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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Well, I'm glad I'm a skinny elf then....maybe he won't think it's worth the time to hunt me down! The highest prof. I have is lvl 17 tailor (almost 18). The rest of the non-Leader ones are about 16. Highest Leader is 15...which has been 15 for seemingly days. Getting close to 16 now. Other Leader's are between 10-13. Also....if more quests were interconnecting/revisited throughout the game, like this guy's, it would be...a more interesting game to run through. But the early Linkletter stuff was the only time I felt interested in any chr/story aspect. The poor Linkletter's.
  2. Oh, Michael Shannon is Zod? He can be a mixed bag actor wise. Good in some roles, not so good in others. I'm not really picturing him as Zod....didn't realize they were going to deal with Zod in this one right off the bat. And nobody beats Terance Stamp....nobody.
  3. Heh, I was going to come in and ask if you've resisted temptation. I'm waiting for that Winter Wolf! I did get my main Cleric to 54, and her panther to max lvl-30. His last skin is basically ... even darker. Finally close to black rather than purplish. Also, finally had to switch from Sunburst to Astral Shield since it's better in tighter quarters. I still prefer Sunburst (with its radius dmg. + knockback) but I wasn't giving up Healing Ward in the hotkey bar. Strange how all the Lolth "bosses" are the easiest ones so far...I guess because of no adds. Some of the clusters of drow assassins/priestess were tougher than "Daughter of Lolth."
  4. Hurlshot's RV trip threads are becoming one of the best "annual traditions" of the forum.
  5. Farmed for runestones in NW:Online off and on for a few hours. Sat outside in the sun. Did some joint stress/strength exercises (so boring...). Watched hubby try to take a broken Kindle apart (someone at his office was going to toss it)...he likes to see how things work, or if maybe he could fix them. He's like a little kid taking apart his parents phone, sometimes. Now off to make some supper and then maybe find a movie to watch.
  6. Yeah.... ...decided a lvl7 enchant/runestone is not worth the trouble. You'd spend oodles of diamonds/zen on either type of ward to get to the highest rank (lvl10?) - or lose oodles of enchants if you don't use wards. Lvl5 or maybe lvl6 is the highest I'd go, even with wards. Totally insane. I lost a lot more p. wards than in that pic, going from lvl4's...with the end result of 2 lvl7 enchants and some lvl 5's and 6's left over. I'll stick to the professions. My cleric is almost lvl53 now, wiping the PvE quest mobs around. Outside of the instance bosses w/their adds, it's almost boring. But I'm sure I'd suck duck in group dungeons.
  7. I saw that before I went to bed. Skill node farming for me all weekend! Enchant heaven! Don't really understand the special town under attack thing...is that a group thing? ....and tell me about it. At the least it's tempting to buy a few respec tokens each for a few chrs. and a whole bunch of preservation wards. Or just horde Zen from the bonus sale until they have something I really do want ... like a panther or white wolf mount (not worg...). ....I'm still not spending $15 on a stupid dress, however. But if bags, profession packs and more actual services ever go on sale, I'd be in serious trouble.
  8. Oh NooOOooOO! Alchemy resources/assets? In prep for a new Profession for the upcoming new race/class? Just what my obsessiveness does not need.
  9. I've been going for defense because it helps with every single hit, where I think Deflection is only a chance of 50% dmg. reduction on a hit? Being solo with everyone hitting me-only (they almost never attack panther), the former seems more sensible? Altho I'd guess Deflection, when it procs, works well with the big red circle attacks. Cleric's reached the point where with 4 Divine pips she hardly has to use the action-point Divine Powers. Only if completely mobbed or on the "bosses." Sunburst/Daunting Light/Healing Wards/Astral Seal/Sacred Flame. She takes a lot of dmg but heals for so much that most of the time she survives without needing a pot. The bizarre camera swinging angles that can occur when close-targeting in narrow places still "mess" me up sometimes tho.
  10. That looks like a good place for a concert.
  11. I'm wondering what y'all think about Deflection vs. Defense. Seems hard to get a lot of both, if you also want lots of Power, Life Steal and whatnot. So far I've been going with Defense and Life Steal on the Cleric (about 11% LS, 22% defense now). Regeneration seems useless, especially for a Cleric...so Power/Defense/Life Steal with a bit of other things. Critical Strike is nice but don't seem to need it super high for cleric soloing (I have it at 16% at the moment).
  12. I look at them now and then but always come to the same conclusion: I wouldn't (yet) buy enough games on the console to make it worth the extra gaming purchase (to me). If hubby was interested in one for his occasional living room gaming vs. PC, we'd get one anyway, but he's not, so... Gaming gets enough of my money as it is anyway.
  13. Alternating between in here on the 'net and in the living room lounging around in a t-shirt whilst a cat keeps trying to lick my knees. He's a weird cat. Any word on the "why?"
  14. I got bored of the stupid chain mail armor look that almost never changes. The bottom skirt of the Founder dress outfit flares up every time you go down steep hills/stairs...which was amusing for a while, but then I got bored of that too, heh. The game really needs more clothing options (that don't cost $16 in zen to buy). Just dyeing something doesn't do much for me.
  15. Patch loaded. Going to take a bit to get used to all these new graphic icons. Blah. My current fave farming instance for lvl3ish runes/enchants (meaning I never finish the quest/kill the guy at the end of it...) has been left alone, yay. Faster time for combining runes is the awesome. My lvl27 panther used to do about 60-70 avg dmg. and 120-130ish crit dmg against lvl46 enemies. He now seems to average about 190-200 dmg. with 290-300+ crits. I assume they're crits. Could just be his pounce skill bonus for all I know. Anyway, it's better and he could kill a single mob dude on his own, but still slow so it's not much of a difference in a real fight. But he did pull aggro a tiny bit faster. And I don't think he did the below animation before when he pounced. He'd just crouch-land, not fall into a super arched-back pose. Kinda weird. Didn't test him on lvl27 enemies.
  16. Yeah....I'd do things differently if I was focused 90% on only one chr. Just one doesn't give me enough obsessive-task orientation, tho. Hardehar. I keep making new clvl 10 alts to create more workers (and nothing else), too, so I don't have to use up slots on the others just for that. I'm so sad. Patch 66%....
  17. 99% of the time it's Deeper Dungeons...the official levels or my own "goofing off" maps.
  18. First half of patch went fast. Second half of patch going sllooow. Sigh. ...and on average I currently pull in about 175k-200k AD a week between all my Leadership's and the occasional AH'd prof. worker/other small items. More or less. I'm trying for 400k a week (eventually). Sadly there seems to be a built-in limit to how many of each type of prof. task you can have going at once. I don't know if it's a bug or what, but after starting 3 of the same diamond-generating task, that task disappears from the available list. But there's so many with 800, 1200 and 1600 per task (that can be done twice a day) that it doesn't matter too much. It is a bit irritating to buy zen in dribs and drabs from each alt but it all goes to the combined exchange account so no biggie. ....annnnnnnd now the patch is going even slowerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....................(edit) and now I think it's stuck at 62%. Great.
  19. I can't help it....I keep watching "Wicked Attraction," despite the cheesy re-enactments. I tend to find true-crime shows interesting. The profiling of deranged minds or forensics. Used to read true-crime books from the library...these days it's TV shows I guess. I tend to prefer stuff like "Forensic Files" but I watch a bit of everything in that vein, now and then. Wish they'd reduce the usage of filler re-enactment stuff tho...for any reality/history genre show, not just crime. That aspect of TV just get worse and worse...
  20. Taking a short break from NW:Online (well, outside of occasional Gateway use). Fired up some Dungeon Keeper, because slapping imps to death always makes me happy for an hour or two.
  21. I've noticed some people's spider mounts, when idle, would sway back and forth and mine didn't. I wondered why. Then I found out it must be when you hit lvl 50, because now mine does it. Got bigger too. I still need gold to buy the occasional thing for all my alts profession gearing, so I haven't done the horse/AH thing. I seem to make a fair bit of AD as it is ... never enough of course, but it works. Goes in spurts. I still find the only use for AD, in my case, is trading for Zen. Generally seems like what I want (and how much of it I want), I'm better off trading for 300zen booster packs then spending multi-millions of AD on specific items one at a time. And the occasional lockbox key for the t. bars. Edit: so many lvl 60 purples for super cheap on the AH, I've bought a few of those. Sitting in mailbox for when I'm 60.
  22. Yeah, that was kinda my thought/wondering. I know about horse-blinders, but they're usually a lot different (well, modern ones anyway). More like two flaps that block side vision. Those big spiderweb, metal coverings of the pic look like they'd interfere with forward vision (metal stripes would run across vision) somewhat, as well as not really blocking side vision very well. Then again, there are horizontal slat type anti-glare glasses and such, so perhaps while they interfere some, it's not that bad. And I'm certainly no expert on horses. Just seemed curious.
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