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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. When Mr. Clean wasn't a smilin' dude - but apparently still made the ladies smile.
  2. I can understand limiting it in PT1, say, but yeah...after that I don't see any reason to not allow a very high number of backpack upgrades. Just make them really expensive to get to 50+ slots or something. I rarely mind a limit per se, but loot-based action games (whole point is tons of loot droppage) that try to limit you to fanny-pack size inventory space to make it harder to accrue gold/carry too many optional weapons seems a bit silly. Never works anyway - everyone still ends up with more cash then they can spend etc.
  3. Aww, it's not endless. Only get one extra ammo upgrade each (50 purple), 2 backpack (50/100). Not sure about the town stash as I haven't spent on that yet. I'd assume same as ammo (one) since it's on the same list/side. So much for my dream of having a 50 slot backpack.
  4. I don't have any issues/the main forum link works fine for me. I'm going to take a wild guess it's something restricted to babaganoosh's computer.
  5. We finished the Tiny Tina DLC. Took us maybe 9-10 hours total. The last boss fight wasn't too hard, but as usual we were kinda pokey actually doing the defeating. Something like 20 minutes. Fun stuff tho. And the ending bit/joke was hilarious. So...now officially my favorite Borderlands DLC. Not a single vehicle at all, the riffs on D&D campaigning and the area designs, all awesome. Still have all the side quests to do that show up after...and I wonder if there's any limit to Crazy Earl selling new ammo and stash space etc. First one is 50, next 100 ... time to ez-farm PT1 dragon-boss for tons of purple!
  6. I figure most people here don't watch Glee, and I haven't watched it in some time myself, but hearing about the lead actor's death was a bit startling. I wonder who'll theyll find to replace him with? Or was it going to be cancelled soon anyway?
  7. Thread pruned slightly. Let's try to leave any personal animosity out of things, please.
  8. Borderlands 2 with the hubby right now. Except he ran out of beer ... crisis, pause game! Back to it soon. Hard to imagine playing BL2 with anyone else at this point. We're like a well oiled team. An often confused and lost team, but at least we know how the other thinks/moves.
  9. Most people around here don't wear jackets at 55-60F or so here, either, unless it's really windy or raining. Unless you're my husband, who gets blanket-cold if it drops below 72. Altho it is odd, how 55F in summer feels fine, but 55F in mid-winter feels chillier, somehow, even on windless evenings. The gauge says the same number, and yet...I guess because the sun on the skin just doesn't feel as hot? Psychological? Dunno.
  10. There are some that are within the warmer (more yellowish) range of the color spectrum and turn on quicker, now, but it's still not quite the same as incandescent bulbs. The one thing I do like about them, however, is how long they last. I only have to bug my husband to change the ceiling ones maybe once a year, if that.
  11. So about 81F? ...that's an average (literally), pleasant summer day here. Barely break a sweat weather, unless you're running a marathon in full sun at 1pm. But definitely nice weather. Not too hot, not at all chilly.
  12. This bit made me laugh and laugh .... but I can't say why without spoiling it.
  13. After reading Keyrock's experience of Tombraider I think I'm going to assume that my old-fashioned husband wouldn't like it. We did finally get around to playing some of the Borderlands 2 Tiny-Tina DLC late in the evening. So far, it's definitely the best DLC of BL2 and perhaps the best one for both games. Like the silly humor, new enemies, the additional effects enemies can do on ya, like that they finally put in something else to spend the purple bars on, the boss fights seem a bit more interesting, etc. And less focus on vehicles (actually, none at all so far). I've never been fond of the vehicle stuff in BL. We're using our lvl 50's (Siren/Commando) in True Vault, so most enemies are 49-52 .. but there's been a few lvl55's which led to a lot of hollering and me running around in circles while hubby took shots+turret as I ran by.
  14. Hubs: "I want to go out today." Me: "Ok, I'm coming with." *hours in a car seat later* Me: "Where are we going anyway?" Hubs: "Where the road goes."
  15. From the title, I was expecting some pictures of Walsh sitting on a dryer in his heart-covered Valentine's Day boxers or something. I am disappoint.
  16. Tombraider, eh? Hm. That's certainly a steal for a pretty recent game. Wonder if hubby would want it...he's asleep tho, can't ask. But can anyone tell me why the sys. requirements list "internet connection?" What's that needed for? Just a one-time verify, or is it somehow an always-online required? Me too, and me either. But while I found it an interesting program, since I'm not much of an ... astronomical builder ... after looking at it and going "neat" for a few hours, it didn't have much appeal beyond that. Still....it's a fun little thing to check out, especially for that price.
  17. But did any of them have lasers attached to their heads?
  18. Decided I had to stop watching documentaries for a while. So since Netflix had Expendables 2, I watched that for a 2nd viewing earlier today for some irreverent, cheery, over the top violence and macho male bonding. It's as silly the 2nd time as it was the 1st time. Just what I needed. Oh and the other night I surfed to SyFy and saw the start of some movie where man eating rubber sharks were all swimming around in some giant storm whirlpool tornado or something, where they'd chomp on anyone who got close to it/sucked into it. I was all "wtf?" ... Ah, SyFy, I remember when I was excited that a channel was going to be devoted to sci-fi stuff...
  19. 110 dumbells wouldn't make it over my head...or if they did, they'd immediately drop to floor again as my arms came out of their sockets. Hurlshot, that's an awesome thing, making a dance studio in the garage for your daughter. ...chicken/cabbage stir fry for dinner, settling down to watch some Red Sox and A's baseball.
  20. Uplay is why I haven't bought FarCry3 - not because of crashing but I just don't want Uplay. The sale price is a bit tempting tho. ...and yes, I looked at Steam today. Couldn't help it. Luckily, nothing interested me. Maybe because I already have more games on my plate than I have time/energy for, heh.
  21. I don't find lots of large or all-encompassing tattoos personally attractive, but if someone wants to have them, it's their body/choice. Doesn't affect me at all. I also don't find over-stylized hair (on men or women), make-up, bizarre piercings, or certain clothing fashions personally attractive, but as they say ... who cares what I think. I often feel a lot of personal decoration is largely about making statements, whether private/personal, social/cultural, psychological or billboard, etc. Perhaps to some, tattoos are a sign of larger commitment ... unlike peace sign earrings or a pink ribbon button, you can't take them off (well, not easily anyway).
  22. I am being fair. The amount of landfill, possible water table contamination and other pollution issues with plastic diapers vs. reusable diapers (as well as the manufacturing impact) is a legit concern. Of course, on the other side, if everyone used washable cloth diapers, then one has to wonder/worry about the water usage outweighing the benefits they have (which includes, hopefully, the sanitation of the waste water, vs. all that human poo being in landfills - which then makes you wonder about the environmental impact of how they sanitize the water, if any...). The point is, there's pros and cons to everything, if you start to look at it from all angles and perspectives down the long chain, with no truly awesome solutions. Let me state that I am not exactly PRO-PLASTIC-BAG (or for the over-reliance on cheap disposable plastic for many things). What I get grumpy with is when scare tactics are used to frighten the masses into thinking one particular option is 100's times more evil than another, and then even the choice is forcibly taken away. ...plus I'm overly grumpy from watching too many depressing "humanity rather sucks" documentaries. Edit: I found this interview's various stated viewpoints interesting...with the usual caveat that when it comes to some of their statements, I haven't researched their validity. It's just an interesting discussion. Do Plastic Bag Bans Help the Environment (Host Michel Martin discusses the issue with Michael Bolinder of Anacostia Riverkeeper, and Nick Gillespie of the libertarian magazine Reason.)
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