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Everything posted by Bubbles

  1. The DoT portion of Autumn's Decay (i.e. the vast majority of the spell's damage) is not affected by Spirit of Decay either. Hypothesis: any damage where the tooltip states "Effects: x damage over y seconds" is not affected by elemental bonuses. On that note, I just saw a Chill Fog graze for 15.9 damage before DR, when the stated damage on Chill Fog was 16-23 (base 12-18) and I had only Secrets of Rime to boost the spell (character level 2). Such huge graze damage should not be possible... I suspect that the base 20% boost is fully added to grazes instead of being halved. edit: Concelhaut's Corrosive Siphon does not benefit from SoD either. Necrotic Lance's main effect does work, however (though its DoT component is not affected), so it's not a bug with the talent itself.
  2. This one is hard to explain; basically, before this patch I could hotkey my first spell/ability and have it show up the very left of the hotkey bar. Then I would hotkey a second ability and it would show up to the right of the first one, and so on. Now, however, I am seeing some very strange behaviour. Sometime the ability I hotkey third shows up at the very left of the hotkey bar, and the ability I hotkey fourth at the very right. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it. I made a new character for this version, so it can't be a legacy issue.
  3. Did a bit of testing on a whim; turns out that the corrode portion of Rot Skulls is not actually affected by Spirit of Decay. The devs still have a lot of patching to do.
  4. The combat log gives the same accuracy value both for the main target and the AoE splash, that's why I didn't understand the hover. The splash is also called a "foe AoE" in the tooltip, but it's a normal AoE that also hits party members.
  5. https://www.dropbox.com/s/7joz1j1put6i8ox/ecb2363bfd3845c8939222444df07ee5%208647398%20CaedNua.savegame?dl=0 played with v1.0.6.0586 I also noticed that the secondary AoE is not actually a foe AoE.
  6. Seal spells no longer benefit from Mechanics as of 1.06 beta. It might have been changed earlier, but it definitely isn't working with the newest patch.
  7. Nope! Iconic projection is not affected by Secrets of Rime, though it compensates for that by always ignoring DR.
  8. I've been playing with the 1.06 beta for a while and I haven't seen that bug again. It might be fixed, or at least reduced in frequency.
  9. At level 12, the hover on MCM states "Accuracy: 71, 59" for me. However, in practice it only ever seems to use the 71 accuracy value, both for the single target damage and the foe AoE. Am I missing something?
  10. "should", eh? Now I kinda want to see 1.06 go live without a fix for that bug.
  11. I constantly get the problem without even using Chill fog. I cast Hardened Veil, run into a group of enemies, cast Minor Blight, auto-attack with my implement, and then, after the first or second hit, the animation just plays without doing any damage or even adding anything to the combat log.
  12. Could you change Scion of Flame to work with the Chanter's fire chants in this patch? The last patch notes claimed that everything was fixed, but it hasn't been.
  13. I just noticed this; it really doesn't matter at all, but it does seem like a bug. In "11_bs_glanfathan_reactives.conversation": And in the stringtable: The line is currently unlocked by being a Scholar or by not being a Scientist. Thus, everybody except Scientists gets it and the Scholar line is completely superfluous; I would assume it's supposed to read instead. There are similar checks in "te_barks_all.conversation" and "db_barks_all.conversation", which are unlocked by being a Scholar, Philosopher, or not a Scientist; I can't check those barks easily, but logically, it's very likely a bug.
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  14. I suspect the problem with fixing these issues has to do with their save system. If you remember, Obsidian were unable to properly fix buff stacking after save/load, so they had to make a bunch of buffs battle only to circumvent these problems. They still need to do with this with Paladin auras, but those are probably implemented in a way that makes this difficult.
  15. If they were capable of fixing this bug, I'm sure they would have done so. At some point we'll just have to rely on fan hacks.
  16. If you make a melee offensive chanter, make sure you don't take Savage Attack - the -5 "Melee" Accuracy will also apply to your offensive chants. On the other hand, Scion of Flame doesn't affect chants at all.
  17. I think the main problem with understanding this point is that many people assume that Chanters are supposed to replace the BG2 bard. That guy was obviously not passive and cast buffs (including major self buffs) and damage spells right from the start of combat. However, this class was obviously designed to replace the Bard from a completely different ruleset, so it can only fairly be compared to that one.
  18. This was discovered very early on - IIRC Soul Whip damage is added to all physical damage that Ciphers do, no matter what the source. The devs have known about it for a while too - my guess is that they can't fix it, so they're forced to keep it the way it is.
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