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Everything posted by darknesslord

  1. what was added on the pc version of kotor 1 is available on xbox live. and for kotor 2, they're the same, except it seems the pc version is a lot more buggy
  2. as long as there's no bukkake...... "back up slowly from the other post"
  3. this thread is all about sex now, it's pathetic to tell the truth, and not funny, in my opinion anyway <_<
  4. well, it was revan's frustration with the jedi council doing nothing and the republic being weak that drove him to the darkside. he never wanted to save the republic, he wanted to replace it with his army, (I dont remember where I saw this but) he tought that whoever the winner of the war would be the stronger and the better placed to protect the galaxy, that's why he left infrastructure intact, but we know only too well what happened
  5. well if your lightside in your game, when he takes his mask off, you see that he's darkside. but seriously, as ls, he woulnt have corrupted all these jedis and all
  6. bastila is about 20 at the time of kotor 1, she lead the strike team because she can use the battle meditation
  7. "cough" what's the link , I'm freakin curious here
  8. a nude kotor site???
  9. dantooine and korriban, yeah I do agree, 2 game in the exact same area were not enough, let's do it again
  10. canderous fought for 40 years in the war, so he's way older than carth
  11. well I think everyone saw this before
  12. now that would be great
  13. well it's not killing them, but it's burning them, just like it would do on a snail of a jellyfish
  14. well no I think all the illusions are created by yourself, but anyway
  15. YOU DONT MEET HIM , do I really need to say something else? the only thing you see of revan is an hallucination on korriban and he doesnt do anything, now stop that
  16. the answer is quite simple, you dont
  17. would be great
  18. hum....... no, baddest idea ever <_< , you cannot have a game if you have no big story, what would you do, talk and whine about if the jedi or sith should be reborn, at least write a novel about it dont know, and I really dont think revan would have a child with a 40 yr old space cowboy, or a teen jedi
  19. nice :D but where can we read it? :">
  20. well, you go there and see nothing, then kreia arrive and start a speech about if killing these jedi brought you peace, if it was the revenge you wanted. then she tell you a big speech (wich I find really great with the music) but just after going bersek and force draining you, you should try
  21. well if kotor 3 is more formal style instead of a hero and his friend, a ship like the harbinger would be more than welcom, that way, it would add to the overall troops and ally feeling, and you could go around the ship talking to jedi, sith, and other association who would travel in your ship
  22. jedi MASTER revan if one error... and not mentioning the mass shadow generator is another, oh and that jedi on katarr were killed by sith assasins, anyway
  23. last jedi instead of lost jedi
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