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Everything posted by View619

  1. Somebody should roll a party of monks in honor of this thread.
  2. Your Rogue is fine, come back to Raedric's when you have a full party. Or, you can speak to Raedric with Eder and leave your other units further away from the throne, allowing you to re-position when the fight starts without being bum-rushed. You can complete the quest without needing to over-level for it.
  3. Lol @ Forrest Griffin the Nature Godlike. These are pretty good though, especially the humans. I'll be adding them to my portrait folder.
  4. Does the player really need damage-type immunities when there are already spells, potions and equipment that buff DR vs certain damage types? Happy to see that it's going to obvious enemies though, hopefully they will do something similar for CC targeting specific enemy defenses.
  5. Spell hit chances are a dice roll, bad-luck is possible. Pay attention to a creature's defenses before you select a spell. Aiming Fan of Flames against an enemy with High reflexes will graze or miss more often than not. Stop bragging about making progress on Hard mode, it's not difficult. The only difficult option is Path of the Damned.
  6. More like Paladin Josh Sawyer, from the Order of Balance. I really hope that breastplate becomes an item somewhere down the line.
  7. Unacceptable! What if I'm playing a heterosexual female? In before the SJW faction has a field day with this! /sarcasm
  8. Funny enough, Trial of Iron doesn't really prevent you from save-scumming if you really want to. Quitting during battles reloads the last auto-save; I assume that's there to prevent lost saves due to system errors or power loss.
  9. Guns are great, there's a reason they have very slow and extremely slow reload speeds.
  10. Treat the stash like a pseudo-ground mechanic. If it's not a quest item or ingredient, just ignore it.
  11. There's a lot of things I'm interested in, and that I'll probably not hear about, but that doesn't mean that it should be posted here just so I do. Me wanting to hear about it has nothing to do with whether this is the appropriate place or not. I want to hear heavy metal every day. The hospital nursery is not the right place. Unless it's a lullaby rendition? http://www.rockabyebabymusic.com/
  12. Should have been a stand-alone, imo. Not really interested in picking up BG I at $20, even if it is "Enhanced". =/
  13. Solid idea, I'm going to try this on a future play-through. Roll an MC and some companions with a couple of d6 and play with that.
  14. Just play without the most OP combos, spells and abilities. Problem solved.
  15. Agreeing with making implements single handed.
  16. A Rogue focusing on deflection is terrible imo, the poor base deflection will just result in a sub-par total or sacrificing the class's major advantage to put them at an acceptable level through talent selection. If you really want a Rogue that won't keel over on the front-lines, give it the ability to disengage consistently. That's done by increasing disengagement defense or fast attacks with a high interrupt chance.
  17. Instead of complaining about Iron Man (I assume) when you haven't even beaten the game, how about turning it off so you can reload? If you want reloads, play without the option. This post just comes off as a standard rant and rage quit.
  18. Unless you can find a doorway where only one character fits in the entrance while enemies literally line-up and wait, and cannot move past your tank (even when engaged), then you need more than one "tank", a front-line unit who focuses on maintaining a defensive line vs the enemy, in POTD. Unless it's only possible due to the IE mod AI option, enemies will run around your one tank and rush more viable targets now, no longer tripping over each other to get at the "tank" if possible. POTD has too many enemies for one unit to hold back without very narrow choke points. I have seen enemies literally dance around the engagement circle of a front-line unit just so they can get a clear path to back-line characters, they no longer ignore the rest of your party. If I recall correctly, you don't play on POTD since you're not a fan of inflated stats for the sake of difficulty. With respect, I would suggest trying it with the latest patch before making that assumption.
  19. You need two for POTD due to the number of enemies, and the AI has been improved to the point where enemies no long run circles around a unit they cannot attack. For Hard, you don't need more than one tank.
  20. Ranged weapons reload automatically, even if they are not equipped. Make sure that you have the latest patch installed.
  21. OP, just buy Sword Coast Legends.
  22. Fast weapons benefit more from DR bypass than increased attack speed.
  23. Useless for Wizards and Priests. Druids would be better off spending the point on one of the elemental utility talents. Basically, they are good early level but fall off later on; maybe if the developers re-think the (awful) idea of making spells per encounter then it could become more useful.
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