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Everything posted by Tyrell

  1. I thought the same thing when I found out about this ****. Ask me I believe its pretty said. You would think that since they have the game/sound/graphics engine all passed down to them from Bioware, you'll think that they can now use all of their remaining time by making he game more, whats the word....deep and expansive. Possibly more planets or possibly bigger planets. Take Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas as an example. It uses the same engine as Vice City, so guess what RockStar North did what that remaining extra time? They made the game more deeper/expansive. GTA: SA has 3 cities in it whereas VC was just one city. They say that it will take 8 Vice Cities to make up the area that is covered in GTA: SA. Sadly we as KOTOR followers can't say the same thing for TSL. TSL just like GTA: SA has the same engine as KOTOR, but guess what? We still get the same amount of planets which really isn't a problem. The problem is that the planet sizes aren't going to be bigger and that is the problem considering that the planets in KOTOR really weren't that big. I mean for what TSL is offering it is a good game but for what TSL could've offered, I'm somewhat upset and I'm sure many other KOTOR followers is as well, they just don't want to come out and say it, they just rather kiss Obisidian's ass rathr then come out and say what they really feel. Of course this is one of the main reasons why I am highly down-graded here and why many people has something against me. I'm different cause I don't kiss ass and I speak my mind. I could care less what others think. Thats right, I'm going to complain. As my right, and me being a huge Star Wars/KOTOR fan, I am concerned. Besides a new story and new characters and some new little force powers/classes and some new animations here and there....what is Obsidian doing with all this extra time? I'm really concerned . Maybe Obsidian is believing that the KOTOR name is going to sell it, but KOTOR doesn't have that same popularity like a Zelda game or a Final Fantasy game, a game where the name could just sell the game alone. As of now I don't see TSL being the same game KOTOR was in terms of sells/popularity. Halo 2 is expected to sell more and win more awards then what Halo did. Vice City sold more and won more awards then what GTA: III did, and GTA: SA is expected to do the same. Half-Life 2 is expected to sell more and win more awards then Half-Life. Windwaker 2 and The Legen of Zelda is expected to sell more then Windwaker and win more awards. Again, I'm said to say that we can't say the same about TSL. But will I still get TSL? Yes, only cause its Star Wars and it is the follow-up to KOTOR. But is it my #1 most anticipated game? No, my #1 most antcipated Star Wars game? No, Battlefront is. As of now TSL is more like a massive expansion pack rather then a pure sequel. Maybe KOTOR 3 would be different. Hell, I wouldn't mind if TSL was delayed til fall 2005 as long as they take the time to make the game more deeper/exansive. Instead they are in such a hurry to get the sequel out, they neglected alot of things that could make this game a much much much much better game.
  2. Our (TFN) network partner IGN has the first part of an interview posted, which asks some very overarching questions of Mike Gallo, Chris Avellone, and Chris Parker. The interview can be viewed by going to this link What do you think?
  3. Well you still can't throw Full Sail out of the window when it comes to programming schools. I hear that Full Sail has a high % rate of students getting a job in the industry within months of graduating. DigiPen isn't the ONLY school out there for videogame programming. Also its location in Orlando, FL so if you live in the Southern part of the Country, going to FS would be convienent to you.
  4. I believe that there will be a Sith Lord on each planet serving as a "boss" to the area. To fully complete each planet you would have to defeat the Sith Lord for that planet. Much like how you had to collect a Star Map from each planet to fully beat that planet. Then at the end the Leader of the Sith Lords will be the main boss of the game, probably the Sith guy we always see with KOTOR 2 material. That is just my guess. Its all speculation, we'll see the truth soon though.
  5. Well yeah, but you also have to consider that DigiPen is a 4-Year (Bachalor's Degree) while Full Sail is only a 2-Year (Associates Degree) school. So overall DigiPen is going to be the better school cause you learn more with those two extra years. But for what Full Sail offers, you really can't just throw it out of the question. It is still a good choice for those seeking to be a game programmer. Outside of programming Full Sail has a Computer Animation program for those who are interested in going into the gaming industry as a videogame animator. Whether it is character animations or background renders. Full Sail has a course to teach you that. That is something that DigiPen doesn't offer. So Full Sail offers two areas of the gaming industry (Programming/Animation) whereas DigiPen is just programming. Not that Full Sail is better cause of that, but it does offer something else.
  6. I voted for multiple choices. I belive that we shouldn't be limited to just one person like in KOTOR. I believe that KOTOR 2 would be just the same, but hey atleast KOTOR 3 could feature this.
  7. Search your feelings....you know this to be true.
  8. How about this: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II -- Revenge of the Sith
  9. COBOL ==> Common Business Oriented Language for those who don't know.
  10. Tell tell you the truth, I know how to program in COBOL. I know: COBOL Java C C++ C/C++ I learned in HS and the other two I learned in my first year of college.
  11. I don't want this to seem as if I'm doing something that probably won't make me happy. Computer Programmer or Videogame Programmer, either way I'm going to be happy. Its the the word programmer that makes me happy. I want to be a programmer. Computer/Videogame is just the prefix but as of now I'm liking the "computer" prefix right now because now a computer programmer makes more. Maybe 3-4 years later when I graduate things will change. Again, its the programming aspect that I love, not the computer or videogame aspect of it. So it isn't like if I pick computer programmer over videogame programmer, I'm going to be sacrificing something that I really love to do something else that I love less just to make more money. It isn't like that.
  12. Breasts? Lol, that won't do for me. I'm an ass/thighs man. And nice tight stomach.
  13. I really do hope that romances in this game is really non-linear. Meaning that you aren't just limited to have a romance with one character. Like in KOTOR for a male we can only be with Bastila and for a female you can only be with Carth. In KOTOR 2 if I'm a male, I want a choice. Cause I mean....Mira does seem somewhat hot but I bet she isn't the female that we can have a romance with. Then ask yourself what your willing to give up to add more romances. Romances are a lot of work unless you make them completely superflous. But a romance like Bastila's spanning the game and affecting the end of the game takes a lot of work. Adding that amount of depth to other female NPCs is hard on the writer and means depth will be lost to other NPCs. Im fine with 1. Even if I dont like who the person happens to be. This isnt KOTOR Hot Date. Yeah that is true. But if we do only get one romance (with me as a male), I hope it is with a non-jedi character and with someone like Mira. Cause if it is with another Jedi, it will just make the Jedi Code of you not being able to love seem like it has no meaning. But then again, even if it is with a person like Mira a non Jedi person....I'm still a Jedi and yet I'm showing love. So maybe it just could be with a Jedi character, most likely with that white haired chick.
  14. I really do hope that romances in this game is really non-linear. Meaning that you aren't just limited to have a romance with one character. Like in KOTOR for a male we can only be with Bastila and for a female you can only be with Carth. In KOTOR 2 if I'm a male, I want a choice. Cause I mean....Mira does seem somewhat hot but I bet she isn't the female that we can have a romance with.
  15. Enough with DigiPen, another great school for videogaming is Full Sail University's Game Design and Development program. Check it out at Full Sail: Game Design and Development I was going to go there after HS but in the game program they only offer a 2-Year Associates Degree. Plus it was too expensive and they had no room & board so that meant that on top of paying for the school, I'll also have to pay for a damn apartment! It was in a nice setting though, Winter Park, Florida which is in the Orlando Metropolitan area. So instead I chose to goto Kansas University on a full Track & Field scholarship, that way I won't have to pay a dime for anything. Books and Tuition, Room & Board, all of it payed for. So all I have to do is run around a 400m track a few times and they pay for my whole school. Here at KU I'm majoring in Computer Science. I'm heading into my 2nd year and after that year I'm transferring to the University of South Florida in Tampa. There I'll also be on the Track/Cross Country team . I'll finish my 2 years of college there and maybe depending on my funds situation I'll go for my masters in Computer Science. However I don't really want to be a game programmer though, just a normal computer programmer for some business. They make more.... But yeah, also check out Full Sail, they are pretty good.
  16. I mean if I had the opportunity to pick a job: 1 -- Working as a programmer for some game company 2 -- Working as a programmer for some business firm. I would mostly pick the game one cause thats what I'm into. I like to program, plus I'm into games so those two kinda go together. BUT I did find out that game programmers (And for why I don't know) make less then the average programmer. So then it came to me, I like videogames and ever since I was little I wanted to make them. But if I could make more $$$ doing basiclly the same thing (programming) but with a different motive (something other then games) then why should I limit myself to just games? Yeah, I might be coming across as some money hungry 18 year old, but hey! Picking to not work in the gaming field and picking to work in another programming field really isn't showing that I'm just about the money and that I'm sacrificing something that I like to do something else just to make more $$$. It isn't like that cause I'm not sacrificing anything, yes I love gaming but my #1 love is programming. Maybe things will change though, I'm only 18 and I still have 3 years left of school (Maybe 2 more if I go for my Masters) so I have plenty of time with this. I think it is just better for me to learn about this type of stuff now and not wait til the last minuete when I'm about to graduate to then educate myself on my field of profession.
  17. Right now I'm heading into my Sophmore year of college (2nd Year) at Kansas University. Good thing for my Track & Field scholarship cause I don't have to pay a penny! Anyways, I'm majoring in Computer Science with hopes of getting a programming job when I get out. I might get my Masters, but I don't know yet. Anyways, last night I was looking on the internet about computer programmers and I found out that a computer programmer (not videogame programmers) average about $40-$60,000 a year. Now there is some exceptions as some my be lower then $40,000 and some might be higher then $60,000. Hell in High School my C++ teacher told me that she knew someone who was a programmer that made like $200,000 a year. Anyways all of us in that class wants/wanted to be a videogame programmer but she made a comment saying that videogame programmers actually make less then an average computer programmer. Is that true? I know both require the same s***, both require atleast an associates degree while a Bachelor's is mostly recommended and a Masters surely won't hurt. Some companies MIGHT take some with a HS Diploma but I believe that is really really really rare. They both require you to know the same s*** like C++, GUI, Java etc... I know the difference between the two is that a Computer Programmer works on normal everyday programs and debbuging while videogame programmers....works on videogames. On the main page of this site it talked about how Obsidian is hiring and one of the things open is a programmer and they said that they offer competitive salaries. So tell me, does a videogame programmer really make less then the normal everyday business type programmer? I'm only a 2nd year college student but I want to know as much about my future job as possible. I don't want to be like those Seniors in college who wait til there is like 1-3 months left in their college career to take more notice on their job and stuff. I always wanted to be a videogame programmer rather then just a normal programmer, but right now I'm leaning more towards being the normal programmer....
  18. You won't after GL f*cks with them in the DVD release. :angry: Lol, why is that? You wouldn't understand Mr. Mouthpiece....let's just say the Greedo shooting tragedy will be increased tenfold from what I've seen so far. What can I say, its George Lucas. Either way, the SW OT DVDs has already setted records with the most pre-orders at many stores and is expected to sell a ton. So obviously the Greedo situation or any other situation for that matter....really doesn't seem to be a concern.
  19. I wouldn't think there would be a comparison between X-mas sales and EP3 hype. K2 doesn't really need the extra hype to sell well, it will get plenty of hype regardless. It needs people willing to buy, and that have the moeny to buy. Hence, x-mas sales. Plus, plenty of SW prequel tie in games have died a sad death in terms of critical success and sales. The movies don't seem to help that much. Well Republic Commando is one of the most anticipated Xbox titles coming out and it is heavily influenced by the prequels.
  20. You won't after GL f*cks with them in the DVD release. :angry: Lol, why is that?
  21. It would be good in KOTOR 2 did still come out Feb 2005. In May 2005 EP3 will be coming out and everyone will be so pumped to see it. So before it comes out, people can get some Star Wars taste before the movie. This game being KOTOR 2. So in the end, KOTOR 2 could benefit from EP3 in many ways. Or vice-versa, EP3 could benefit from KOTOR 2 cause would get people into the SW mood and ready for EP3. Thats just my thought on the situation. Thats why I believe Republic Commando was delayed. Because it is heavily related to EP3 and maybe GL wants to use it as some of the marketing plan.
  22. s***, if males with pink is supposed to be associated with gayness then thats just a fluke to me. If there were an crystal to have a pink lightsaber I should would get it, along with a blue saber. Hell, I have 5 pink shirts in my closet right now and one pair of white/pink Phat Farm shoes. Maybe its just an African-American Up North thing. You gay-ass homo.
  23. Yeah, I would say the only badass looking stance was when you had two-lightsabers. The double-bladed stance looked quite gay and like you were scared to fight. The single saber stance was just too generic.
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