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Everything posted by Silvershadow

  1. I swear, I do! If I didn't, I'd probably be in the process of writing chapter 15 in my fic instead of chapter 8.
  2. HAHAHAHAHA!!! I'd do fanart myself, but... well... I tried that once when I was bored, and to this day I blush over the attempt. I really should stick to writing. Some of us are just not meant to draw. I much prefer to look at what other people have done, and think, "Wow! I so could never do that if my life depended on it!" (P.S. chapter 8 is almost done... it's in the proof-reading stage. )
  3. Oh, it wasn't on here... one of my readers emailed me a sketch of Atton inspired by his aapearance at the beginning of my sequel, which I thought was totally wicked. I'd post it, but it's not exactly mine to post... I know I'd hate it if I wrote something and sent it to someone, and they turned around and posted it on some message board.
  4. Awwwwww... that's so sweet! I like it! It's not shabby at all. Shabby is what it would look like if *I* were to try and draw Atton and Jena (not that I'm speaking from experience or anything... " ). This is the second time I get fanart inspired by my fic. It's so wicked!!
  5. Seriously... Believe it or not, some of us have lives outside the OE board. (It's true!) "
  6. I think that only works if you're LS though... I remember the one time I played DS, I lost influence with him the first time I talked to him just for *being* DS. You don't even have to make it back to the ship though... you can turn him to a Jedi right in the room where you meet him. I've done it. My suggestion is: save often as you talk to him. I thought he was kind of a pain and sometimes I gave what I thought was the right answer, but was in fact the wrong one. It is manageable though.
  7. Yes and no... I honestly don't recall seeing any dialogue "options" per se, though I never did finish that game... only got about halfway through. Not really worth the effort. You get an extra little spiel from Atton when you first meet him and you play a female exile... I think there's something involving the Handmaiden if you play a male exile, but I can't say for sure. And that's about it. As an Atton fangirl, I appreciated the little extra Atton dialogue stuff, but I certainly wouldn't want to play the game twice JUST to see that. Totally not worth your time if you weren't planning on re-playing the game in the first place. This extra stuff only shows up once (meaning, on your 4th playthrough, the extra stuff will no longer be there), and from what I understand, only happens if you have the Xbox version. (that's what someone on this board told me once, anyway) I haven't done any cheat codes, so I really couldn't say. I'm leaning toward thinking that wouldn't work, but what the hell do I know. (for the record, I also hate playing DS, but I found it wasn't that bad with KOTOR2) No, absolutely not. The cut content is something completely different that was just that -- CUT content. You can't access it in game at all.
  8. Hee hee hee... Darth Darth! I don't know why that made me laugh, but it did. I must've had either too much or not enough coffee this morning.
  9. By Chris Vrenna aka Tweaker! Very good indeed. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Damn straight! In fact, it's the soundtrack that got me playing the game to begin with (when I started my current job, among the stacks of CDs in my office I found the Alice soundtrack... then bought the game because I liked the soundtrack so much.)
  10. Wow. And to think I thought I was an Atton fangirl... this Darkside person puts me to shame. I may have put hearts next to Atton's name, I may have written pages and pages of fanfic, and I may have purchased a used copy of "Full Frontal" on VHS for $5 just because Nicky Katt is in it, but I definitely never used a different size font to write Atton's name on the board.
  11. Wow, and to think I was expecting this thread to get locked and/or moved hours ago. " I only remember 2 of the names I used for KOTOR2, and both were LSF exiles. The first one, I thought I'd be cute with and named her Revan Onasi. (that got real confusing real fast, so in retrospect, not such a good idea) And the last time I played, my exile was named Jena Shel. (anybody who's read my fanfic is bound to recognise the name. )
  12. I was flip-flopping between two answers in one question, and if I choose one, I'm Carth; if I choose the other, I'm Atton. Which is kind of funny because I always figured I was a cross between Atton and Carth. (well... a female one, that is)
  13. I liked the music from American McGee's Alice. (okay, so the game ain't exactly new, but I still like the music)
  14. Honestly, I've played both versions of KOTOR on both the Xbox and the PC, and it's the same bloody thing. I don't understand how people would sit and argue how one specific version is better than the other. They each have their advantages and disadvantages. The only real advantage I can see about the Xbox version is the fact that I can play the game while sitting/lying on my couch. But the PC version has better graphics. *shrug*
  15. Well, duh. I thought it was common knowledge around these parts.
  16. All right, who's the wise guy who voted for Atton? <_< Well, at least I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who found GO-TO irritating beyond all reason.
  17. My boss was telling us he heard that the average adult laughs 5 times a day. I find that incredibly sad. I'm WAY above average there.
  18. I think they'll likely end up in there regardless... people sometimes get honourary mentions even if they don't die.
  19. I did have a misty eyed moment. Actually, that entire section with had me misty eyed.
  20. Ha! I knew there'd be a Canadian on here who'd know which movie I'm talking about! They used to cram the entire school in the gym so we could watch that movie. I find that unusually cruel. Perhaps the teachers enjoyed watching all the kids cry over a dead Saint Bernard.
  21. Has this thread turned into a "who do you like best?" thread? Cause that's what it's looking like and it wasn't exactly the original point of the thread... Well, if that's the case now, I know I'm going to shock everyone here when I say I like Atton. Ok, I don't have the notes I took for my first fanfic with me, so I can't check, but I'm about 99% sure he doesn't call Atton a hero. He calls the Exile a hero, but not Atton. Atton says something about Disciple trying to impress her with his "big hero way" and Disciple replies "I thought she was the hero."
  22. No kidding! I thought I was mean today... Poor Disciple...
  23. See, now I'm picturing Carth with a Wookiee. Thanks a LOT. <_<
  24. AAAAAAAAHH!!!!Too late. The damage is done. Must... scrub... brain... clean...
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