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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. @Jackalmonkey - I'm definitely hoping it'll be lucrative for the team, that's for sure! ... if they end up having a demo, I'll even try it. Still doubt it'll be my personal "thing", even if it wins 100 GoTY awards, but I don't begrudge them going for a popular culture IP.
  2. New HDD bought & initially tested. Installed HDD, booted up to format & install Windows....and my DVD-Rom busted/won't work. Figures. Hubs USB DVD-rom drive to the rescue! ... then I guess I'm going shopping again.
  3. What? Seriously? Boo indeed. Edit: wait, what's this Steamworks mod thing? I know it says we can still use the "old sites" to get/access our mods, so it doesn't sound restrictive for Skyrim...but I don't like the possible direction this could mean for future Beth game modding. Then again, games like Sims have the official upload/mod stuff, and people still ignore it. So...I'm probably just being a worry-wort and it'll mean nothing.
  4. Even if it's a good RPG, it's hard to be interested in a game when the source material doesn't interest you at all...and as I mentioned in the other thread, SP has about 0 interest factor for me. I shall be wishing them success with it, of course, even if I'm not interested...the more success they can find, the better for me, when they do make a game that I personally would be "into". At least, that's my theory.
  5. Jude Law as Watson was just a tiny bit too current-generation youthful/enthusiastic in attitude, or something, for me, but overall he was a good Watson...especially considering what kind of movie it was vs. the original story concepts. The second episode was definitely a little "weak" but still a good show. Going to watch the 3rd tonight. Then I guess...I have to wait until Netflix gets the rest or I can buy the DVD? ... and yay to a 2nd season.
  6. I read it was going to be available on PC, was that a mistake? Or the other way around? Anyway...I don't like South Park. I don't find it generally offensive or politically offensive;it just doesn't strike my funnybone at all. Once in a great while, or some of the YT mashups, are kinda funny. But I don't watch it otherwise. Can't imagine a rpg-game based on it would make me like the characters/humor/world, so.... ...glad Obsidian has a project...but I don't think I'll be buying this one.
  7. It's not that the spouse (whether wife or husband) gets to decide what you're allowed to buy - it's more that you need to at least sometimes discuss whether you can afford to buy it. Or to make sure you both don't go buy something expensive in the same month. It's called a budget & now and then, with two ppl & with shared expenses, you have to come together and see where both of your spending is going/headed re: whatever long term goals you both have (if any). ...and I'm not playing anything tonight, even if I could on this XP machine. Just kind of fed up with PC's at the moment. Ha. Time to watch some more movies.
  8. That's often my thought as well...not to say there aren't actual serious problems (everywhere lately it seems), but the gloomy media coverage doesn't help. Don't know of a solution for the suddenly large crowd of unemployed, tho...that's always a tough one.
  9. You give me hope that it's a simple problem, Gorth. Hubs did that test of his on the new WD drive. It almost immediately started making bad noise and after a partial pass of the test, it went "offline" on it's own. Hubs stared at it & the stats he managed to get, said "It's bad. Your bad-sector old HD even did better than this one. Take that crap back." I lol'd.
  10. The original C: drive (Seagate) was purchased when I built the PC, so maybe a two to 2.5 years old? The storage drive (Hitachi) is less than a year old. And of course the one I just bought (Western Digital). I knew some of the HDD companies aren't as good as they used to be, quality-control wise, and of course that quality in general is becoming more & more disposable on all electronics....so I haven't had big expectations of them typically lasting 5-6+ years like most older ones I've had (I was thinking 3 years maybe) but it's startling to think they could be that consistently bad out of the box, so to speak. Definitely going to be running those HDD tests before I install them, next time. And stock up on yet more external drives for backups. Assuming I ever get this rig running properly again, that is.
  11. Forgot...was going to mention I saw the 1st episode of Sherlock Holmes (2010, BBC http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1475582/ ) last night. It's set in modern day London. I'm a huge fan of the original Holmes stories & am pretty picky about film versions of Holmes, so I was all set to be disappointed/irritated...but it surprised me. Based on the 1st episode alone it's pretty nifty. Modern, with cell-phones and cars such but yet somehow still retains a feeling of the original setting concept. I loved the actor playing Holmes right away. He's perfect for a modern Holmes retelling. I could do without the occasional use of text titles to illustrate Holmes thought process, but other than that... Watson isn't a bumbling idiot...the actor playing him feels a little...small...compared to my image of the healthy, strapping Watson Holmes would rely on for physical & gun backup, but I can overlook that because so far he's been pretty good in the role. Just the right amount of pride when he says he's a very good doctor, the right amount of stoic+indignation or quiet curiosity at other times. Hope the rest of the episodes are as good!
  12. I have stability issues with the O/S HDD. 8-9 days ago the C: drive decided to made grindy noises and freeze (not BSOD), which started a long chain of HDD stability troubleshooting. The noise is not the mechanical failure click-click sort, just a loud grindy noise like it's stuck. Tests show the old drive had bad sectors that for some reason neither Windows/Linux recognize, so they kept writing into those bad sectors & then would get stuck trying to access from there. If I waited long enough it would usually recover from being 'stuck' and you could keep going, but occasionally it would crash/auto-boot. So replaced the C drive with a new bought drive (different brand), and about 2 days after installing Windows+GPU/sound drivers & Firefox (and nothing else), that one did exactly the same thing. Same noise, same symptoms. Reformatted & reinstalled Windows, 10 minutes later, same symptoms. Tested the new HDD and it had some minor errors that the diagnostic repaired...waiting for hubby to run his more extensive tests on it as well. Going to try to exchange/buy another HDD & new cables, but if that one does the same thing, I have to assume something is wrong with the rig itself, causing HDD sector failures. Hence...maybe I need more/new PSU. :D (edit: going to run meter test on the PSU later) But happens when just sitting at idle and there's been no flickering or other weird stuff that sometimes occur if power is unstable. Temps for all things are below 35C. System RAM is not an issue (tested). Pretty sure house circuits are not an issue, altho it is remotely possible. Besides GPU, I have a soundcard, 2 internal drives (C: + storage drive), the DVD drive, mobo/CPU+lotsa RAM, 6 case fans...that's it. Fairly sure the 2nd HDD has no issue, altho it's a bit hard to tell when they're both plugged in at once (it's currently not connected). For 3-4 weeks after I bought the 590, everything was fine/solid like usual. Then kaboom. hehe
  13. Well I, at least, haven't seen anyone, or any digital clock, call 7am as 00:70... Today I'm sitting in front of the wall heater & relaxing a lot....main PC still needs fixing but I'm tired of thinking about it. Wasn't gaming much lately anyway, so it's not like I miss the pc-power rig much to begin with.
  14. Yes, it was a cute cameo. I'm laughing because he was our governor & then now that he's not, we get to see the "Governator" on-screen again. Altho that office sexual misconduct/infidelity/divorce legal stuff that occurred not long after his governorship ended kind of put a crimp in his plans for a while. Don't get me wrong, I still like ol' Arnie, & I didn't actually dislike him as governor, but well...maybe you have to live here to understand. It's just....funny.
  15. Hey Gorth, what kind of PSU are you using? I'm wondering if my current 750w PSU might be a little weak for the card+all the other PC stuff it has to supply...eg if it's possibly part of my current pc troubles. I'm sort of doubting it, since the pc problems occur even when the GPU is idling (eg, not doing anything but browsing folders on the desktop), but never know... (edit) Even on gaming load, most places say the 590 is using about 500W...so just for GPU alone I think my PSU is fine...but since PC's are not made of GPU alone, maybe I need an 850w or something)
  16. Pandorum was pretty good, altho I could've done with a bit less of of the bad-creature stuff towards the end. Also....Arnold's going to be in EX2? Bwahaha....
  17. Spam Blacksmithing? ...guess just using your combat skills wasn't enough in your case. That's really funny. (edit) - I think I've explored 1/3 of the map and I was still only lvl 12 when I was forced to stop...and 3-4 of those levels came from blacksmithing. Another 1- 2 from sneaking.
  18. Ready to toss this computer in the trash. Re-watching Limitless so I can drool over Bradly Cooper instead of see red over tech issues.
  19. Since my Win7 pc is in the process of troubleshooting/testing, I'm playing some Stronghold:Crusader on my XP machine. After hearing about how terrible SH3 apparently is (from reviews+users/players) I felt like playing the original game...even if your melee units can absurdly break down stone walls with relative ease, still one of the most fun RTS+sort-of-sim's evah. imo.
  20. Reformat/reinstall went from fine to not so fine. After testing system RAM (it's fine) I'm installing Win7 again, only removing that stupid 100MB "reserved" system partition this time. Also, not installing any of the nvidia 3D or HD sound drivers since I need neither. Some people get weird blank screen BSOD w/the sound ones so I'll try anything at this point. Yup, it's gonna be a "computers suck, why do I even bother" week. At least my XP pc is still lively. *knock wood* In other areas: those Firefox persona things are pretty nifty...yeah, I'm only trying them out now. Gotta figure out how to make them myself so I can create more personalized ones.
  21. After 8-9 hours ... 55% done! ... I have a lot of errands to do this morning, so probably for the best anyhow. Also...I've seen some videos of this years Black Friday madness. That stuff is just crazy...mob mentality. I'll never understand wanting something (materialistic) so badly that I'd put up with the risk of being trampled, pepper-sprayed, fist-fights over toys, camping out in line for days, etc.
  22. Most of the FXAA injector vids/screens I've seen have been pretty terrible too...mostly just over-saturating the color palette, kids going crazy with the setting I guess. Looks awful imo. But Bokshi's shots aren't bad...some more color, selectively, isn't unwelcome, imo...there's no grey sky inside a fire/lamp-lit cabin, for instance. You can create a general bleakish mood without having to make all colors/lighting everywhere muted to death.
  23. Apparently, formatting (not the quick format...) a 2TB USB external hard drive takes a really, really, long time. I was hoping it'd be done by now so I could reformat/reinstall Win7 then do a quick system image backup of the clean install on it, but at this rate it'll be tomorrow morning. Stupid USB drive I bought was in FAT32 so I have to reformat to NTFS...
  24. ...nope, still not even close to photo-realistic. Sorry. But some of those look a lot better than the vanilla game, that I've seen at least.
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