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Everything posted by will_990

  1. Well, actually one galaxy not so far away in the future (Winter 2004/Feb 2005, that is) would fit...
  2. I never finished Kotor1 under at least 50 hours with all sidequests and fully listening to all dialogues. The game wasn
  3. 50% agree to JohnDoe. 9700Pro and no crashes as long as I turn off included antialiasing. This is, imo the main problem with ATI and hasn
  4. My thoughts exactly, especially since this isn
  5. I just replayed Kotor1 with the male & female character where both had(rather) long hair, so I
  6. Once and for all...YES, imo especially Yuthara Ban as LS party member and, since this isn
  7. I just wonder, if it will be possible in future times to record the music in 5.1...btw how long will the average length of one music score be? I found that music in Kotor1 was a little too short (about 1
  8. Interesting...all things I would like to see, too. Especially swoop races and Pazaak tournaments would be fine. Bounty Hunter could be a special class for Non-Jedies...
  9. Darksider, one day I will meet you in the outskirts of the galaxy and...try to turn you back to the LS like a true Lightsider would...
  10. I think dueling should be included as kind of a tournament (it was fun on Taris, actually) as well as for Pazaak and swoop bikes...
  11. Question on screenshots of the LucasArts gallery: Does anybody know, if the planet on pictures 10 to11 is Coruscant? Would truly look like it...
  12. I truly hope so. Yuthara has been the most interesting npc in Kotor1, and having her as a LS Jedi in my team is one of my most wanted for Kotor2 (besides having a true sequel with the old team but as we know this won
  13. Ahm..folks, this topic is about including (multiple) romance plots (to which I do agree), not about including sex orgies etc (to which I would not agree), however kissing sequences etc. should be added, puritanism is no longer adequate in our century, imo...but please keep on talking, I like this thread.
  14. I do prefer DVD, but as far as I know CD-protection systems are far more advanced than DVD so my guess is it will be another CD shuffling session...
  15. You`re right. Grand Admiral Thrawn would be a worthy adversary for the next movie trilogy...always thought of him as the true foe even when flying for the Empire...sigh, good old flying times.
  16. Vader was no ultimate Sith since he turned back to LS, but you
  17. Numero Uno on my wishlist besides the story: please let the light sabers (especially these) remain activated (don
  18. I agree with longe range weapons being inferiour to light sabers and melee weapons...make them more destructive and different (e.g. disruptor rifle with extreme long range but rather slow firing, heavy waepons vice versa etc.).
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