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Everything posted by darknesslord

  1. This same logic can be directed at Nihilus. And as Sikon put it, there is no logic in this argument. You never did play K2 did you? *SPOILERS* Kreia and Atris were both Sith Lords. *SPOILERS* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> well, actualy atris was no sith lord, and kreia either, she just became one from frustration the first time, and the second time to complete the exile's "teaching" Actually, males in the game will hit on a female player. I don't think Revan would want to deal with that and waste her time force choking an individual. Especially if she is trying to be inconspicuous. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> thank you
  2. A woman hellbent against the universe? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> the woman of my dreams indeed
  3. yeah your right, good thing too, damn sexist. but I dont know why they made revan canon as male, it would be refreshing to have a female sith lord
  4. because maybe the soldiers would doubt a woman, I dont know, still better than no reason at all I think
  5. even if canon says that revan was a male, I find it better that she was a woman. why would a male revan need to wear a mask?? female revan : wear a mask to hide the fact that's she's a woman to the soldier male revan: wear a mask to hide the fact that the player is revan
  6. canderous is the only good caracter in kotor 1 (save master uthar and yuthura ban)
  7. killing vrook is a good thing even lightside. is arrogance is unacceptable for a jedi master. he want to kill you more than sion himself i'm sure (wich is proved if your darkside, he don't even try to talk you out of being evil) vrook must die oh wait, kreia did that
  8. I said gray, because lightside is just...too much for nothing. darkside on the other side is just stupide, doing evil things without any reason, good reason to get killed.
  9. even tho I agree that the force wound things was stupid and misrepresent, I think the true sith threat have potential. If done properly, it could be the remnant of the first sith (like naga sadow or marka ragnos, i always forget who died) who where orchestring all the events before and now would wage war on the galaxy, and the mandalorians would allied themselfs with the republic. or something like that. there's one problem with the kotor storyline, and it's kotor1. I mean the whole game is a copy of the original trilogy. but personnaly I hate the njo, the fact that a smuggler like han solo can survive this long is unbearable and all the bs about the unifying force or something, that's just stupid. so my vote goes for kotor
  10. BioWare just found it sound Star Warsy? Really, you should ask BioWare, not OE or LA Darth means Dark Lord of the Sith <{POST_SNAPBACK}> actually darth means darkness in some other language, like vader wich means father
  11. bastila with a old witchy voice
  12. there was a rumour that it would be marka ragnos, (I think, or naga sadow) well the one that we dont know what happened to him... i'd like to see that tho
  13. must be funny to those with no ssexual life and the younger one I guess
  14. I kinda love the official picture of light side male exile, so I'd say he is (and personnaly I prefer light side FEMALE revan) <_<
  15. well, 1 the exile like most people here have said, forms bound pretty easily (sp), so when they died, he heard them all die, obi wan never had such bound with someone on alderaan 2 obiwan was far from alderaan (still in hyperspace) when the exile was next to the planet 3 many people on malachor V were jedi, on alderaan, there was none
  16. as far as I hate theory about kotor3, this one is great, I hate carth too
  17. yeah you must be right, still I think kavar would have made a excellent master.... maybe it was vandar
  18. With a little..... u know what.... (w00t) (w00t) :"> :"> " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> little?? (w00t)
  19. that could be said for female revan too : charming sarcastic bitch who can make anyone follow her
  20. yeah, but what it is exactly that kavar says to kavar? something like "my old padawan is comming, they wont know what hit them"
  21. the exile called kavar his old master, and kavar call him his old padawan, so obviously kavar was his master :ph34r: if you dont believe me, just play through onderon again
  22. I prefer to think of revan as a female and the exile as a male, and I dont love either romance anyway, carth could die for all I care
  23. look, they never talked about the damn droid planet, their talking of the hk (droid) factory on telos
  24. No. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> no? well sorry I thought a plot was the center of a story line, and when you stop hearing about it, or when you can't fnd what you need to continue the quest, then obviously you cant finish it . but maybe I was wrong :ph34r:
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