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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Heard Andy Rooney finally died. Never a big follower of him but his bits on 60 minutes, I think it was (?) were sometimes pretty funny...my parents loved him so it's kind of like I grew up with him thru them. Last time I saw one of his segments tho, I was like "Is that guy still alive? What is he, 200?" Cya, Andy. Woke up early. Or late, if you consider DST. Take your pick. Played laser-pointer tag with cats. Noted to self that my big toe seems to have a minor infection. Thinking about doing some more PC shopping.
  2. I'm pretty pedestrian. Pizza, loaded with meats, shrooms, olives, and jalepenos. Or anything you want. Can be vegie, can be half and half, whatever. Like the spaghetti, only I don't have to cook the sauce all day. Altho, a local store here has the most awesome slow-cooked BBQ beef ribs (I like beef ribs over pork ribs ) and cornbread.
  3. Snow too. I've seen it. Through a tent, lol. I personally don't mind little things like that, but I'll certainly nitpick other minor things I'm sure. It amuses me all the different things we all will nitpick over in a game. Pre-ordered on Steam couple days ago. I've bought enough into the hype now to finally feel some anticipation. At the least, with all the debate, I'm really curious to see how it will look on the PC. Not expecting uber-ness but still curious. Besides, nothing else to do in winter. In terms of bugs/glitches, as long as it doesn't crash every 10 minutes, the pc loading times (saves, area, anything) don't take forever & I don't encounter any game-breaking quest bugs, I'll be content enough. I'm a lot more worried about whether I'll like gameplay.
  4. New pets = constant trips to pet store as you try to figure out what food they'll decide is "acceptable." They own you, man, they own you. :D These cats, I swear...didn't even like fresh roast beef out of the oven. They're weird.
  5. 1TB "mechanical's" are still about $100-$150 here, while a 160GB-250GB SSD is more like $400-$500. I don't see the "SSD's aren't that expensive anymore" factor. If they get down to $400-500 for 500+GB I'll think about it. I do think about it sometimes, but 60-128GB drive isn't going to cut it for me, not even close. I have 118GB on my main O/S drive right now, and that's with no "storage" stuff on it like videos/photography/downloads etc. ... besides, my PC's Win7 cold-boot time w/a SATA is still under a minute. So yeah...not quite ready for SSD yet myself. But hubby just bought a small SSD for one of his PC's.
  6. The Ultimate Edition (or something) was announced recently, which is basically that except it's not called GOTY. It's coming in early Feb. 2012.
  7. If the digitally shorten a fat Simon Pegg, I could maybe see that. ....but I have a feeling I'd like an animated/anime film version/s of the books much more than a live-action one. Knowing Hollywood they'd try to figure out how to cast Justin Bieber as Regis or something. While I loved LotR film trilogy as a fantasy/action epic, to this day I still can't stand who they picked to be Frodo. Every time he's on screen I get annoyed. Something like that would happen to me while trying to watch a live action Drizzt series film and I'd start to rage and throw things against the screen.
  8. Yeah, it can be tough to try to bring in a new cat when there's still one old cat. Not that it can't work, but I tend to avoid it. I always end up with a favorite cat...hard not to I think. There's always one that seems to fit "you" a little better than the others. That was my one hesitation about getting this new pair...I wasn't 100% sure how much I'd like the grey one. But I do like having a bonded pair to keep themselves company when I'm too busy/distracted or something. Most of my cats have been strays or from friends who'd dump them on my door, heh. Nothing like that since we moved, tho.
  9. Caught the last half of Johnny Menumonic last night. Watching that makes one realize that Mr. Reeves has actually improved his acting....a little. Either that or they just learned he does best with very short lines instead of long speeches ala the "I want room service/I want a club sandwich" scene.
  10. That's pretty much what it is, by my understanding. Same base w/added abilities for better lightning, effects, motion (like water) and so on. Only time will tell if these improvements make the game more stable, the same, or worse.
  11. I'm playing....nothing for more than 15 minutes at a time. I think I'm just waiting for Skyrim and can't get into anything else until I know whether I'll like it or not.
  12. I'd never heard of it until last night when I saw it as the big Steam feature. First thing I thought was "That looks like the Overlord guy!" Second thought was "hmm, looks interesting." I found a couple reviews that thought it was ok, but their descriptions didn't sound terribly appealing to me. So I'm glad to hear thoughts from someone's trying it out here. Sounds like it's a cheap Steam sale wait for me. Or at least the $20-$30 price point.
  13. As long as it has crates. Can't not have crates.
  14. I have no idea what to start with. I tended to like magic+skills like sneak, or a sort of battle-mage, so I usually went with Breton's or the Dunmer in Morrowind & light armor. Been so long tho, I don't really remember how it all works. It'll be fun re-learning.
  15. Came home with a giant black cat and his bonded grey buddy (grey one isn't quite as big but still large). The black one is seriously huge, first thing you notice. More than 2 feet head to butt and 19" tall when sitting up straight on haunches - but he's lanky so not super heavy. Both 6 years old. There were a few others I thought about but rescuing a pair like that (not a lot want two older cats at once) felt right. They're gentle/mellow & adorable (which also suits me well). I'm happy.
  16. After a year with no cat, I'm ready for a new furball to love. Going to the Humane Society this morning to have a looksee. There's some purebreeds I'd love to have, but I just can't do it with all those abandoned kitties already needing homes. Might even get an older one if I find one I like. Older kitties need love too.
  17. Start Stalker:Pripyat. Test/remap keyboard UI. Run around a bit, talk to some guy. Head to where he tells me to go. Kill a couple dogs, admire some scenery. Enter safe zone spot, talk to a couple NPC's. Say "cool, looks like something I might like" then exit game. Sigh. What is wrong with me lately.
  18. Don't know why people get so excited about a leaked video...if they want to see the game before spending cash, they just have to wait for release day, when all the YouTuber's will upload stuff a few hours later. People are so impatient... I'm not personally concerned about "intros" and voice acting to begin with. I just care about that explore factor, like I've mentioned already. But the console-friendly controls/UI *is* something I haven't liked the trend of, when it happens. I understand it, but I don't like it.
  19. Yeah, I know. But it makes me wish they'd work more on that before more lighting/other texture stuff. I find it really disconcerting to have almost-realistic looking spots in the game, or at least the uber-clarity of the overall image, and then turn around and suddenly be facing some rubber-skinned, horrible looking npc.
  20. It's always makes me a bit nervous putting a new shiny in the rig, wondering/hoping that everything will be fine with it when I turn it on. :D I have two dx11 games now...probably not the bestest, but they look nice. Still, despite all the new stuff, I'm still of the opinion that the AA/AF are two of the biggest appearance-difference makers. If you put everything back on low/dx9 except with a high AA/AF, it still looks pretty darn good/shiny.
  21. I'm not a big action gamer so I'm still easily impressed w/their current graphics that some of you take for granted by now, probably. Still, here's some of my initial graphic reactions to Metro 2033, dx11/ultra settings etc. using the gtx590: Nice details of the brick wall. Not bad. Nice texture of the gloves/sweater sleeve! Awesome! But... the wrist skin looks rather rubbery. Wow, look at...wait, what's wrong with those fingers? Is that too much tessellation or something? Gross. ....all this gorgeous texture, shadow & lighting they can do now, and they still can't do skin/hands/faces right. Maybe by DX30...
  22. Bought Stalker bundle, Metro 2033, and Overlord/Raising Hell (since I could never get RH for my pc version back when...) on steam. I figure with my current super short, barely start let alone finish attention span, that should at least hold me over until Skyrim.
  23. Exactly! ...if I can't have one in every port for the lol's, I doubt I'll mess with that side of the game much. I just want to kill & loot & explore. Please please let the exploration aspect be awesome/interesting.
  24. Margin Call. A talky, must-pay-attention film that was compelling to watch. Stayed fairly low-key but still managed to convey tension & "thriller" aspects from the tension. No action, no car chases, no huge melodrama, no robots. Stark, almost over-contrasted cinematography for mood, I loved it. They did a good job keeping the characters human, yet still not exactly likable, and the top notch actors were great...a few might even be Supporting Actor nominee nods if the home on-demand release (done while still in theatrical release) doesn't prevent it. A refreshing change from all the comic hero/CGI movies.
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