The Great Phantom
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Everything posted by The Great Phantom
"the end of all things"
The Great Phantom replied to indarkestday's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Nay. This stuff I'm about to spew out is paraphrased straight from the DS Sourcebook: Marka Ragnos read the ancient lore brought by the original Dark Jedi to conquer the Sith Species. In it, they mentioned a powerful race of Force-Warriors (the Jedi), which protected an even stronger 'empire.' Ragnos knew that, should the Sith come in contact with this 'empire,' they would die since they were not prepared. So, during his long rule, he used his cunning to instigate civil wars amidst the Sith, letting them all hate him and attempt to kill each other and himself, so that their limitless expansion slowed to a halt. When he died, so did his plan. When Sadow fought Kressh at his funeral, he appeared to warn them to join together and be wise during the upcoming events. Then the Daragons arrived, and his advice went unheeded. Sadow used their arrival to attack this great new 'empire' as a test of the Sith's true strength, not knowing what he was getting into. Kressh was a little more cautious, but the Sith at the time were too full of the remnants of the bloodlust that the civil wars had brought on them, so he went mostly unheard. And then Sadow goes and attacks, and the rest is history. Basically, he hurts them badly, but the Sith Empire, for all intents and purposes, crumbles. Kressh dies, Sadow flees, and their respective armies are either destroyed or degenerate into Massassi warriors, who all die after Exar Kun, anyway. So, the only hope for 'true Sith', imo, are those that did not join either armies, or did not participate in that final battle where the Sith were quashed at the Republic only temporarily scarred. I hope that, in Kotor III, we may find that the Sith Empire was only scarred, as well, and that they have been building themselves up, "waiting for a command that will never come" or somesuch (Malachor V was to be used as a beacon, but for what? Hmm...). Just what I've read and come up with on my own. My opinions only, Sadow was a military genious, just a little too hasty. If Sadow actually makes an appearance, though, I'll just call the Devs lazy, though... -
"the end of all things"
The Great Phantom replied to indarkestday's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Okay, this may help clear a few things up (way to go, darknesslord, you corrected my failing memory! ): "Searching for the Sith, Nadd inevitably heard rumours of Yavin IV. The forest moon's strong presence in the dark side only lured him more avidly. There he came upon the former Dark Lord of the Sith Naga Sadow, who had used a technique to suspend bodily animation and enter a coma on the moon at the end of the Great Hyperspace War, where he remained for over 400 years. Until Nadd came. Sadow awoke, and began training Nadd, gifting him with the Sith artifacts and sought to complete his training under Sadow. Before his training was complete, however, Freedon felt he was strong enough to conquer and claim the Sith throne as his own. It is believed that he killed Sadow ("believed" as no source explicitly says that Nadd did kill Sadow. It is known that Sadow died at some point after Nadd's arrival as Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum could detect no remaining Sith presence after the extermination of Exar Kun, and Exar Kun found the moon devoid of other Sith as well.) before traveling to Korriban, an ancient Sith burial planet, to complete his training once more. " A neato quote that does explain a few things. If Sadow does come back in Kotor III, though, it probably won't even be worth buying... anybody want a picture of the "Idiot-who-ruined-all-that-the-Sith-had-going-for-them"? -
ajunta pall's dark secret
The Great Phantom replied to darknesslord's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
If it was the Star Forge, the Sith would not have lost to the Jedi, or each other, would they have? And, if it was the Star Forge, then some records of it would have remained behind in Sith records (a neato battle-ship constructo-gizmo would be hard to forget, with half the empire chatting about it), and Sadow could have used it to wipe the floor with the Republic, or some other thing. Maybe it is a Malachor-like place. Malachor V was just a beacon to draw whatever remnants the Sith Empire had back to the battle (in theory, let's not talk about this stuff again; ignore it and move on), so maybe there are other 'hungry' planets or something... Or, maybe Ajunta is talking about the place where the map is... The map on Tatooine was strong enough (and had enough evil energy) to draw a Krayt Dragon (sp?) to its cave, after all. And Krayt's are a lot smarter than most Sith (and bigger... did I mention bigger? And their TEETH!). -
"the end of all things"
The Great Phantom replied to indarkestday's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I've read the comics. I'll check it out, 'darknesslord', and get back to you about what I find. Vaxen, what I think may make a neato KotorIII would be an army of Nihilus's (Nihili?). A ton of weird paradoxical life-suckering Sith would be a neat threat to have to defeat/rule... -
"the end of all things"
The Great Phantom replied to indarkestday's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
That sounds about right, thanks. Still, I found this clip here, and it sorta argues with that a bit. "Later, Naga Sadow's spirit appeared and he became the Master of Freedon Nadd, giving him much Sith lore and artifacts aboard his now-buried flagship. However, in his weakened state as a spirit, Freedon Nadd was able to overthrow him and ended up killing Naga Sadow before he could reach his full potential. Whatever the truth, neither Naga Sadow nor his spirit were around by the time Exar Kun arrived on Yavin IV centuries later." Either way, Sadow's out of the picture. (Where'd you get that clip? Or did you just paraphrase something? Just curious.) -
ajunta pall's dark secret
The Great Phantom replied to darknesslord's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Not likely either. His "Dark Secret" may just be the Star Forge map. It was on Korriban, but was not buried with him. I highly doubt it is anything of mysterious importance, for now. -
"the end of all things"
The Great Phantom replied to indarkestday's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
It was Nadd who taught Exar Kun. Nadd was in turn taught by the ghost of Sadow. Kun destroyed Nadd's ghost, which Nadd did to Sadow. It may be the Sith Species, or it may not; either way, by the time Naga Sadow blew things for the Sith, the human overlords and sith 'lessers' had become 1 culture, and had even interbred (creating various social classes and junk). -
"the end of all things"
The Great Phantom replied to indarkestday's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Sadow went to Yavin IV. Sadow's armies were made up of both Sith and Dark Jedi that had fled the Republic to rule over the Sith (aka, Sith Lords), and mixes of the two (sorta like Marka Ragnos; I believe he was full Sith race, though). So, naturally, if my idea has any ounce of correct-ness in it, the remnants of the 'Sith Empire' will have a bit of human and sith blood in them. They will be the heirs to the ancient Sith 'magic' (aka, poison, subterfuge, and murder; you know, the usual). This brings up a quick idea I have: The Sith (race, way before they were taken over by exiled Jedi) aided in the destruction of the 'Old Ones' (I forgot the name of the race from KotOR I; sorry ). The supercomputer in the first game tells you of how the Empire was destroyed (civil wars, an odd absense of force-sensitivity), and one key portion was a massive plague that affected only the 'Old Ones'. The Sith race, before the Jedi came, were already master alchemists, and were, by all accounts, easily capable of creating this plague. This idea came to me when the computer said that the plague may have been created by a Slave Race... Just a side-theory. Any more questions, class? Edit: Oh, yeah, one more thing: Exar Kun's spirit is currently locked in some temple on Yavin IV, never to return until Luke's time. So, both Kun and Sadow (who's ghost taught Freedon Nadd until Nadd killed it) are not options for foes. And, before you say it, neither is Nadd: Kun returned the favor Nadd performed on Sadow, and killed his ghost. I think that's right, anyway... lemme go dig it up later... -
"the end of all things"
The Great Phantom replied to indarkestday's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
It has been talked about before, but it was way before 'your time.' Okay, are you, or have ever been (in this life or the previous), a Star Wars Geek? If so, great, if not, oh well. The Sith under Naga Sadow were forced to flee the Republic after his army was crushed underneath that of the Republic and the 'traitor' Sith, who's name escapes me at the moment (Ludo Kressh? Something like that, anyway). Now, who's to say that all of his army landed on Yavin IV (where they detiororated into the Massassi Warriors), or that some Sith weren't left in the original Sith Empire to defend it or await for his orders? My guess is that some Sith were either separated from his (or Kressh's) army, or that they WERE left behind to 'defend the heartland.' Naturally, he would not want to return to them for several reasons: One, he'd look like a failure, and we all know what happens to Sith failures; Two, he may accidentally lead the Republic back to them. Now, in the comics, the Republic NEVER follows him, or searches for the Sith Empire, even. They have their own wounds to lick, and, since Sadow did not make a return visit, they likely moved on in their lives until KotOR I or II (or thereabouts). I'll not discuss the whole "Where did Revan go?" thingy, since nobody can say for sure. But, Malachor V was set up to be a beacon, and it is possible that a small fraction of the original Sith Empire (who have done much as the Republic and moved on after the loss of their leader, Kressh/Sadow) detected the massive destruction there. Now, maybe this is all crap I'm puking out of my liver, but it makes sense. If you have any questions or corrections, feel free to add them. I will, of course, try to answer or disprove them. -
Bit off topic, but... :D :D :D :D I saw the Daily Show's version of this stuff... it was kinda funny, even if I have nothing against **** Cheney personally...
Okay, just running over a few things for any newb's posting... A) There are at least 2 things Visas can say: Either the "A man, nothing more," or something about an empty ship graveyard floating around a desolate planet (which is about the same thing she sees in you, or so she says) B) On one of the loading messages, it talks about how Nihilus was REVIVED on Malachor V, which, IMHO, leads one into a deep philosophical (theoretical) discussion, which I shall summarize here: Nihilus died, the Dark Side energies or something else equally evil brought him back as only a mere shell of his former self. Only, to keep himself alive he devours the energy of those around him. He is basically an Exile to the extreme; the Exile purposefully (albeit accidentally) cut himself off of the Force, and drains in energy to attempt to fill the hole where the Force was ripped from him. Nihilus had both Force AND Life ripped from him, so naturally drains a lot more energy to 'replace' both. Should the Exile be 'plugged up,' he could, in theory, continue to live. Nihilus, on the other hand, is literally "Nothing" (which is what Nihil means, of course), and would cease to exist without something to give him 'substance.' Just a very very very very very very very very very very very very brief overview of what I gathered after 5 times through (over a period of almost a year). It's open to suggestions or corrections, but all that I have seen either goes towards proving this or, at the very least, not denying a lot of it. C) When Visas sees nothing more than a man, it is true, maybe, that it is a summurization (sp?) of how all things are equal in death. But, maybe she could be lying (she was never 'truly' good, although she ditched her evil side in one scenario; if I had to give her the ever specific D&D alignment, I'd probably give her a Chaotic Good (no neutral in Star Wars, pagan infidels! )). Either way, I'd prefer if that whole moral was left to the Masque of the Red Death, thanks... D) I doubt we'll ever know, unless the *****es at LucasArts decide to make a decent 3rd game to clean up all the holes left by the 2nd ... Is anybody seeing a parallel to the Matrix here, or is that just me? Well, I'm done rambling for a while, I think...
Only tried the GBA versions, but the GC version looks sweet (were-dragon like things and whatnot... heh heh). It doesn't have a traditional story, but the character background is fairly decent... I actually almost felt bad when my little girl archer died begging her father/some-other-male-influence-in-her-life (miles away, I might add) for forgiveness. But, her death allowed me to position Kane (I think that was his name... been forever since I played that one...) close enough to sieze a victory. Wait until the prices go down on it, and I would recommend giving it a try, if you enjoy strategy as well as semi-fluently-flushed-out stories. But, that's just me...
A bunch of my characters are True Neutral, but the way I play them better suits a Neutral Good character, so I've started to just start off that way... :ph34r:
What gameworld do you like the best?
The Great Phantom replied to Mordrian's topic in Computer and Console
I like Morrowind's world, and I like the game. So the dialogue may not be the best, but we people with no lives can easily imagine ourselves as a zealous Witch-Hunter that is bitten by a Vampire and forced to live a cursed existence as the thing that they hate most, until a dark Daedric Prince offers the only method of escape... It gets better than that, even. :ph34r: -
What gameworld do you like the best?
The Great Phantom replied to Mordrian's topic in Computer and Console
My favorite 'realms' thus far (from games only): Star Wars (Kotor I & II era preferred) Guild Wars (it's got a nice history, but the story in game doesn't do it justice) Toril (Forgotten Realms D&D, things like Neverwinter Nights and Baldur's Gate) Sigil (Planescape: Torment; I think that's the name of the city, anyway...) I've made a few 'realms' myself, but only on my ever un-finished 'stories'... If you want to know about my 2 favorite (Draconia (self explanatory, imo) and Xyla/Magia (not sure which one I'll go with yet...) then I suppose I could drag up some of my old brainstorming papers... :ph34r: -
If you look at the bios of the OE team, then it says a lot about what they did before coming to OE (college, previous positions, etc.).
The original Fire Emblem in America (Rekka no ken? I forget the names in Japanese... :ph34r: ) was awesome. I played it for 3 days straight (I had to be literally pried away from the gameboy to eat, and even then I usually ate while playing). It took me a while to beat, but I did, and I was emotionally (un)satisfied. that's not a bad thing, I'm saying how (spoiler) I was sad that Eliwood's 'girlfriend' was a dragon, and that they would never see each other again... sorta reminded me of His Dark Materials way back when... I'm going to go grab the new GBA Fire Emblem when I get the cash, and I'll check out the GC one when it comes out. Fall will be a busy season for me... I got Dragonshard, possible GW expansions, Zelda, etc. that I'm going to get... I'll have to use my lack of a life and actually come up with a gaming schedule for massive storyline delving... :ph34r: The story's are decent, so I'd say it's worth the $20 or less (or more, depending) to check out the GBA Fire Emblems...
You want a sword that casts black light around the user? Go play D&D. It just doesn't make sense in a scientific-type manner. Black light is blue, and it doesn't do anything except course radiation through your tissues (not to mention make certain dyes glow brightly, but that's different). And no Dark Matter Yuzhan Vong crap, either. Jedi/Dark Jedi shouldn't need to activate their lightsabers in the dark, anyway. If they wanna kick butt and hide at the same time, they can use the Force. Besides, all a lightsaber is (SW lore, here) is blaster fire 'frozen' in place.
Nice part to quote from. Hmmm... I've never seen a female Blood, let alone a child one.
The "True Sith" don't necessarily have to be Blood Sith. They could be Dark Jedi (the upper class in the Golden Age hierarchy) that were sneaky enough to not even fight in the first place. Just keeping an open mind.
I see a few errors, and when I ran that program (with a few extra directories added), the computer screen almost got me in trouble... Wouldn't a string make more sense for an answer? If some computer walked up and asked me that (don't say it!), I would give it a complete answer, and not just one letter. It would also make the logic more fun, and it wouldn't constrict the answer to just Y, because they may be Spanish. Or, you could just stick with 'y' || 'Y'
That reminds me of this one dream I had, but I digress from the main topic which I have totally and utterly forgotten in this first place, expressing it with the use of redundant phrases that say the same thing over and over again, so I'll go take my medicine now and go night-night in my marshmallow room... :ph34r:
NPC Information that is hard to discover
The Great Phantom replied to epeeist's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I said that Kreia wasn't his SITH master, but she was his JEDI master. He also went back to her to find out how to leave the order, but had no master (that we know of; The Ancient Spirit of Malachor the Dark Lord, anybody? ). :ph34r: -
How does Kreia know that...
The Great Phantom replied to The Yeti of 66's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Kreia reminds me a lot of myself in public (which is rare; I'm usually in some dark basement playing D&D in the dark...). She rarely ever tells the truth, but she rarely ever outright lies either. She says the truth (or some of it) in ways that she wants others to think of it. I once convinced all of my friends that what was ice-water spilled on my backpack was (insert whatever fluid that may come to mind... ), just by describing ice in the right way... :ph34r: I'm staying out of this one. I've participated in far too many Sith vs. Belief to want to get involved in another.