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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. You need to remedy this, now. How much you rough it just depends on what you feel like trying/doing. There's the whole "car camping" thing, for example, which is hardly roughing it most of the time. Sure you may be in a tent (that's put up closeish to where your car is parked), but you've also likely brought along coolers full of food/drinks and lots of other things. Some people car camp and never leave the crowded campground area they're using (basically small camping "towns"), while others may pick isolated places to park/pitch their tent and just use it as a basecamp while hiking around in isolation during the days. Backpacking into the wilderness is/can be a different beast, of course. And outside of emergency survival, you do need basic licenses to hunt/fish...in the US these can vary per state as well as possibly needing extra licensing for certain species etc.
  2. If I say the drawing of the town reminds me of Tristram, will I be pelted with tomatoes? I love the ogre drawing. The skuldr is cool too, although it's a bit more demon-y than I think I was expecting for the game, for some reason. That's not an objection, btw.
  3. Hubby says he found a street/cart seller who sells "the best oranges I've had since I lived in the (Central) Valley." So he bought a giant bag. I have yet to eat one, but now the house smells powerfully like oranges. Considering cleaning out my main remaining webserver of pretty much .... everything. I don't use it for anything but image-linking storage and email addresses anymore, and doubt I'm going to ever do anything with it outside of that. Even if I had some idea, I'd probably get/use a new domain. But...it's still difficult for me to look at that old Kotor2 gallery and just press "Delete." Memories. I think GoT is "all right." Just not enough to keep me wanting to watch it season after season. I certainly don't dislike/hate the show or anything and the 1st season was kinda fun.
  4. I'd make excuses, but ... there aren't any. Boston was doing fair for a bit there but as they say ... it's still way early. My expectations are still low. I haven't been watching much baseball this year yet, either. I did smile, however, when last night I went out for a food run and noticed the neighbor had the Giants game on.
  5. That depends on many circumstances. If the light takes 15 seconds, probably so, since I'd be braking/stopping anyway. If I'm waiting for 2-3 minutes I'll assume it's stuck and go. If one doesn't have the patience to wait for even 20 seconds or something, or see a deserted road as as an excuse to auto-ignore all traffic signs, well, no, I'm not like that.
  6. @alanschu - Yeah, I do understand that type of justification in today's age and as I've said numerous times, I'd agree the laws could use some updating/changing with the changing times. But they aren't different yet, and I'm still old fashioned enough that....oh never mind, I don't want to get into that argument again. @mkreku - so contact the related company and get a new key (or a new copy w/a new key if applicable). Don't have/lost/deleted/threw way the receipt? Wah.
  7. Buying a product typically does not = "if you lose it, you accidentally drop it in your BBQ, or a flood washes it away, you get to replace it for free forever and ever!"
  8. I have to say that I think my "real" level of CHA would probably be closer to 7, not 12. I can be very charming or persuasive in the short-term I suppose, but being Mrs-Charisma isn't exactly my normal nature. The latter would be more like Mrs-GruntedResponse-As-I-Stare-Into-Space. Part of that, however, is cause of the nature of all these entertainment tests ... Choice A is nothing like you at all, Choice B is closer but still not really on the mark, Choice C is closer (but in the opposite direction) but still not that close, and Choice D is also nothing like you at all (A and D can be humor-responses). So you pick one of the two middle choices even if they're not really accurate representations. Hence, skewed stats. At least, that's my theory and I'm stickin' to it. .... even long, "serious," non-entertainment personality tests have this problem at times.
  9. Truth. It's why I never care about/actively pursue getting into betas. I'm not very good at bug reporting, and I'm also not very fast, so even if I do notice something, by the time I notice it's likely been reported 1000 times already. ... I'm still amazed by how many people will just type "My zoom button doesn't work, need to fix please" and that's it. No details, no hardware info, no logfiles, nothing. If I do have beta access, it's largely an accident. Then I'm mostly just in the "oh, cool, I get to see it early" camp, if I care to bother to download it. I'm finding the Planet Explorer's alpha's a bit more interesting however, since it's in a much earlier phase than I've dealt with before, and they're somewhat open to actual gameplay suggestions vs. only tech stuff. I still have little to say, but it's more interesting to see what others are saying and know what they're referring to.
  10. Ah I see. And I assume this "optimizing" of the first two won't give any real idea of whether they're capable of making a Homeworld 3. I wonder if the Aliens game hadn't been such a well known stinker, if this news would have been a little less ominous to anyone? I'd still agree that I'd have personal reservations about their ability to branch out genre-wise, just curious if any think the recent flop has any effect in that regard.
  11. Is Gearbox making a new Homeworld game, or are they going to outsource it? ...never played it, but based on the info/screens of Homeworld, I'd predict Gearbox's foray into RTS probably won't be a rousing success, if only because it doesn't seem like their forte/strength. Still...they could surprise fans, and I can't blame them for wanting to maybe branch out/grow.
  12. Is CON supposed to be about how often you get sick? I thought it had more to do with stamina and/or how well you face/deal with pain in general. And in that regard, I'd be fairly high up I think (tho I don't get sick ala cold/flu too often either). But nowhere near an 18...so 12 seems fine to me. I do tend to forget that a 10-11 is considered a bit above average in D&D, tho. In pc gaming, I'd always try to have main stats be 12-14 or something and just considered that "normal."
  13. The cat was smarter than the owner and retreated to the shade of a bush, once the owner had stopped petting him. Plus, the cat never took off his fur pants.
  14. I'm feeling all "blah" and a bit grumpy so I went outside to sit in the sun with a cat, lost track of time, and ended up with mildly sunburned thighs. I used to tan easily/burn hardly ever...but such are the perils of computer tech and becoming a rather indoor-fixated human being.
  15. True Neutral Elf Ranger (5th Level) Strength- 11 Dexterity- 13 Constitution- 12 Intelligence- 13 Wisdom- 14 Charisma- 12 ....haha, I'm a weak little thing. ... I might think of myself as leaning more towards Neutral Good too. But...that test often made me feel like I was contradicting myself from question to question in order to give as "true" answers as possible via the way they worded things. Also....too many questions.
  16. So, any of you on IPS rated at 5-7ms, do you notice a bit of motion blur in games? Like when I'm running, I feel like in some games the terrain/some objects, especially to the sides/"peripheral" vision (eg, not everything) will blur a bit more notably on the IPS (supposedly 5ms) than on my old monitor, which was (supposedly) 2ms. Not blurry blurry, just a bit less sharp, and then if you stop, it super-fast settles into sharp again. It's not a big deal, but once I notice, it becomes a bit irritating. I don't recall ever noticing that effect before, so I'm wondering if it's the monitor ms response time or something else...like do I just notice it because the screen is physically bigger. I know monitor claims to ms response time can sometimes be a bit bogus, too...anyway to find that out?
  17. "Hm, maybe 1080 on 27" isn't that awesome for gaming. Something seems off vs. desktop visuals." ....it wasn't until I looked at some screenshots I'd taken while I was playing that I realized I'd forgotten to reset many of my game configs to 1080 after playing in 1600x900 out in the living room. Changed that, much better. LadyCrimson <-------- the definition of "brainfart." On the bright side, the IPS makes for the best "non-native" resolution visual result I've ever had. I noticed it, obviously, but it was fairly subtle.
  18. I didn't actually watch those movies as a kid but I did read a lot of books ... funny how parents can be so strict about TV/film but forget about books. ...alternated between the desktop, the couch, outdoor patio, and mild strength-exercising in the garage. Now unsure what to do with myself, when I feel like I can neither sit/lie or move/exercise for extended periods of time. heh
  19. I'm like that too...lots of shows I've only tried because Netflix exists. And I tend to like shows (and movies) that my husband doesn't, so my watching stuff on the PC keeps us from arguing. Or if he's using the TV to play games, or if it's late at night and I want to use headphones...easier on the PC. ...The Voice has been the only singing show that hubby finds tolerable enough to sit through vs. leaving the room.
  20. I suspect at least some of them will still buy the game when it's released in a final form, assuming the final form still interests them at all. Some just aren't willing to "fund" it, even if they are sorta interested. ...I haven't backed many KS projects at all, for instance, despite the fact many have been interesting/tempting. While I support KS's model for game/other funding, it just takes a lot to let loose my credit card for online purchase of anything. I didn't even have an Amazon account until Project Eternity finally got me to make one.
  21. That used to happen to me too. I'd walk home from a friend's house at night when I was a kid and there was this one row of street lights in particular. I didn't see it as magical, however. More like Freddy Kruger creepy...to the point I'd move and walk down the middle of the road instead.
  22. That would be cool. Sometimes I think part of our affection and anthropomorphizing of animal buddies is that seeming human desire to not be alone in the universe.
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