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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. There's quite a few multiple-companion mods out there. Some of them became a little flaky (usable but flaky in some way) with later patches so I'm not sure anymore what's the "best". Unlimited Companions was the most popular at one time. I used Improved Companions which makes it Charisma based. For music go to http://www.newvegasnexus.com/index.php and Search "radio" - there's some under there. Haven't tried any personally tho. -------------------- Sounds like Rage might be something my husband might like...I'll skip it for now tho. I suppose I should just wait for Skyrim since it's so close, before buying something else.
  2. Can't edit: what's a good (single player-able) shooter these days? Recent title. (edit) How about Rage? Anyone try it? Looks Borderlands like. Reviews anywhere from "disappointing/sucks" to "best game so far".
  3. The game is so weird...I have their Bloom setting turned down to 0 but it still does that in the dx9 version. It's icky. heh I need a graphic-hungry/pretty game (FNV doesn't count)...
  4. Aye, I hate it when toenails do that. Mine mostly do it a bit when I haven't cut them recently tho. 1:30am I am amped up/unfocused for some reason. Bouncing around the web instead of doing anything more productive or even "fun." Won't be going to sleep anytime soon.
  5. Have Lonesome Road/OWB, latest NVSE etc. now. Still have to update a few mods but about ready to play it again I think. I fired up FNV to check save games & see how it ran on the the new vid. card (runs great!), and I realized I've completely forgotten half the GUI hotkeys, as well as most console commands. Had to look them up again. haha. So will be alternating between 2W2 and FNV for a bit. Good times.
  6. I don't know if you already tried the "Nova Hairstyle" mod...but if not, it's one that I don't have clipping issues with, since the ponytail is so high up. I'm not sure about clipping while wearing glasses, but at least if you put on a hat, instead of going bald it gives you a short/flat 'do like it's up in a bun, I guess. Sadly, it's only the one hairstyle. But I liked it. Works with the current game version far as I can tell. http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35222
  7. Ah...ok, that makes sense. I'll leave it alone then. So far it does seem to run slightly cooler than the old 275, but that could just be because it has no dust in it. Heats up the CPU/overall case innards a bit more because the 590 doesn't blow all the GPU heat directly outside of the case, however. Two Worlds2 is the only dx10 specific game I have at the moment, I think, and the 275 was getting 30-35fps using that mode & seemed less stable. Playable, but I've gotten used to having at least 50-60fps in all games so that's why I ran out for a new one. (spoiled now...) 275 was getting 50-60 in dx9 mode tho. Anyway, haven't tested it a lot yet but it's definitely a nice card for a single configuration. The reviews/benchmarks I've read online seem to be about right. Still think it's stupidly overpriced tho. Now to have fun trying some other games. Here's a couple full-size, low-compression 2W2 screens, both using the 590 but one is dx9 and one is dx10. Not the best game to use (since for some reason it doesn't allow AA in dx9, in-game) but it's what I'm playing right now. Interesting to notice the differences between the dx, like how dx9 is so much more "glare-y/bright". I have no clue what dx10 is supposed to do "better." Didn't force any higher settings via the card itself. dx9 dx10 Edit:fixed link
  8. Not my usual style, but this time I did it. Yay. Goober question...single GPU/card use, do I need the multiple-GPU function/choice? Or can I check the "disable it"? What I'm not understanding is that EVGA's Precision thingie, only GPU2 gets "hot" to any degree when gameplaying, like it's largely/only using that one/is only one, yet it shows settings for 2. That normal? Does it only use GPU1 if you're actually drawing upon the "amazing real time physics effects?" I don't understand?
  9. Well...the store didn't have any 590's (expected) but they did have some of the 590 Classified's ($30 more for it vs. just '590'). I agonized a while whether the $140 increase over the 580 was worth bothering for but in the end I said F-it and bought it. I'd have bought the plain old 590 if they had it but for $30 wasn't going to stop me so... Keep in mind I don't have water cooling and SLI'ing two hot-running cards that are going to be practically sitting on top each other in my case isn't a good idea, so single-card is it for me. Besides, I don't run super-resolution for games. AC unit in the room does pretty good and I always have it on anyway since I don't like hot weather.... Anyway...since I don't OC no problems with that one issue. I've never bought the "latest & greatest" before, so we'll see what I think of spending the ridiculous sum of $830 (that's w/tax) to get it.
  10. I categorically refute this. _I_ have the ugliest toenails in the world. Several fell off after marching and one got completely mangled playing football and never grows back properly. I lost most of mine on both feet when I was 13, too. Backpacking. Plus I have small/flat feet (give them a frog-toe like appearance), a nail fungus on one toe that gives it a black stripe (really hard to get rid of) & the big toenails are starting to "curl" a lot so I have ingrown toenail issues. Edit: Also, Comcast has been utter garbage the past few weeks. Grr.
  11. I'm ready to buy a new video card and was thinking about getting one of the hydro cooler thingies this time...but then remembered I'd have to configure my pc case for the water cooling blocks etc. and I don't feel like it...didn't build this PC with that in mind so it'd probably be a hassle (and extra expense above the card itself). Next PC...I'll just keep using the room AC instead. But I'm gonna run out and buy a GTX 580 now. Can't believe they're still close to 600 bucks for the 3GB memory one. Better be awesome...and maybe serve me dinner too.
  12. I have the ugliest (non-diseased) toenails in the world. They were never pretty, but they're getting weirder and weirder as I age. At least I don't have ear hair yet.
  13. As long as it's something different from Oblivion/Morrowind I'll probably at least be able to live with it. (still haven't gotten around to playing FO3 so no clue) And I'm also hoping that modding capabilities will help overcome anything I may not personally like in the game.
  14. If you mean the weird arm angles, he's probably in the middle of some dual-wield overhead waist-twisty attack animation. The character animations in the game aren't that great, imo.
  15. The problem - not that it's really a "problem" - with games like Two Worlds One/Two is I never end up finishing the quest/storyline because by the time I'm done free-exploring, crafting, & all that, I no longer care about the end. I'm definitely not about the quests. Skyrim's going to be like that for me too, I'm guessing. Or rather, hoping. Man I just love exploring.
  16. Well, so much for free-roaming. Hardeharhar! (they teased me by letting me swim a long long time w/that castle in sight...sigh) Can't hide from me! Told Ya. Die, Furries, Die. (everyone who's played this game has screenies of the sneak-kill bit I'm sure)
  17. Defragged my main hard drive. The excitement never ends. Shower, errands, more gaming.
  18. From what I've seen so far, I'd have to agree. It does look nice sometimes, but yet...there's something not quite "right." Also, the character hip/leg run animation is horrible. Makes me laugh tho, so +1 even so.
  19. Two Worlds 2: your character is such a manly man!
  20. Two Worlds 2 - one of the longest, "action-enforced", hold-you-by-the-hand tutorial's I've encountered (might even be worse than Oblivion's), which left a bad early impression ("come on already, when do I get to start free-roaming??"). I know it was trying to make it an interesting part of the story, but blech, not my thing. BUT...once I finally got past all of that, it opened up and I was able to go roaming. The graphics are better than the 1st but some things feel worse/not great (what is with the hair being all out of focus/fuzzy when the clothes are super-sharp?), even after fiddling with Bloom/DoF settings etc. Still, it looks nice enough as you're running around. Gameplay so far feels pretty similar to the first, just with somewhat altered ways of doing the skills and magic, like most sequels do. The 1st horse I acquired, however, decided to get stuck endlessly running into a fence, so I stayed on foot. Since I could barely control the horse riding movement (I must be doing something wrong...) I prefer on-foot anyway. I like the wider variety of animals in the land (big rhino's, big cats, warthogs, ostriches, and so on). They've made hunting for herbal ingredients tougher tho, with much taller grass etc. And I have yet to see a beaver.
  21. I don't know who that is, but in that getup at least, he's definitely more how I'd envision Drizzt. Oh, I didn't mean that Diesal couldn't maybe act the part....but he does not, in my mind at least, look the part at all. I just cannot picture Entreri, who is a very agile, very fast, "lean," "wiry" and not very tall swordsman being played by tallish, large-biceped, muscular, somewhat broad/rounded face Diesal. I guess I think of someone more along the lines of, say, a Bruce Lee body type. (same for Drizzt, really, who's supposed to be even shorter than Entreri)
  22. Agrees with Hurlshot. I've decided I'm definitely going to buy it, partly because of hype & partly because I'm just curious to see it graphically, at this point...(and I'm not getting D3 so I'll have time)...but I'm still not excited. But hoping it'll surprise me and I'll find myself wanting to wander & explore & being sucked into it non-stop for several weeks.
  23. It's a principle thing. I paid for the game, I don't want to see a giant ad within the game. The "Update/Look For Update" button should be enough. There was also this horrible way they dealt with one of the Steam friends thingies. In FNV it would pop up in the corner for a brief moment and then go away, in 2W2 it wasn't going away and when I pressed shift+tab it would put up this giant overlay of crap before letting me click yet another spot to make that go away. (so I turned the friends setting off). Just ticked me off...I'll get over it I suppose.
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