of each other. At least in the videos.
  2. Hikaru no Go. Can't believe an anime about the board game of Go could be somehow so enthralling. And then eps. 60/61 had me bawling like a baby. Also, I saw a long trailer for the prequel film to The Thing. I wasn't impressed. The notion of making a film based around the team that actually digs up the "thing" in the ice isn't bad, but eh, I have doubts they pulled it off. Plus I'd personally be annoyed if they ignore certain continuity aspects related to the Carpenter film.
  3. Silly as in exhibiting the traits of He-Man type trash fantasy? Yes. But agreed they're definitely a huge improvement over Oblivion.
  4. Samurai Champloo (anime series) - so awesome. ....still tons of anime I don't like or don't "get", or at best give me 'take it or leave it' feelings, but the few series I discover that I do like, I like a lot.
  5. Sometimes I wish I was good with humorous responses. Sending good health vibes your way...I'll be thinking of you.
  6. She works great early on using her human form, but I find her human abilities (even maxed out spinning kick etc) to be very difficult to "win" with/do effectively against the end boss sections, on HC at least. And the focus regen thing is kind of a pain, as mentioned already. But then, I'm not very good with melee in general, in most games. So maybe it's just me.
  7. There's another post that deals with that. It doesn't yet have all of them tho. http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showtopic=58111
  8. It's been the mantra of humanity in all things for countless ages.
  9. The "silly" seasons of Top Gear/UK is hilarious when you've never seen it before. I can see it getting old after a while but I was lol'ing a lot last night anyway.
  10. Too true. ....you guys kill me. I may not be purchasing the game, but I'll definitely be keeping an eye on the YT Let's Plays and hearing from my buddies about what they think of it. It's always interesting to watch the hoopla over a Blizzard title even if one isn't playing. I didn't buy SC2, either, because I didn't even like SC1 so just not interested...but it was fun to hear about it from friends and articles.
  11. I've been slowly losing interest for five years. Don't buy that many per year anymore. FNV was the first game in a long time that I played to death like that.
  12. I love the Red Sox 10th inning walk-off win against the Yankees last night (great game, great low-scoring contest), but it would definitely be nice if these two teams could manage to finish a game by 3 hours like most others. 4.5 hour games, sheesh. Currently paying bills & wondering if I can spare the funds for a shiny new camera lens.
  13. That has zero to do with whether a specific individual is actually interested in the game. I still don't have a cellphone, if that helps explain my old-fogieness. If I don't like the sound of it and I don't need it, I don't get it. Yeah...while I personally do like some hack n slash games and did want a Diablo3, I haven't felt much excitement about it yet, plus I'm moving towards being less interested in games overall to begin with...so it's easier to let go of it this time around.
  14. Yup. But it does matter to me. I don't base my purchases on what "everyone else" is going to do.
  15. It was nice to see the Red Sox get lucky & beat CC to win the 2nd game of the weekend series. Since I seem to be in non-gamer mode (and likely will stay that way until winter) I've been doing all kinds of little things this month (edit:the past month, I guess it's Aug. already). I'm feeling super-organized again, too, instead of half-organized. Feels good.
  16. Blizzard VP 'Surprised' Over Fan Reaction To 'Diablo 3' Online Requirements I think more have complained about the real money thing tho. It wouldn't surprise me if Blizzard changes their mind on that one. Which isn't to say I believe they will, just that it wouldn't surprise me. At any rate, I'm still not buying the game. All those changes and my uneasiness about Activision/Blizzard as a company that I may not want to support anymore - I could "live with them/it" a while longer, and I'm sure I'd have fun with the game for a bit if I did, but I don't feel like it this time. And no, always-online doesn't = MMO. Even with Diablo2, you could be on Closed Battle.net and never talk to/play with another soul if you wished. Probably won't be any different. For me it's the removal of choice...a principle thing. I don't care if there's no "open battlenet" (never used that anyway), but I do want an offline play mode. The duplication of character thing doesn't bother me & just sounds like an excuse. The extra work I can understand tho. Bah humbug.
  17. So I'm hearing about this stuff this morning. I was already losing interest a bit with the direction Activision/Blizzard seems to be going in, and this kind of tips me over the edge. I won't be buying the game. Bah humbug. Actually the real-money thing bothers me not too much...no one's being forced to use that trade option (plus I don't trade much personally, anyway). But no offline/always online...boo. Stop pretending and make Diblo3 a MMO to replace your aging WoW then. Bah...I suspect in another decade I'll have quit games entirely. Oh well, by then I'll be sitting around a table drinking rum & playing bridge & tiddlywinks with other aging coots, anyway.
  18. Definitely over-brightened/contrasted in the original ones - the altered ones posted are better. Distant mountains look nice compared to previous games. Armor & indoor floor/wall textures still seem a little blurry/not very hi-res but no biggie. I'm sure I'll think they're awesome while in motion/playing.
  19. LadyCrimson


    The Slayers:Next soundtrack. Some good stuff in it. I just love me instrumental music...
  20. The Warrior's Way. Visually stylistic and cool, but not what I'd call a "good movie." Story/character stuff not terribly interesting or well done etc. Not as action-filled as the ads might make you think, most of the action is near the end. The visuals/camera work tho...they're kind of an eye treat to someone like me. Some parts of the film reminded me of Sam Rami's "The Quick & The Dead" for some reason.
  21. Finally watched all the Slayers episodes available on streaming Netflix. The movies are not available so haven't seen any of those. Wish I could read the books, but the few English translations available seem to be pretty expensive (rare/out of print now perhaps?) so not likely to happen. No game playing at all in a while...just not in the mood. Spending more time on other hobbies. And naps. Between worsening allergies & ever-increasing doses of allergy meds I'm starting to feel almost narcoleptic, harhar.
  22. My impression is that for some reason, the latest patch (1.4) caused the max level to be attainable even if you didn't have the DLC's. At least, for some people. Bug with level capping perhaps. If you level past 50, then it's something else/a related glitch I guess.
  23. Note to self: Remember that Breaking Bad starts on Sunday! ...I hope it's still good.
  24. Pretty much me in a nutshell. Which is why, I suppose, when I do get a new game I like, I play it to death for a long time. So few new ones that interest me & older ones fading. I still love my old games in terms of respect/review/all-timers but it's hard to play them for very long when you know every square inch, every method, every detail, that even a few years of non-play can't erase. But times like these give me time to catch up on all the TV/movies I might've missed, so it all works out in the end.
  25. Eh, it's that generally vague running a temperature, stabbing headaches, aching joints and upset stomach all combined.. Oh ok. I had visions of stuff more male-specific than that. At any rate, glad it's feeling better at least. Looks like we're not going up to SSF, which selfishly improves my mood considerably.
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