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Everything posted by darknesslord

  1. the whole story is - sunry is having a relation with (elassa I think) the sith girl - after sometimes sunry want to stop it for his wife - sunry kill the sith girl while she sleep now that's were it get complicated - the republic, not wanting to lose control on the kolto, send spies to remove all the elements that could be use in court. - the sith, seeing this, have no choice but to add elements of their own (the medal) so, it's a murder, sunry is guilty, and for once, the sith have done nothing. (elassa was surely trying to get information from the old sunry, but everyone expected that) hope that helped
  2. hk-47 made friend with hk-51, who is a super hk and help him. wonder what he look like
  3. what would you propose then?
  4. lollllllll yeah, gizka rules (w00t)
  5. well that explains a few things thanks "Idiot-who-ruined-all-that-the-Sith-had-going-for-them"? dont know about that. I think it could be great, fight sith alchemy could be hard and all. And I dont think he ruined anything, he cripled the republic
  6. yeah I tought about that, but the star map is not a place
  7. well I found the same things on every web site I searched. I'm confused. did you read the comics about him? if not, do someone did? I really want to know what happened to that guy
  8. there goes what he says in his tomb: -It is a secret of so long ago. I no longer remember. You who bristle in the force... you must find this place... - Or... have you? Or did you? Or... will you? Oh, so... many images. -I... see your heart jedi. I see your power, your pride. You... you will find this place. The dark place... and you will regret it. Revan: why? what is that place? -so much power... it is blinding. I... I remember so little. ________________________________________________________________ alright so is he talking about the star forge? before I thought that yes, but now... Why would ajunta pall (and the others lords) don't use it to crush the jedi? maybe he's talking about malachor V? it sure have blinding power but I doubt revan had regret it... so perhaps it's something that she/he foresaw, what kreia speak about , something in the outer rim, and it will have grave consequences. I kinda love this one. so tell me, what do you guys think?
  9. who is R4-P17??
  10. An ambitious Jedi Knight, FREEDON NADD, followed rumor and intrigue to the isolated YAVIN SYSTEM. Six hundred years after the entombment of their former master, the Massassi Warriors turned to savage primates, but violent combat with Nadd changed to awe as he used the Force to show the Massassi their past, and unearthed their leader. Sadow taught Nadd dark twistings of the Force, offering him Sith weapons and abilities no other Jedi Knight could withstand. Freedon Nadd leaves Yavin 4 soon afterwards, intent on becoming the king of ONDERON, a primitive world outside of the Old Republic's boundaries. The fate of Sadow remained a mystery. actually sadow disappeared right after he taught the sith arcane to nadd, before nadd left for onderon. and sadow was alived, he was in a dormant state on yavin 4
  11. sadow was in a kind of cocoon and only reemerged when he saw freedon nadd I believe. with exar kun, it was ragnos ghost? hell I always forget wich one (ragnos or sadow) die, but I do know that one is alive
  12. err, dark horse made kotor in a way, they think of everything before. without them, their wouldnt even be a kotor
  13. just downloaded the media patch with the player, it's great. The citadel station's destruction is troubling, it's sad poor carth
  14. sadow never died, he simplu disapeared. it was exar kun who died on yavin 4 and saved his spirit by killing his massassin warrior in a ritual.
  15. well not really, the krath have been destroyed, and so was exar kun's "army" it wasnt really an army to tell the truth. tho something remainded of the sith war, and stroke at the republic. the mandalorians
  16. I would like too see that, but I have an xbox
  17. even canderous in kotor 1 says "the sith retreat into their empire in the unknown region. I thought it would be centuries before we see them again" It's highly possible that it's sadow's army. It's my version since a long time. and they would be the true sith, since revan's "sith" are still in the galaxy. and if they planned all this long ago, then if they strike, the republic, the new jedi and the mandalorians will them up, so there's an epic fight
  18. even with a female revan, i would vote for the last one. a tv serie could not have the special effects necessary to do it. plus I dont see much actors doint a cathar, a wookie, and the most important, hk-47 hk- would you rather I called you, liquidious fleshbag?
  19. errrrr no female revan no answers <_<
  20. problem with the njo, it's not a story... it's a freaking big FANFIC, and don't tell me otherwise, those who love it , love it because of luke skywalker, leia and han solo, those who are not fans don't love it. other problem, to understant it, you have to start reading books even before the njo, otherwise you dont know all the perso and etc. in kotor, you have new heroes, a new story, etc
  21. it would look weird if your leader start choking republic officer because they hit on her
  22. one thing that is weird, is if you tell him you will blow is ship to bits, he answers that he would survive. I believed that a ship blowing would be more powerful that a lightsaber cut
  23. even if a better ending would have been great, remember that it's hard to have an epic ending when the jedi are scattered, the sith are in ruins and the republic is near collapsing
  24. yeah, sorry but your friend is the kind of guy who should get a life "
  25. Definitely. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yeah that's true, and sion comes from scion wich mean a kind of student I think (wich fits his caracter perfectly) even if I think the term "darth" should'nt be there, at least they gave a meaning to their name like vader-father. instead of darth revan and darth malak..... hi, I go to the darkside so now i'm darth jonathan..... right
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