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Everything posted by darknesslord

  1. the only plot hole I see in kotor 1 is how the hell did calo get out of the building alive when we clearly see the building getting destroyed right after the ebon hawk take off and why none of the siths see bastila when they're all searching for her.... anyway, these are not even plot holes, plot holes is when you have to do something, and you can't do it (like the hk factory (not the damn droid planet) and k2 had lot of these, I remember first playing k2 ans now understanding why the hell I was doing all these things. and the frustration at the end of the game, there were no such feeling in k1
  2. yeah and that's exactly what I'm saying, help them, but dont do it for them, for they will learn nothing. for the girl and the child, if they dont learn anything about their experience, the child will once again lost himself in the woods, and the girl will be robbed again. what I'm saying is, help them, teach them, but dont always protect them, cause things will happen over and over again when your not there edit: and for the diseases, I was talking about those who can be cured by the human body of course
  3. The Sith would say the same thing. Kreia was a liar who used just one circumstance to prove her point, as if that was the same way in every occasion. In some cases, sure it does, but definitely not in most. If anything, helping out the weak helps them to become strong again. If you never help the weak, then you are only condeming them to suffer. You're only proving that you have no desire to help them. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> no he's right, if you protect someone, he will never be able to protect himself alone and will become dependant of your protection. You can teach them how to go alone, but protecting them will always make them weaker quick example: if you have a desease(sp?), and you take drugs, you will heal yes, but you can be sure to have this desease in the future because your body wont learn to defeat it. same goes for a child who want to build something, build it for him, and he wont be able to build it himself in the futur.
  4. mace would have killed sidious if he had not raised his lightsaber in the air to strike, wich is very stupid knowing that simply touching sidious with it would have sliced him, but anyway
  5. Hilarious. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yeah goth people are a bunch of useless always-depressed foul. their like geeks who like to wear black to be "different". I have nothing against gothic things, I have several myself, but I hate depressed people. I mean if you think the world is always dark and there is no hope, it's like a "festering corpse" or whatever else bull****, here's a rope and be my guest
  6. the OC is a show like friends
  7. .... how not to understand a question by thepixiesrock <_< anyway, sith lord controls everyone, then there's the sith masters. sith assassins and marauder are under their command, and every sith soldier you see are under them
  8. oh i'm scared now. I think I'll stay, just to see if you'll continue on this subject "
  9. ohh, sorry I ruin the conversation then , ish I didnt want to disturb your great debate by saying my opinion
  10. and what do you think I,m doing?
  11. your point being that your an adult and you lose your time on a game forum arguing with teenagers? oh yeah I forgot, you have an advanded mind sorry, lol lighten up, it's just a thread about who looks like a kotor caracter.plus I agree with you and darth launch, since when are children's opinions not allowed?
  12. a 17yr old child, yeah alright take a closer look a the picture, he has the same beard
  13. I still think the gorilla guy girl's picture look the most like him but yeah each our opinion
  14. advanced mind huh, let me laugh
  15. I do agree that he really dont look like carth.. , atton is more plausible :ph34r:
  16. I shall destroy you... ...or not <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I always loved girls who wanted to destroy, kill, or annihilate me
  17. not bastila, but hell he look like carth first thing I thought, hey that's not bastila that's carth, hey that's not carth that a freaky monkey, no wait, it's carth
  18. in the cut dialogue, disciple says that kae was to be his master but never came back from the war, but this is a contradiction to the game when he say that he wanted to be exile's padawan and when she left for the war he knew that she was right and decide not to become a jedi.
  19. every jedi is a jedi knight, but remember what disciple says "revan had many master, zhar, (someone else), master kae, before kae left for the war"
  20. yussanis , handmaiden's father, she says he came back from the war changed, silent, he wouldnt talk of what happened, and I doubt the handmaiden would mention that her mother body was never found. what is yussanis lover simply turned to the darkside? kreia said that she returned to malachor V to see why revan have fallen, but we dont know when exactly, and I doubt yussanis would have survived if they had go there during the mass shadow generator.
  21. it's pretty long I admit tho I read them all. anyway, shw would have been around 40 , but yeah, maybe she was younger, you know what the darkside can do to a person, and disciple say something like that in one cut scene if your male "you, I remember you, even with the damage of the darkside" it'Ms not that, but the point is the same
  22. kreia is master kae, true it was cut, true we cannot fully prove it. But arren kae is useless in kotor 2, there is no purpose in talking about her and making up her name. It was meant to be, but cut because of lack of time. I'm totally sure of it
  23. go left from vogga's place, in the door between the 2 guard, just next to the third pylon 'sigh" guess your lucky to have internet
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