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Everything posted by View619

  1. So, anybody have a list of the main issues with difficulty? Poor AI + low base stats for enemies + enemies that don't scale based on player level?
  2. No they are not. Rests are unlimited because the game does not punish or ban you from going back to a village or city and buy more of them. Having to trudge back in shame to the inn is punishment enough for me. Losing progression due to sloppy play would be a punishment. I would cry from joy if the hardest mode actually enforced the difficulty it is supposed to have! Fair enough. I'm not that hardcore. To be fair being forced to spend around 2-3 minutes running to an inn and back isn't really a punishment, since you still gain the same result. I think putting a duration on quests would strengthen the implementation of the rest system.
  3. How does separating attack spells and buff spells not already address this?
  4. I wouldn't say it's the best one. You have to have one Mechanic in your party. It's also nice to have Lore for your main character for dialogs or for fighters so they use scrolls. But other than that all skills seem useful to me. The problem with Mechanics is it gives EXP and items so you just have to have it. True, but there's no bonafide mechanic early on - really putting the emphasis on that being the player character. You're much more rewarded for having mechanic skills than other skill in the offing. Durance or a custom adventurer?
  5. Backed the game at the $20 tier, iirc. After playing the released version, I actually feel bad about that. The game is definitely worth the full price tag. If I had to compare it to the BG series, it's much better than BG1 ever was and not as good as BG2.
  6. Congrats? You're too skilled for this game clearly, time to drop it and move on.
  7. Agreed that disarming traps shouldn't grant experience. You already get to re-use the trap yourself.
  8. Yet is isn't, probably for the same silly assumption that "once you make that possible, everyone will feel they have to use potions all the time". Complete nonsense. Well, I was going to point out that I can just drink a potion as my first action in combat which is true for casting a spell buff as well. Just a personal dislike of the restriction, although it works. Also, are we not considering eating and drinking the equivalent of pre-buffing?
  9. Seems it could have been implemented if each creature immunity was listed in the beastiary. As it is now, units just have higher defenses and damage resistances vs specific spell and damage types. Maybe they'll do it for the expansion/sequel.
  10. Only issue I have with no pre-buffing is the restriction of making potions combat only. I wouldn't be able to stack potion effects, but at least drinking a Bulwark of the Elements potion before initiating combat with a drake should be reasonable.
  11. That's your opinion, really. If you think it should be optional, enter the command in the console. If you want a POE that caters to your specific preference then modify it yourself. The developers made the console available for a reason, it just sounds like everybody complaining is too lazy to type a few words to get what they want. Maybe the process of unlocking unlimited resting should be made clear in the first post? The devs implemented resting because they wanted a system that simulates resting in a table-top setting, which the system achieves. Clearly, there is no default toggle because the devs want it to play an important role in the game, not just be ignored. Notice that easy/normal/hard differ in the number of camping supplies for a reason. In my opinion, the only improvement to be made to the rest system is some sort of penalty for running back to the town inn and resting, such as triggering an unfavourable quest resolution (x woman has been killed, bandits made off with supplies, etc). This would need to be done in a way that avoids locking important quests, though.
  12. So, why are there still complaints about the rest system when unlimited resting is as easy as using the console? You can't have unlimited resting and achievements, choose one. This is really a non-issue.
  13. And now this **** is being brought into IE mod topics, great!
  14. Fighter with high lore skill and scrolls, or Chanter. The wizard's buff spells are cool, but they should not be combat only. If OE ever makes that change, melee Wizard may actually be viable.
  15. My guess: an issue with the hotfix. Also, Bester, I know we all share a common hatred for the Memorials, but is there any chance you could restore the deleted/changed Memorial as a core part of the mod? The tears of insane SJW everywere that just can't possibly use the mod when it includes such "transphobia" would nourish all thinking people everywhere, I think. Honestly, why should Bester waste his time putting energy into this? Probably better off just ignoring it completely, imo; it's not worth all the drama and attention it's been given. From what I've seen, the people complaining neither play the game nor use the IE mod.
  16. Not trying to be rude, but do you have any examples?
  17. Any news on the latest patch? The one that came in after 1.03?
  18. So, it just occurred to me that some backers have some decent gear on them for when you enter areas like Defiance Bay. Anybody else considered just killing the characters for the loot? Would this trigger reputation decrease or aggressive city guards?
  19. Yeah, wondering what this just changed. Hoping we get some updates before too long.
  20. Yes, let's continue this mud-slinging after the author himself confirmed that Obsidian put the decision in his hands. Honestly, I keep forgetting that common decency is too much to ask for on forums. Feel free to continue "discussing" the issue with the handful of posters who don't know any better.
  21. Actually, there was a choice. They asked me if I wanted to change in light of what happened. I chose to change it so that they can concentrate on the game instead of this PR nightmare. They weren't going to change it, they asked ME if I wanted to. I can find another platform to write my controversial crap, and I will. They, on the other hand, did the right thing and allowed me to decide the fate of the epitaph. I chose to turn into something that made fun of the bitch-bastards that were complaining. They went above and beyond what I would have expected them to do. Can we have a mod make a locked, sticky topic for this please? Maybe then, people will stop ranting about it and this PR nightmare can be shut down before it gets any worse. Also, don't badger Firedorn. He doesn't need to show screen shots or proof of anything, have the decency to let it drop.
  22. It seems like a function was put in place to allow monks to switch to their bare-handed weapon set using fast-click, but ended up giving everybody an additional un-armed weapon set. It doesn't really seem like a major issue, since technically you could put away both weapons and go unarmed. For balance purposes, it will probably need to be fixed. I like the bonus for monks though.
  23. Yep, I have a monk dual wielding a fist and a 1H weapon. Seems like it needs to be sorted out by the devs.
  24. Yeah, if you lose all members the game ends. In order to trigger Second Chance, the party member has to "die" and there's no expection for the skill afaik. It seems to be working as intended.
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