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Everything posted by Zansatsu

  1. We would like to see all those who don't like killing things and getting rewarded be able to have the experience they want while we have the experience we want. It can be done.
  2. It's not selective logic. It's called a compromise for those who get wildly upset that people in there own personal game might have separate motivations.
  3. ... You only have 6 choices. Plenty of other games not only have more stats than that, but also more individual effects from each stat.It's really not that hard. It's like classes. When you see a class list, do you think "Hmm... which one's the BEST one?", or do you just think "Hmm... which one would I like to play the most?"? If you prefer the effects of INT, you boost INT. If you'd just like to do awesome raw damage when you hit, boost Might. etc. Just like "pick any class you want." No one gets confused and gives up at class choice, so why should 6 stats that all provide good benefits (I understand the system needs a little tweaking, but they've already acknowledged that, and that's what beta data is for) be paralyzing via choice overload?No you're right. Some of these games (general speak) can over do it a bit with all the different things you have to choose from.
  4. "You must gather your party before venturing forth." I like the idea of centering the camera. Anytime you will need to load you will need all your party members. That probably won't change.
  5. Yeah I agree with the OP, I can't see thematically a druid, or even myself as a person, wanting to kill animals that are simply acting instinctually.
  6. If this had actually been achieved, it would be fantastic design. Unfortunately, the current attribute system has not only failed to achieve this holy grail, it has actually regressed to something worse than what we're used to in RPGs. I'll be honest it seem like if it was achieved I wouldn't know what to do with my points. I want to hit hard and be hardy at the expense of accuracy or so on and so on. Studies show in retail, the more choices you give people end up being more paralyzing than empowering.
  7. It's probably a money dump. I would bet the in game economy allows you to get very wealthy with little to spend it on.
  8. I've seen a lot more footage from the beta now, looks like combat is fine other than the pathing issue and bugs.
  9. I don't quite understand the desire in design where every stat must have some positive effect for every character class. Why is this so trendy. Sometimes it seems we change things just to change them.
  10. Since there is no multiplayer or co-op in this game it doesn't matter.
  11. If a game requires kill grinding in order to progress to the proper lvl to complete Main quest objectives in a game where side questing is optional and story driven, that is bad game design. That is a separate issue than whether gaining experience through combat is good or bad. One does not force the other. If you cannot stop yourself from doing unnecessary combat you don't enjoy because you're getting xp for it you have a personality disorder.
  12. The argument against Kill xp seems to be that you can't gain enough lvls doing the main quest line while trying to find non-combat methods to complete your objectives right? That seems like a game design problem that could be fixed quite easily without removing kill xp no? What am I missing? The area's you are directed to through the main quest hubs and even the side quests in the area should coincide with the developers desired character lvl at that point. So should you decide to do a little side questing you shouldn't be outgunned if combat becomes unavoidable no? Should you come across an area that is too tough for you perhaps logically you could say, "well I will mark this on my map to come back to later" because given the lvl cap you should reach no matter what, NO AREA WILL BE OFF LIMITS FOREVER. Am I taking crazy pills?
  13. Agreed that is a very frustrating feature, if by that you mean venders have a limited amount of gold and once you have sold all your stuff they are now out and it never comes back? Just clarifying because I am not in the beta so I don't know exactly what it is like. At least have his cash replenish in a game day cycle or so. You would think he might make some money while you are out.
  14. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't D:OS give pretty hefty amounts of XP for the killing of monsters? You aren't wrong. You get a lot of experience from killing monsters. I quite like the D:OS system. Feels very rewarding.
  15. Good point. There should be one "Party inventory" for each party. If the game splits the party in two for story purposes, there should now be one party inventory per party. There will be a need for a "switch between party" button anyway, as you can't play two different party at the exact same time. How will you know what items will go where when you split up your party?
  16. That's a really, really terrible reason to do anything. BGEE has zooming, anyway, and it's the only thing really making those games worth buying (but damn is it important on today's 1960×1080+ resolutions) I'm not making a judgment call on it one way or the other I'm just telling ya why it is.
  17. Yeah your right. Unless those are pictures from his specific game and he changed weapons for those photos.
  18. I think the logic here is the game is supposed to look and feel like an IE game which did not have camera zoom.
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