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Everything posted by darknesslord

  1. you say revan was a genius and better than sidious. well look at the fact, sidious created an empire and destroyed the jedi order. Revan tried to do that, but failed miserably and left the galaxy on the verge of collapse. So, revan only failed what sidious was able to do.
  2. like everyone in the games? well, it was the last thing that remind her of you, it's sweet
  3. having zek kai all and kavar told you that you are right, and that they understand you. then at the enclave they all seemed to forget what they said before
  4. malak is said to be two meters (starwars.com) so 6 ft tall... games have a problem with size, anyway. Id say malak is 7 ft tall, just like kane (wwe)
  5. i voted rakata prime, because.... well it's just so beautiful the sun and the beach and I don't know, while not the biggest scenery, it's like the graphic have gone a bit higher
  6. I have a ton of blue lightsaber to give <_<
  7. sucking jedi is a bad thing indeed. as for maul, normally, he should have killed the 2 jedi in 5 minutes. but then there wouldnt have been anyone to train anakin and no darth vader so no empire. don't think maul would have appreciated the irony
  8. played with male exile, revan set as female darkside, and onasi dead. but on dantooine mical talked to carth onasi. I feel lucky to have played the game several time, or I would have been seriously confused
  9. spaceballs....awwww the good memories and how's that for a bad sith lord?
  10. dark helmet is 10 time superior than malak lol
  11. kae was one of revan's master. so she wasnt a knight
  12. what is nonsense with a space station that can resist the sun's heat from this close, and can create ships out of non-existing metal?
  13. yes there's rhen var, ancient jedi planet wich had a juge cataclysm and is now covered of ice. been in the tale of the jedi when ulic qel droma gone there and redeem himself. and the empire use it to spy on the rebel, or something I think. my pleasure <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The place he ultimately got shot and died? I remember now. But is there an ice(or snow whatever) planet that's a bustling metropolis, not a waste like Hoth or long since abandoned? Edit: Oh, and thanks. It's appreciated. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> there's a planet in revenge of the sith, where, hum... ki-adi mundi? loll sorry I dont remember his name. anyway, it's an ice planet, but a technologicaly advanced city also. will try to find the name Edit: it's mygeeto, and it's indeed ki-adi-mundi.... I'm surprised, I thought the name sounded extremly wrong... well anyway, here are some screenshots of mygeeto in battlefront 2 Mygeeto
  14. indeed all the way. that,s what happens when bioware make a sith lord.
  15. Actually Revan was about converting people, not destroying everyone in his path like Malak. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> perhaps, but we all saw the end result. whatever she wanted to do, she failed big time
  16. yes there's rhen var, ancient jedi planet wich had a juge cataclysm and is now covered of ice. been in the tale of the jedi when ulic qel droma gone there and redeem himself. and the empire use it to spy on the rebel, or something I think. my pleasure
  17. any planet from starwars? well ithor seems incredibly beautiful. dathomir seems nice too with all those sexy witches
  18. you hate humans?
  19. korriban in kotor2, going there was just pointless taris: long, useless planet (longest of the game also)
  20. revan freaked out after seeing the "true threat" so he decided to make the galaxy strong by controling it with the sith. result? he ended up nearly destroying it, now that's really dumb. malak at least knew what he was doing. revan = stupid dumba$$ malak = stupid stereotypical vilain
  21. "kill carth by hitting repeatedly on his head with an hammer, then burn his body" it is done my master, the last of the orange spandex weilder is dead
  22. galactic civil war.......because there were no stupid jedis
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