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Everything posted by darknesslord

  1. kotor 1 darth's are complete disrespect of what the darths are supposed to be. I mean, revan malak and bandon were their name, but they just added darth in front of it. I hate bioware and this stupid story in kotor 2 tho, nihilus, traya and sion meant something, nihilus mean nothingness or something like that, sion I think is student, or heir, traya is obviously betrayal. anyway, darth bane (1000 years before the movies ) was the first darth, bioware just screwed all this because they are stupid, and obsidian had no choice than continue with that did I said that I hate bioware?
  2. if revan was at trayus academy during the assault, he would have been crushed, end of the story. Anyway canderous tell you that revan was fighting mandalore farther.
  3. mandalore and a fleet attacked revan fleet a little farther while the exile's fleet was at malachor. the mass gravity generator was created by bao-dur, and was activated by the exile as he see that they were losing. the mass gravity generator crushed everyone on the planet and every ship in it's orbit for malak, he must have been knowing somehow, I dont know, sion and nihilus were killing jedi during the 5 years hope it help
  4. great I love it , can't wait to see it when it'll be finish :ph34r:
  5. would it be possible to got the soundfiles for those with it?, other than those in the other treads, would be great
  6. yeah that would be really great. even more great if someone posted all hiddent dialogue, and you could put them in
  7. an other soundfile !!!!!!!! :D thank you sooooo muchhh I love you
  8. argggg dont say that, I,ll become rabid , I WANT IT , plaaaase someone
  9. yeah or someone who read your profil in front of you, and you could decide some things, but anyway, okay we could be level 30, but we souldnt get that much force power, and that much power. It would force the player to think a little bit cause he could be killed if he choose que wrong answer. So less, haha your all pathetic I can kill 40 of you in 15 seconde.
  10. for kotor 3, we would need to be a padawan at an academy (jedi or sith) and , a way or an other, be forced to step in the situation. But I really wish that we will not be as powerful as in kotor1, and worst in kotor 2 that was just ridiculous
  11. all the sounds files are just too great, love them all, can someone post the others? like hk and goto visas and handmaidens, them all actually, that would be nice
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