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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Side note/addition re: teleport: It does allow you to sort of teleport "through" clustered mobs. Not sure if it's allowed because mobs often have tiny gaps between them. But you can definitely teleport within a clustered circle of baddies, kind of like a Sorc in Diablo2 can.
  2. A thought occurred to me while I was sitting in the yard reading a book. Perhaps the AOE effect is supposed to occur directly around Anjali, radiating around her body, not at the location of an attack, thus I wouldn't notice if enemies are at a distance when it goes off. However, I do often bounce around within the Aura of Immolation while surrounded by enemies, and still haven't noticed any knock-down effect go off. Hm.
  3. ...does it even do anything? I have 5 points in it and I have yet to see anyone get "knocked down by an AOE effect" during critical hits. Is it broken?
  4. Haha, that's happened to me a few times. And to some of the companions. At least it's better than being stuck in the ground.
  5. Saw half of "Old Dogs"...it was free. But even for free, half was enough & I turned it off. You'd think with Robin Williams there might be at least a few laughs, but no. Not the worst or anything, but just nothing to keep me watching, heh.
  6. Definitely need someone more savvy & patient than myself for any possible complex modding. You can easily alter weapon/texture stuff to suit your personal fancy (purple & blue grass, whoohoo!), and alter pacing for Mastery and points upon level ups (could skip points, for example, if you wanted progression to be slower). Probably even the damage of abilities/items with some trial & error tweaking. But I don't see how you'd add a new item to the loot table, for instance...it's probably possible, but I lack patience to figure it out. Some designations are largely clear enough (like most of the Ability/buff coding), but many of the prefix/codes in the XML's just looks like random nonsense to me. At least I can make some chrs. for testing stuff w/out having to play the entire game.
  7. Ah ok. Then no other option anyway. I was assuming that because I swear I've seen Reinhart dodge while a companion. He certainly somersaulted, anyway. Maybe companion AI has the option but player doesn't. It's a shame (for me), because Reinhart's magic can be potentially more powerful perhaps than Anjali's, but I just like her spells better. Her human form is fine/good in the early going but my clumsiness with melee in almost any game = the late game bosses I find rather impossible for her melee, in HC.
  8. Why are you still acting like there's any difference? Because they "feel" entirely different to me? They also are different in terms of how you end up landing when you're done & how one might re-adjust for that. Rolling and the way you come out of the roll vs. teleporting and how you land. It seems I can control a little bit better the distance of teleport where dodge has a more defined animation/distance to complete the roll? The basic end result is pretty much the same (you're going around in circles) but I dunno...it feels different & I'm better at one than the other, maybe because I'm already so used to teleport from Diablo's. Edit: btw, I'm assuming Reinhart can do one or other depending on..uh..stance? form?... like Anjali. Teleport vs. dodge is why I use her Fire form 95% of the time tho. I'm not sure what you mean by "other side"... but no you can't teleport over objects (the broken benches in 2nd half of Rajani fight say). Distance of teleport allowed is fairly short. But you can certainly rapidly teleport back and forth in a straight line (like jump-hopping back and forth almost) to keep enemies wandering within your Aura of Immolation for it's entire duration while being unable to hit you.
  9. I didn't find his hit points all that strong (but I haven't played as Kat), but he can take a while because his attacks/helpers means it's difficult to get your own attacks off sometimes. Kats curses should help tho, are you using those? What's your stamina/hit points? Try switching gear to another config w/focus on other stats to see if it works better? I find, with Anjali at least, that against the bosses high-stamina works best over almost everything else, unless you're a super-dodging master. Just means you kill a bit slower. Dodge like a madwoman and if your healing ability is Mastered, use it to help your companion survive longer.
  10. Haven't played him but from the other posts, you just have to survive until you get the 2nd tier Entropy ability...Geo something...and then start stacking Will like mad. Before that, my guess would be to equip a lot of stamina equipment to get you through. In HC enemies can do huge amounts of dmg if they hit you, so early on high stamina helps a lot while Will/Attack less so, imo. Most important thing about this game & combat is dodging. Or, if you're Anjali/Reinhart, teleporting. Which you prefer to do is personal taste. With the magic casters I like teleporting, some like the dodge-rolling. You're essentially going to be casting a couple spells and then dodging in circles all over the place until you can get an opportunity to cast more spells. Non-bosses, you can run away & they'll stop chasing after a certain distance, if you need a breather to recoup.
  11. I'm hoping for at least one DLC, for sure. One that would help with replay value in some fashion, with items or new skills or a new chr. class or difficulty mode etc. etc. And I wouldn't turn my nose up at more Crispin Lucas content, either. Not that I expect it. Seems like DLC's typically go for brand new chrs & additive storylines/new areas.
  12. Would agree, even tho I love item hunting. Elder Scrolls games just aren't (imo) that sort of game. Items sure, but not to the mad extent of Diablo type games. ----------- I did notice the bit about companions in that interview, which I find a bit intriguing. I'll have to research what that entails, I wasn't expecting Elder Scrolls to do companions. I don't care if I can't fiddle with their skills, companions/party (whether 1 or 2 or 3) are still a big part of enjoying/motivation in "story" rpg's, for me. For some reason main plots don't motivate me in games...it's the smaller things like companions & interesting side quests/skills or just growing the chr.
  13. As long as your TV has had plenty of varied usage time since you bought it (like, 100 hours or so of non-gaming), that slight burn in after image you notice from gaming won't stick. Just play some regular TV in-between gaming sessions. Our 50" plasma, hubby played Borderlands for 8-9 hours a day for two weeks (Xmas vacation, heh) and it's just fine.
  14. Under console_scripts there's a .txt file called cam_mp_lo.txt and cam_mp_hi.txt, where it mentions a camera debug page and gives a top-down mp-pitch with a number. Could be a camera distance/angle thing, but even if it is, like you (Tig) said earlier, not sure how you'd get it to work/change, if at all. Ah well, think I'll have a look at the .dds files for now...
  15. It's all good! Conveying humor over the 'net isn't my strong skill, I could've been more clear about the tone/concept.
  16. Yeah...some of the little things are easy to figure & alter, and they take effect without seeming to cause an issue (eg, number of proficiency pts you get per level or something) but when I tried to alter Anjali's Abilities to "require level 2" instead of lvl 5, lvl 10, lvl 20 etc (I changed no other number/definition), the Ability menu in-game went all bizarro - Jackal on the top row and the other two Ability rows becoming blank & saying "undefined", stuff like that . Hard to understand why changing that 1 bit would cause that, without knowing more how/why all those definition might be interconnected. It'd take a lot of trial & error. Looked at that top down camera.xml and agree...doesn't seem to be an obvious value to alter for major change. If there's a definition for 'high camera'='this distance' it must be elsewhere.
  17. If you edit one of the XML files, do you have to recompile it back into the .oaf, or can you just dump it into the data_en folder (or some other folder) like an over-ride file?
  18. Whoa whoa, I was only trying to be lightly humorous. Of course I don't know you, just like you don't know me. The humor (which I guess fell totally flat...I tried to use the laughing icon to show I wasn't being "serious") wasn't that YOU over analyzed things, but that sometimes movie buffs do (which includes me, btw), and... oh nvm. Just humor failure on my part. Last week I had Cee Lo Green thinking I seriously found him "scary" on Twitter from a casual post re: a costume he used in a performance. I guess I shall retire from attempting the funnies. I have a strange sense of humor much of the time - never very good at it anyway. :D
  19. Hm. I wonder what dictates when they'll use them, since it does take up two orbs. Not that it matters, I'm just always curious about mechanics like that. Anyway...it'd be nice to be able to just stand around and watch the action to see stuff like that better. Maybe I can muck with some files so I can get a better clue.
  20. I take it you might not like movie review forums, then. Talk about a tendency to spend lots of time over-analyzing things. @Achilles - I don't think 2-3 ppl remarking on one chrs. VO means you're in the minority. It's something I noticed, for my personal tastes. Doesn't stop me from playing her (twice)...but I noticed. Especially through headphones.
  21. Hm. I don't see anything remarkably negative or positive in that interview. eg, it sounds a bit bland to me too. "Like Oblivion" "Like Fo3" ... since I haven't played Fo3 can't comment and since I found Oblivion boring/never came close to finishing, those repeated phrases don't exactly make me wet my pants. The "encounter zones" that could be higher/lower than your level sound potentially interesting. Item/skill changes...always hard to say until you play the game & see how the work in reality vs. on paper. I like this, since if I buy it'll be PC version. Boo. But ultimately not exactly important. Without this I probably wouldn't even consider it at full price. If I can mod things I don't like "out" to some degree, or put some in, it goes a long way. Assuming the mod program is at least semi-user friendly of course (eg no worse than GECK).
  22. So in my 2nd run of the game I had Lucas all Mastered in quite a few of his abilities. I'm not sure if he ever uses the Empowered version, however. I originally thought a companion using an Empowered healing would be helpful to the pc character, but so far I don't think he's ever used it. ..but as usual, it's a little hard for me to tell in mid-combat, with all the noises and lightshow going on. But I certainly haven't noticed my hit points increasing when he casts it, so....however I imagine it'd be easier to tell with some other chrs. as companions. For instance, anyone use Anjali as a companion where she Mastered Pillar of Fire, and saw her use the 'wider, fatter' version of it?
  23. I watched a documentary about lawsuits & TORT. Interesting. There are plenty of frivolous lawsuits in the world, but caps take away the power of jury/ppl in those cases that are actually not frivolous. Bleh. Also had a couple pickle, lettuce, onion, & tomato sandwiches. They are really tasty sometimes, good summer lunch fare. It's about as vegetarian as I get, tho. lol
  24. I have about 15-20 mods and I have no issues, but I'm not using any big content-changer mods. One thing I disliked about FOMM is every single time I opened it, if I had to restructure the order, it changed the 'last altered' date of the file (in Explorer....), making it so I could no longer tell when I had actually changed a mod file because every single .esp had the same date. That was unacceptable to me, I'm picky. Besides, I figured out that what order the game loads them in can also be dictated by what order you save them in the GECK. Essentially whatever you last save in the GECK, becomes the mod that is last loaded (.esp's at least).
  25. Detailed Normals should affect rocks and roads and some land textures, if you installed all of it's components/files anyway. I experimented with that, thinking I'd keep some and not other parts, but ended up getting rid if of it because I preferred the general land texture improvements from the Nevada Skies URWLified instead anyway. As to why they're not working....outside of what's already mentioned, and all the textures/meshes are in the right folders...hm. I don't use FOMM either, btw, it's use is often unnecessary, really, unless you have certain mods or running a ton of mods (I use a manual archive validation vs. thru FOMM). Do any of the mods require NVSE...if so, do you have that? Since it's Steam, if it's been a while since you installed the game, you could try validating the cache (checking the fragmentation of cache too) and/or reinstall the game.
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