yes there's rhen var, ancient jedi planet wich had a juge cataclysm and is now covered of ice. been in the tale of the jedi when ulic qel droma gone there and redeem himself. and the empire use it to spy on the rebel, or something I think.
my pleasure
The place he ultimately got shot and died? I remember now. But is there an ice(or snow whatever) planet that's a bustling metropolis, not a waste like Hoth or long since abandoned?
Edit: Oh, and thanks. It's appreciated.
there's a planet in revenge of the sith, where, hum... ki-adi mundi? loll sorry I dont remember his name. anyway, it's an ice planet, but a technologicaly advanced city also. will try to find the name
Edit: it's mygeeto, and it's indeed ki-adi-mundi.... I'm surprised, I thought the name sounded extremly wrong... well anyway, here are some screenshots of mygeeto in battlefront 2