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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Time to change your password, secret questions and answer. http://us.blizzard.com/en-us/securityupdate.html?utm_source=internal&utm_medium=launcher&utm_campaign=d3&utm_content=news-textlink
  2. I played it solo 80% of the time....occasionally played it with hubby, but both of us largely play alone. I like it as a solo game just fine. I think most people who think of it largely as a MP game probably don't like the type of gameplay all that much to begin with and it's playing with other people that makes it fun (or tolerable). It's like how there are plenty of people who also think the Diablo's are awful single-player games....to which I disagree.
  3. Beating a dead horse: Seriously, even when a weapon, for once, has ok-ish stats, the game then does this to you instead: ...and to be honest, those stats aren't even that great. And no socket. But really, come on...clvl60 items shouldn't ever be created with less than 500dps by default. The fact even ilvl62/63 items have very low base dps and have to rely on getting "%damage" modifiers upon generation to have high enough dps to be remotely useful even in Act1/2 Inferno or even late Hell is just stupid. You'd be surprised how many of the ones with 5-6 attributes are actually crafted. Which is probably why they want so much for some of them, because they spend hundreds of thousands + materials at the blacksmith to get a few decent-moderately good results. And then the ones that are genuinely found ... even more gold, because they're so rare. Outside of that, however....they come from people with a ton of time. I have the time, but not the desire to spend 12+ hours a day MF'ing...still, I've found some relatively good stuff, actually - Eternal Union, Nat's Gaze w/good stats, Tal Rasha's armor, some good Rare rings and ammys that would sell for 2-5 million if I didn't want to use them myself - but as a percentage of all things that ever dropped, it's not much. Also, I calculated how much gold it costs to craft a single top-level gem (the ones where you have to find the recipe for it), and it's millions and millions. I've "collected" over 8 million in gold - not counting AH profit - in the past 3-4 weeks and spent most of that on crafting Amethysts because I want two or three Perfect ones. And I'm not even close to that point yet. I have 6 Stars and 1 Flawless Star. Oh, also, I bought a lot of recipes because I'm not MF'ing where some of them drop. I buy the Flawless Squares because they're cheap and go from there. It's so redonkulous. But it passes the time now and then.
  4. Sept. 18th can't come fast enough. ...of course, I'll probably be disappointed, but at least then the wait will be over...and I can always hope until then.
  5. Heh, Battleship is another of those "I know it'll be terrible" films that I yet would be tempted to see just for the lol's, like Soldiers of Fortune. At least when it's cheap and on cable. I finished it, but it was definitely the least of the recent spate of comic hero movies. Didn't think it was terrible, but I did find it rather snooze-inducing for most of its length.
  6. --Enchantress is best for melee, hands down. Armor, attack speed buffs, disorient, and high survivability even in Inferno even with lowish resists, except when she stupidly decides to stand in a pool of poison or something. Also, 2H maces with tons of INT/VIT are cheap to buy and drop semi-frequently. --Templar, in Inferno, starts to die to almost every Elite mob quickly, and by Act3, in about 2 seconds. If you can get him a lot of LoH/Resist gear, it helps him, but that's expensive. I love his "character" but I find him rather useless. Also, his healing spell doesn't scale very well to all your +VIT item gear, so long before Inferno, you won't be impressed with his ability to heal you. He does not attract/pull aggro (none of them do) very often so you can't rely on that with the companions at all. Even if they occupy a few, you will be running or dying from the rest. He is, however, plenty viable through Hell, in terms of survivability...but won't be doing much damage. --I have yet to find a good use for the Scoundrel. His buffs aren't appealing, but like the Enchantress he'll survive better than Templar because of ranged attacking. Nor have I ever had any equipped to do more than about 2k-3k dps. If you have the time you can get lol's from the Enchantress killing stuck bosses, but that's about it. Mostly, it's their buffs people want.
  7. Has anyone been watching HBO's The Newsroom, with Jeff Daniels? It's not very good overall, but Jeff's character has that right amount of sarcasm that I tend to find really funny. So in spurts, the episodes will have some lol moments for me, when it focuses on his chr., but the drama stuff involving the other characters around him is kind of a snore, even if it's largely well-acted. Edit: apparently the first few episodes were reviewed poorly...so they're hiring new writers for the 2nd season. Maybe that'll improve it. Altho, I kinda liked the most recent "Bullies" episode. Maybe they should focus more on Jeff all the time, make it less of an ensemble.
  8. I miss the days when I could pick up stray cats on a semi-regular basis until I had a full horde. This house is too small for that. Not to mention my energy level. I was tempted to rent Soldiers of Fortune on VoD just to laugh at how bad I expect it to be - not to mention, to see if Sean Bean would end up dead - but I refrained. Still...it's tempting. If I go in expecting it to be laughably bad, maybe I'd find it entertaining. So many good people in it too...makes you wonder how they managed that.
  9. Supposedly that was a glitch or something. Once fixed I saw it constantly...but likely because I ran Act1 dozens of times. I've only encountered that timered dungeon in Act2 twice, and that chicken level for the first time a couple weeks ago. And still haven't had all the pages to that Lost series reference, etc. Yea, that's where I am with my Monk, late Act3. Every boss feels like a gear/skill/strategy or instant-death check and I got fed up with trying to keep up with it. Or everyone goes "well use Sweeping Wind/Conviction/Fists of Thunder" to get past and I go "what if I don't wanna use those?" and I get silence. Skill diversity my butt. I'm sure I could do it the "way I want" with the right gear, but then Act4 will ramp up yet again and .... lost interest. Not enough reward. I still like MF'ing once in a while tho. Most of the time it's terrible - good drops seem to come in very occasional, brief spurts. At the moment I've been spending most gold on working up to the max LoH gem quality. Mostly as something to do. 800 on a weapon + 600 from a gem, times two, might work well...but it ... costs a lot. lol
  10. Elephant: I've had better tasting water, but when you're thirsty, you can't be picky.
  11. Are you trying to imply that stormtroopers can't hit the broadside of a bantha?
  12. If you could read the article, you'd discover it's not about just playing "any ol' game". It's a RPG they made especially for their purpose. How effective this truly is in the long run, I couldn't say. (edit) In a way, maybe a bit like Sesame Street teaching kids the alphabet with singing puppets. Lessons integrated into and turned into entertainment?
  13. That's how I've been feeling about almost all films/TV for years. ....been watching Malcom in the Middle from the beginning on Netflix. Mostly for Bryan Cranston. The show itself is only so-so, but he's hilarious. What a great actor ... from neurotic dad in a weird family comedy to Walter White.
  14. I hate it when you wake up and you're too weak to open a twist-jar lid of a bottle of juice. And you're really thirsty.
  15. Nope, no new areas. Some of the random stuff is just rare to show up. Even two months later I still found a few minor things/events I hadn't seen yet. The AH (for me) is currently: low level stuff, if you sell it for cheap (under 15k), sells pretty well. clvl 60 stuff, however, can be hard to sell even for cheap because majority of ppl with lvl60 chrs wants the "top" stuff by now, and that sells for millions. Except, GF, MF and LoH items still tend to get picked up pretty swiftly if it's highish and with a decent other stat or two, or sockets. Most clvl60 stuff is vendor trash now tho....I can make more gold farming, faster than I can selling 10 items per day for super low prices. :/
  16. Had a homemade Ruben for lunch. Mmm sauerkraut. Currently getting ready to mop the floor, which is difficult when a cat keeps following you around trying to give you a hug. Someday I'm going to get a picture/video of this cat doing his hug-the-waist thing.
  17. Trespass. It was on Netflix instant so what the heck. I was sadly disappointed, however, because Nicholas Cage played it fairly straight (as the threatened father) in this one. Sure, he did some yelling, but it wasn't that great over the top, hammy, Cage yelling. Afterwards, hubby said he thought it would have worked better if Cage had been the main burglar/bad guy, so he could yell stuff like "Where's the money! Where's the monEY! Where's the MONeY!" over and over etc. Now that would have been entertainment.
  18. I like Ryan, he's a likable screen-presence. But I would not want to see him as Batman. He is not "tough" enough for Batman and I can't see him managing to portray the inner turmoil/conflict of Batman at all. Ryan is "nice," not edgy. Unless, of course, they wanted to make a reboot of the TV Batman series with all the "Kapow!" and bad jokes. I could see Ryan doing that.
  19. Are The Expendables super heroes? Netflix had a lot of the Hellraiser films on instant, so I watched the first three again. Y'know, I loved those movies back when. Sure they weren't much, even for low-budget horror, but that Pinhead was awesome, and in those years, the effects were still kinda gross, if y'know what I mean. But seeing them again now....they have not aged well. At all. Except, Pinhead is still awesome. Edit: I read that they kept hoping to reboot the Hellraiser franchise. Which might not be an awful idea, except that I can't see anybody but Doug Bradley as Pinhead.
  20. I really need some more good monster bashing click-fests to keep me occupied until BL2. Sadly, such games seem to be the only thing that keeps my attention these days, because I don't have to "think." Wish I liked PoE more...it's a decent game, but something about it still doesn't quite click with me.
  21. Apparently I can make 300K gold an hour in NM by putting on 240%GF gear and running through Cave of Betrayer. This is about the same as doing it in Hell with 195%GF. Except in NM, I can also put on 5000 attackers-take-dmg-per-hit and just run around the cave letting them kill themselves. Many LOL's were had.
  22. Yup. Don't have to worry about how long you take to kill stuff until then. Don't have to worry about resists either, altho in Hell some resists (200-300) does make things a fair bit easier/faster so I often get them up anyway. Normal-Hell, dps is total king, imo. When I went through NM the very first time, I hadn't focused on dps at all (I'm weird that way), so had very low dps and it was tough for a while. I started doing the dps thing and it became cake and pie again. Then a difficulty spike would hit somewhere, get tougher. Repeat. I think I took almost 14 minutes to beat Diablo in NM, simply because of low dps for that stage. In contrast, I gave my Wiz gear that my Monk had found so he always had moderate to silly-high dps for an area and blew through all 3 difficulties in no time, killing bosses in 20 seconds and such - he was a lightning/disintegrate/spectral blade wrecking ball. He's not at all ready for Inferno, tho.
  23. Would agree that if you're not finding a game fun at all (vs. just being occasionally frustrating), why force yourself to "finish" it? Just stop and play something you do find fun. That said...I'm one of those who did like Borderlands and I just remembered that it's only a month and a half or so away for #2. Just saw the new wimoweh trailer ... more fun trailer stuff from Gearbox. Since I'm having more and more doubts that Torchlight2 will actually be released before even official summer end, at least I'll have BL2 to snap up. Still playing Diablo3 occasionally, but not every day - mostly MF'ing and gold-finding runs. Stopped caring about beating/finishing Inferno and just stick to Act1/Act2 for brief monster-bashing fun. Maybe one day I'll beat Inferno...altho if I don't before BL2 comes out I may never do so.
  24. I think hubs and I have reached a stage where the PiTA of travel has become more trouble than it's worth 99% of the time. Especially since we don't like flying. Of course, I'm sure that will change in another 15-20 years and we'll turn into traveling semi-retirees, or something. Maybe. And today I've been....doing the usual stuff. Sun, yard, music, food, sun, TV, yard...nothing new here. Also, to repeat, I love, love, love, my black cat.
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