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Everything posted by darknesslord

  1. "The website linked also says that you can use T3 to break items down. You can't" yes you can, just talk to him, or it is uprading items..... braking down things is so useless
  2. ok now lucasart never talked about revan being a male or a female, it's obsidian who did this on their website. and in their game revan can be male or female so
  3. oh, I dont like female mind better in many ways, I just hate sexist and racist and the like, think about how it would be If we were to argue about what color revan and the exile are <_<
  4. lol, well your not if your not egomaniac sexist macho ....... well a normal guy
  5. but i'm a guy, I have the right to say that other guys are a bunch of moron
  6. yeah, man are a bunch of stupid fool I know
  7. I just can't believe that so much men still believe that women are inferior, not capable of leading. It's so pathetic, I say you should all get killed
  8. I say revan was a female cause of her way of doind subtle things, being more intelligent instead of smashing everything in her path. I also say that the exile is a male because of the decisions he took at malachor V, and also because he is represented as being a male
  9. like the ship in kotor , they look nothing like the ships in the bd
  10. http://www.darkhorse.com/profile/preview.p...heid=46-446&p=1 just look at that
  11. and there's also tobin in the ravager, that has like 2000 hp. and the sith capitain, that are 12 time stronger than dark jedi. it's just pathetic
  12. the leviathan was a republic ship before saul turned on them, carth told you that
  13. nah, I still hate lucasart, I mean, almost all of their games are pure crap, and now that they have quality , they scrap it because they want more money
  14. arg, the fact that he apologies so much for his game is sad I mean, even with the forced deadline, kotor 2 storyline was way better than kotor 1, anyway I WANT MY KATH HOUND, NOW I NEVER GOT MY GIZKA AND I'M VERY ANGRY <_<
  15. hey, I want my gizka <_<
  16. when the ebon hawck fly away (wich mean you got the ls ending) it is still bashed
  17. ok lol, thanks a lot I'll look into it
  18. sorry for my ignorance, but where do I find an action replay?
  19. that's so frustrating, the hk factory I mean. I have an xbox, so I'll never play this level
  20. well, it shows your past with revan, and after you talked to him/her, he attack you... so is this the futur we shall see
  21. "sigh" THATS YOU WHEN YOU WERE REVAN'S GENERAL...... fool <_<
  22. and by the way, silver have this sinister look when ur face is white and your dressed in black <_<
  23. silver, with this, if your good, you look more good, and wif you evil, you look more evil lol
  24. seems like i'm the only one with 2 lightsabers.
  25. kreia dark theme and the jedi were my too favorites, in one, taris theme and bastila theme
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