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Everything posted by Bubbles

  1. Same for me, probably the Mechanics hotfix.
  2. Hopefully it'll get fixed in the next patch.
  3. That's what they did last Thursday, worked out pretty well for them sales wise.
  4. Performance on that system should be in the 5-10 FPS range. Some people enjoy playing like that, others do not.
  5. Well, Durance is around plus 4600% DMG. I killed Adra Dragon with 1 hit! For me this is a game breaking. To me it sounds like the opposite - it's making it easier for you to play the game, not harder.
  6. It would be smarter to re-record the voice with a fan actor so the kids won't notice that something is up.
  7. Presumably when new bugs like the save/load thing were discovered.
  8. Just to play devil's advocate: it wouldn't make much sense to discuss the details now when the patch release is still a week or two away.
  9. You could change the dialogue here to imply that the "d" is taking him "someplace better" without being specific. You could also rewrite the "o" a little bit so that he comes across as less frightened and more shy or careful. It's not ideal, but it's still much better than what's in the game.
  10. Yeah totally agree. This game deals with some very heavy stuff. swearing would be the last of its Problems to make a child friendly. Was thinking the same, how is reading the f-word worse than reading about ? Couldn't you simply change all instances of the r-word to "yell at" or "be mean to"? That still explains why the uncle is doing something bad without upsetting children.
  11. The problem is, of course, that you wouldn't know what the attributes do on your first playthrough without seeing the attribute screen first. Then again, you wouldn't know what your racial attributes do either, and those already come earlier. The best solution would be to *gasp* put all choices on the same screen, but that would surely be overwhelming.
  12. The game isn't that GPU intensive as long as you meet the minimum requirements. Processor speed, RAM and HDD vs SSD (in that order) are bigger concerns.
  13. Confirm. I'm also not sure if the secondary knockdown effect of that spell actually works.
  14. I'm not stuck in plot progression, I just have a near useless main character that I don't want to continue with. I have the stopped Focus regeneration bug on my main Cipher and took way too long to notice it, so reloading would suck. I'd rather wait for a patch and restart properly.
  15. A publisher may have funded a faster early patch cycle to keep up the hype, whereas PoE already made back a big chunk of the initial investment through Kickstarter, pre-orders, and day-1 sales. At this point they're not under a terrible amount of pressure to hotfix anything, since most of the money is already made.
  16. Yes: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/71830-pillars-of-eternity-support-faq/ It's only a "hope", but I'd say we have at least a 60% chance of getting a patch this week.
  17. I'm stuck near the end of the first act, so whatever mind blowing twist you're hinting at (are they ghosts who come from an ancient civilization that had no culture and was therefore immediately forgotten about? Animated puppets?) will have to wait until the next patch. I do think it's wrong to telegraph that kind of twist during the tutorial though, since it could have been handled much more subtly (with an unknown culture name that only gets explained later, for instance).
  18. Steps to reproduce: a) select Calisca or Heodan b) press "C" c) look at the "Background" line Confirming what many already suspected, Calisca and Heodan have no Culture whatsoever and thus have one attribute point less than anybody else.
  19. Steps to reproduce: 1) remove all equipment from your PC and from your party members 2) compare your unarmed damage. You will find that, no matter how low your PC's Might, he still deals much more damage than any pre-made NPC (in my case, 6-9 or 6-10 unarmed on PC vs. 1-6 or 1-7 unarmed on companions). Player-created NPCs hired at the inn have the "proper" 6-9 or 6-10 range. Save: not attached, since the bug seems to occur under all conditions and is easy to see. It's not exactly a crippling bug, but it is very strange.
  20. I disagree about pinning the topic, because most of these bugs are not game breaking. "Game breaking" means "makes it impossible to play the game". Making characters stronger, wiping a few active abilities, or making it impossible to complete some optional content is not game breaking. We'll get a patch later this week that will likely balance some of these issues, but it's completely possible to play the game start to finish without a hotfix.
  21. Refer to the stat bonus stacking thread. Pallegina stacks a negative stat modifier instead of a positive one, but it's still the same kind of bug as Kana's constantly increasing Intelligence.
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