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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Please explain. What is "Sawyer's mod" and what does it do. Also, where do you get it.
  2. Me either. Then again, it doesn't matter to me. If there's a market for it, why not. That market just wouldn't include me.
  3. My responses would be akin to Gorth's, so I'm not going to type out my own version of it. ....I will say that playing games for me personally is just a form of escapism, pure & simple. Fills the time. Like watching TV/movies or reading a novel. Sometimes I want to do one, sometimes I want to do one of the others.
  4. Watched my husband fiddle with the Windows 8 pre-release build. From my perspective, it sucks. The Metro stuff especially. If this is what the "masses" end up wanting as a PC O/S....I am disappoint. Edit: Also....RIP Davy Jones. Your cheerful voice will be in my playlists forever.
  5. Captain America. I just read some of the fairly glowing reviews for it, and I feel like I must have watched a different movie. Oh, it had some charm, especially in the beginning, and I liked that it wasn't all super-huge CGI spectacle most of the time. But it lacked cohesive characterization for the most part, not to mention the jerky editing and pacing of scene timing & placing. Half way thru I stopped caring about any character at all. I felt like it might've been a pretty good 4 hour movie that was then forcibly edited/truncated to fit into a 2 hr. time frame. The biggest redeeming factor was the Capt. America sells war bonds montage...that was cute/funny. I liked Iron Man, Thor and even the silly Green Lantern better. I rewatched some of that one not long ago, when it was on TV. Oddly, it wasn't quite as horrid on 2nd watch as it was on the 1st watch. Maybe because I was viewing it more as a comedy, and it sort of worked that way.
  6. I'm the same way. Today is one of those days where I feel like I never quite woke up, but I did manage to organize my office a bit. Later, I'm going to eat some cheap Chinese food under the watchful stare of felines who think they belong at the dinner table, and then perhaps a film or two.
  7. I'm unsure about Origins & what they're doing (I'll have to research this more, since I don't know much about it yet), but I'd agree with this in principle, at least. Online purchase/game services is fine, but I wish it would be more like retail stores. eg, I could buy a disc at Best Buy, or Fry's, or Target, or whatever, based on price and what store I prefer to support/is closer to me etc etc..not locked into buying a specific game only in one retail outlet. Online purchasing should work similarly, imo, or else it's not really true competition.
  8. Might & Magic7. I miss games like these. For me it still beats games like Skyrim hands down in terms of gameplay immersion.
  9. My 2nd dwarf ham died tonight (my avatar). She was my fave. For a tiny mindless rodent, she had amazing "personality". My office suddenly feels too quiet. No rustling, no squeaky wheel. I got used to the small company while I'm computing. I may need to get another one.
  10. Gorgeous day today - almost Spring. Won't last, but I'm enjoying it. Sitting outside in the sun, eating lunch, whilst my cats gaze out at me curiously from the windows. Still feeling rather old...mostly physically (minor ailments/fatigue) but a little mentally too...but days like today...taking a deep breath and it's a fine life.
  11. I just saw this. The trailer, at least, has me stoked. If split screen is on PC I'll be one happy camper, too (for me & hubby). Crossing my fingers for the sequel to be a game I like. Axton's a hottie, too. If hubby wants to play that character when we play co-op, I won't complain.
  12. I haven't done lots of exploring to gaze at stuff, but some of them that I've noticed are definitely better. They're not the super-watercolor-blob-blurs of before. Things like tree trunks, some walls & snow textures, and clothing are where I noticed it most at casual glance. Maybe some of the roads too. Again, it's not that it looks uber awesome/sharp close up or humongous change or anything, but it just gives a much better impression as you're moving around the world. Like the 2nd pic of the tree, on this page: http://www.neoseeker...hot-comparison/ IGN has a comparison page too...the last pic shows a table scenario. http://pc.ign.com/ar.../1218176p1.html It feels/seems like they also increased the bloom (or glare) of some lighting, which I wasn't appreciating. It's not too bad tho.
  13. Discovering that lately I enjoy being not-plugged in, so to speak, a lot more than I enjoy being plugged in. Most days I don't even turn the PC on....
  14. That's good to hear. Keep us updated on any thoughts re: the game post-demo area.
  15. Beth's HD-pack - I like it. Nothing super special "wowzers" but gives an overall impression of less blurry. And no weird bumpy texture effects like some of the FNV mods had. I don't get any noticeable fps hit either. Skyrim's CK - haven't played with it much but the known errors upon loading doesn't give me warm fuzzies, even if they're "safely" ignorable. Reading comments/threads on the Beth fora, seems like mixed feelings re: it's abilities/differences in scripting & other such stuff. Neither have inspired me to want to dive into playing the game again, tho. Not yet anyway. I may try making a personal house, however.
  16. I guess I was hoping it would be something in between Two Worlds & Elder Scrolls, or something. (I've never played Fable). Ah well, lower price & patches I guess, before I try.
  17. @TrueNeutral - sorry if my hurriedly written internet post triggered a pet peeve. I didn't mean CGi is less work work - time or energy or any of that. I'm a millions miles from a special effects person, but I know even fiddling with digital photography effects can take "forever," haha. It's more that I personally find the aesthetics & physical dimension of making the models by hand/stop motion or other practical methods(especially in live-action films) etc. to be a lot more interesting and to a degree, often a lot better looking. If done well of course...you can have a lot of crap practical effects too.... I dunno, it has a better "energy" to me. So *I* get cranky when I see the same CGI-looking stuff over and over and over and over that (as an "ignornant viewer"), often looks cut & pasted from another movie, no matter how many tons of time/work were actually put into them. CGI, especially for "monsters & creatures" often looks (imo) colorful, but flat & sterile compared to some practical effects, even when the practical effects are outdated & look a bit cheesy now (as in the 1982 The Thing, from a 2012 perspective). Something about having real 3 dimensions for the camera to photograph, maybe, versus CGI created 3 dimension. I kinda liked it when movies seemed to be (more often) using more of a mix of practical & CGI effects as the CGI tech was developing, and I dislike the (seeming) trend towards being almost all CGI...simply because I don't think it looks that great yet. There's always exceptions of course (Gollum impressed me) but overall...film CGI is meh. Unrelated: I re-watched Carpenter's The Thing, and it did make me appreciate the recent prequel's attempts at certain bits of continuity & the overall recreation of the "look & feel" of the older film. Outfits, color, setting/mood, color tone, etc.
  18. Car smog/registration. I can't believe my car is 14 years old. Still low, low mileage, still runs great. But it's unlikely I'll ever buy a brand-new car again.
  19. Still no editor? At this point I'm not sure I'd go back to it even when the kit is released. I haven't played it in two months or whatever. But when/if some people start putting out good mods (more than just clothing and weapon deco & other such simple things....don't care about textures either)....may give it a shot again then. Steam integration....meh. Don't like it, but since you need Steam to play it on pc anyway, I can live with it. I'm pretty sure you only have to use it if the mod-maker only has it uploaded to Steam & nowhere else....I think. haven't read up on it in a while.
  20. So, my understanding: the demo sucks. Has anyone tried the whole game? I've had games where I disliked the demo but then months later (when the game is cheap) I'd try it anyway and the full game is a lot better. Not that I'll likely get it at full price regardless. But it was one that looked semi-promising, until I read this thread.
  21. Yeah, I think it's just my no-perm. cookies settings. So 1st time I open browser/try to login, it doesn't toss it up, but the 2nd time I load the page, it does. No biggie. Think I had this has a trusted/exception cookie site before, I'll do that again.
  22. When I hit the small "SignIn" key/lock icon at the top of the page, the forum does a little blip up there like it wants to do something, but doesn't. I had to click the "Sign In" (or Register now!) text link that's among all the "Hello welcome to the forums" intro at the top (when not logged in). I turned off the 'block popup windows' option (Firefox thinking that might be it, but it still didn't work. Don't care about liking posts. I also miss how the old forum could/did fill up my whole browser window, instead of being a column in the middle with empty space columns on the side. (not that this is important...heh) Edit: I logged out and suddenly the login icon at top of page worked, tossing up the extra window to type in your stuff. Strange. Maybe because first time I logged into the new forums? Anyway....I'll see if it still works later. Maybe it's my cookie settings or something, too.
  23. The Thing (prequel) - meh. Not badly done or anything like that, but such a retread it held no suspense for me whatsoever. And no one in the cast with the presence/fun of a Kurt Russell. The cgi creature effects looked better, of course, but somehow the old models are still technically more impressive, because of all the work that goes into those, vs. clicking pixels on a computer.... Moneyball - awesome, just awesome. Drive - action trying to be arty? It was ok I guess. Not as action-oriented as I was expecting. The bit players (Cranston, Brooks) were the best things. And wtf was up with the main chr. wearing that face mask at the end? To what purpose/what for? Just to be visually artsy I think....
  24. Holy forum-look changes, batman. *waves hello* Same ol' same ol...hope all is well with everyone.
  25. The water glass pic - omg Others are fun too. You guys are great at finding the funnies!
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