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The Great Phantom

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Everything posted by The Great Phantom

  1. This is frightening... I actually feel like I am using an actual measure of my total intelligence! I have no clue what my full extent is, because it has never been forced to expose itself... Like most other people's...
  2. So? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So, I'm going to bed w/ nightmares of Candy Man and Desciple in the 'cargo hold'... :ph34r:
  3. Nah, the Sandpeople got their knowledge from the TRUE conquerers: The Gizka! Long ago, Mission (She's IMMORTAL!) ruled the Rakata through her Gizka minions, and the Tuskans learned a mere mockery of TRUE Vao teachings, and corrupted them into barbarianism.
  4. Who says it was HK? T3 does have a whole ton of little proby-twisty-stick things... I shouldn't even be here... :ph34r:
  5. Get influence with all of them. Some of them have special events that need triggered, though... Atton: Those 2 Twi'leks in the Refuge Sector will talk to you about his past, and then talk to him about it with enough influence. Mira: That one point on Nar Shadaa where Kreia has you feel the Force. After you get enough influence for her to agree to see what you want to show her, take her there. Those are the only 2 I know that need something special. Based on your choices in the their Jedi-izing convo's, they can become Dark or Light Jedi.
  6. 1. Here here. 2. It was for my own good. And the good of Revan. The Force manipulated her into a twisted, hateful hag so that she would manipulate me into the biggest, bestest hero of the KotOR universe. 3. So The Force is Dark AND Light. (There is a Jewish sect dating from about BCE whose name I have forgotten :"> that believed in particles of good and evil making up the universe. Wasn't the nazarenes ... um, get back to it later.) Nietzsche! Contrast: Good/bad vs. good/evil. - Good/bad is tied to merit, bad is what is not good. - Good/evil moral notions; moral evil has primacy: moral goodness is what is not evil. Moral evil results from an unconscious projection of hostility or hatred. A redefinition of meritorious qualities of strength, power, and vigor as appropriate objects of moral indignation
  7. A Hutt... Sion is a traveling 'salesman' of certain 'activities' that travels around Nal Hutta... He is specially trained, too... Kreia taught him well.
  8. LS Revan: They were slowly allowed back into the Republic (probably under something like a refugee program). DS Revan: They were killed, after Revan had learned all of their secrets (or tried).
  9. The Avatar Series (Forgotten Realms) looks pretty good... The library only had #2, though...
  10. I've had a look at the way the eyes reflect light. By the time it makes it to your nerves (2 the brain), the mirrors in your eyes have flipped it upside down. What IS the 4th dimension, exactly???
  11. Kreia whispering in his head.
  12. 1. Fantasy still has to have referential integrity, or else we get nonsense: J'Ermkilja attacks the Orc with his sword, when suddenly it turns into a pick pansie and eats his horse. Wihtout delay, J'Ermkilja eats the panie on a piece of toast. It's just silly (they didn't invent toasters until the twnetieth century). 2. Kreia told me she wouldn't lie to me, just everyone else. 3. What about truly evil people; those that have consciously decided that they hate more than love and want to spread misery. Are they linked into The Force, too? 4. Did Kreia tell you that? 5. Can't accept that. Stephen W. Hawking's A Brief History of Time made a pretty reasonable case for the laws of physics being stable for any universe that might result as one like ours, and time would always go forward, etc. Besides, I don't mind if we superimpose a metaphysical superset on our familiar physics, just so long as it is systematic and consistent (referential integrity). If a fire gives off heat for Luke, then it must for Vader, too. Otherwise we just have a dream sequence, where no empathy is possible (I live in reality, even if you don't and if I feel that the characters are never in danger then I won't care what happens -- I have to perceive the danger, so it must be familiar to me). 6. What if Kreia is double-secret-probation-bluffing? Agreed. A. So it is a bit like the music of the spheres, where Force Sensitives have brought along their own instruments to join in with ... B. This is the best argument for a multiverse. Or The Force may have a Will, but it is not the only influence in the Galaxy (nor, possibly, the strongest): Open Dualism. C. You're crazy, Druids are just a class for NPCs to be weird and wonderful colourful ambient characters. " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 1. True. I was just stating it. 2. Yet you believed her. Tisk, tisk... She manipulated you the whole way. That goes to show how honest she is. 3. Yes, hence the Dark Side of the Force. 4. Yes, via "Always. I have manipulated you from the beginning." 5. I was talking about Force push, Force jump, etc. The basic overlay (gravity, if you go into space w/ no mask you'll die, you feel heat and they feel heat) is BASICALLY the same, but can be changed via the Force, but only minorilly (ie, Force Jump, Force Breath or whatever Kotor II decided to call the common power). 6. Read #4. B: It may be a multiverse, but we only need to focus on the 'here and now', or Kotor II and that UNIverse. Any other possibilities don't matter, because they're not considered Star Wars anymore. C: I'm playing a Druid so I can become a Shifter in the next expansion. Really, I just can't wait to be moving onto BG I and II, and then 2 Icewind Dale, and then onto PS:T, and then (most hopefully) onto Kotor III.
  13. Wow... I was pretty close, too....
  14. The same way Vader did. Na, Jabba probably just liked looking at Leia... sick perverted worms...
  15. Wow, this discussion has become Rosberj and metadigital discussing philosophy with me trying to be heard in the background... :ph34r:
  16. Well, Jabba had Leia... Nah, it's obvious Sion's a Hutt... I saw the zipper from a mile away. He's specially mutated to be the ultimate dream in a Hutt male...
  17. 3 or 4 of those choices are the same gender... Candy Man and Disciple anybody???
  18. Bastila belongs to Revan, you blasphemer! Hutts are (in most things that I've seen) asexual... Perhaps they can change genders like frogs... I mean, their too heavy to do much else... They'd crush each other if they weren't self-mating... THE IMAGES! THEY BURN! :ph34r:
  19. Don't forget to mention the fact that your eyes invert the images they see in the first place.
  20. Let us know if they did put in cut content... If so, then I'll have to stop with my NWN-ing and replay it another time or two. :ph34r:
  21. well then you need to figure out what truth is as well .. since the answer you will arrive to is a subjective observation.. it never stops!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Truth is Good. Truth is The Force. I seek the total loss of the ego so that I might contemplate nirvana and become one with the single truth that is the music of universe. ... Well, yeah, I guess it is all subjective, but that's okay, because you lot are all a figment of my imagination, anyway ... " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It was funny. I was at the cafeteria, and I was telling all of my friends that for all they knew, they were just figments of my imagination. One or two of them call me idiots, and the others are all "But, I can feel me...", and I spin it and say that I'm a figment of my own imagination as well. Then, this one guy comes over, but he's not in our conversation at the moment. So, I continue and say, "Wait... That's confusing. If I'm a figment of my imagination, then how am I here?", being philosophical and junk. The guy (who usually only talks about the anatomy of males and females), says something along the lines of "No. Because, imagination is inspiration, therefore if you can imagine it, then it is reality." or something equal, only it was much longer and used bigger words that time has warped away. Now, back on topic.
  22. Nah, I'm not Dutch... We Americans have big heads, too. Bush and Clinton have some of the biggest, but I digress. I can understand you trying to understand the Force, but I think here we need to understand a few basics: 1. Star Wars is Science-Fantasy (I like that term... It fits). 2. Kreia ALWAYS lied. 3. The Force ties all life. 4. Kreia ALWAYS lied. 5. Normal physics most likely won't fit. 6. Did I mention that Kreia ALWAYS lied??? I think that what we need here is a combination of known theologies, with some classic old-school Star Wars sage-isms. A. Luke: "Does that mean it controls me?" Obi-Wan: "Partly, yes. But it also listens to your command." B. Yoda: "Difficult to see, the future is. Always changing, it is." C. Me: "I'll come back with more new-era sage-isms when I try out my druid character in NWN." :ph34r:
  23. I'm talking about all of your references to Taoism etc., and your insistence that the Force is EXACTLY like one (or more) of these. I just like to complain. Leave me and my big head alone!
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