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Everything posted by Haitoku

  1. LOL. Sounds lame. I'll probably end up watching the movies though. I remember reading the books when I was 10 or so. Was nice little story... especially after reading the Gunslinger before that. :S
  2. This is very doutful. Atleast not for a good, long while after the PS3 release. .... Does anyone else find SE releasing FFXI on the Xbox 360 a bit odd? If I had to associate one MMORPG with the Xbox crowd, I would instantly say World of Warcraft. FFXI is a fantastic game, best MMORPG I've ever played. But... It's not what the Xbox 360 is aiming to be. The game was build from the PS2, and then ported to the PC. Very low quality graphics, 30 FPS cap, no AA/AF support... The game is very simple.
  3. Would be nice to have something of this caliber today. The world has moved on though. :ph34r:
  4. I'm kind of shocked i'm saying this. But Guild Wars is pretty good for what it is. You could solo your way through most of the content, but it's also nice to have the option to have friends with you. But in no way is it a a really MMORPG.
  5. If it was done by Obsidian I certainly would buy it. Kotor II was one of those rare games I played more then once.
  6. The community might be huge, but it's not a very close one. Maybe I just expected too much. Since all my prior experience in MMORPGs has been with games were people actually needed to help each other in order to advance. Something wonderful went along with that. Overall, I noticed in WoW less people being friendly too one another because they really didn't need to be. You typicaly meet people new people in these games by trying to accomplish a common goal. But when you can do nearly everything on your own, the idea that no one needs help gets etched into the people. I imagine thats were the mentaly WoW carries came from. Everything I did in the game brought me no joy really, because the challenge wasn't there. Battles are simple, money making is simple, crafting is simple and even the way the economy flows. Coming from where I did, all that stuff was a serious downgrade from what I was use to. I guess all of this was due to it being a casual friendly game. Wasn't my cup of tea.
  7. Good taste. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Wow is too easy of a game, and has a horrible community when compared to other MMORPGs. But thats what happens when you can also your way to up the end game.
  8. Maybe, just maybe a dev will actually read the posts and get the idea what flaws there are in the games of today. And perhaps maybe they will design something of note worthy status like the Fallouts and Baldur Gates games. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, I imagine the reasons you have to pay being server maintaining and all.
  9. It doesn't work though. The reason 50 people would all be camping a single monster was for a great reward (either the drop itself, or the money for selling said drop). If every single person has the same monster to kill, the reward for that monster will be worth nothing. This also causes in-game economic problems, since their is a infinite amount of materials coming in. The value for items will be nothing. I can understand special event (perhaps boss fights) being instanced, but the entire game? That's just silly for a MMORPG.
  10. I heard about this game a long time ago. Initially I was extremely impressed, everything about the game screamed that this one would be a winner. D&D has always been a decent franchise (The only horrible thing I can remember wearing the D&D title was that movie). The more I learned about the game, the more I didn't like it. For one, the areas are instanced... That destroys one of the greater aspects of any MMORPG. Those times when you pick on a monster that is far too tough for you, and a random traveler who eventuallys becomes your partner in crime saves you... Those times when you walk a bit too far from the starting town and a high level character has to bail you out, as well as share his experience with you... All those things are gone with instanced areas. Even Guild Wars would have been able to keep it's luster for more then a week if it wasn't instanced. So yeah, I'll give it a shot sure. But I don't expect to be impressed by this game at all. Guess I'll stick to Final Fantasy XI a bit longer.
  11. It's just that most people on these boards hate Dragonball Z, and will immediately discredit anyone, who use is it, even as a vague reference. To avoid this, use wording better. Anyways, The simplistic style of the lightsaber battles will probably go in KOTOR3, unless they use the same engine.
  12. It was quiet interesting once you got past the "What the hell?" factor.
  13. CRPGs suck. You see how stupid a statement like that sounds? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Of course that sounds stupid since you're on a CRPG message board. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You know how to read right? Obsidian Forum Community > Other games > Computer and Consoles.
  14. CRPGs suck. You see how stupid a statement like that sounds?
  15. Battlefield 2 and I've started playing Resident Evil 4 (hurray for ps2 version).
  16. I've played worse. I rather liked the combat system and training the AI was pretty good fun as well. The bonus items made it more of a challenge too. I didnt want to go too far back <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, I'll admit that the gameplay in general was awsome. Loved the battle system, and the reward system. I spent a lot of time creating items too, trying to get my rank up to 1. But the story falls to peaces... I mean, was there any point in the entire first disc? All the characters seem so arbitrary... They are not different characters at all, just the same one with different models and voices... ; . ;
  17. Final Fantasy games are not all the same. Except the spin-offs that are appearing every now then then (more recently). They all keep, trademark items however. Chocobos, Cactuar monsters, items names, city names sometimes and character names. And, what the hell? Spikey haired Hero? That's only been in the last what? Only in FF7? Please, don't generalize based on one game. FF - Who ever you want FF2 - 4 Group of friends, No spikey head FF3 - Who ever you want FF4 - Long haired guy FF5 - Normal Haircut guy FF6 - Green haired girl FF7 - Spiked hair hero FF8 - Normal Haircut FF9 - Normal haircut FFX - Normal Haircut FFXI - Who ever you want Yup, lots of stereotype Japanese anime heroes there. You should play the games before bashing them (even I played through Planescape Torment). (Star Ocean III was such a horrible game...) Don't forget about Chrono Trigger/Cross that had their share of multiple endings.
  18. Shoot didn't you get the memo? If you interface with a game using anything other then a mouse and keyboard, that makes the game inferior regardless of the quality of the actual game. In order to be allowed to call yourself an rpg fan you have to only like Fallout, Planescape and old school rpgs like Ultima. You must also bash and dislike the Baldurs Gate series, KotOR and it's sequel then act like you saw all the plot twists coming a mile away. That is unless you are on the Obsidian or Bioware baords, then they are the best ever. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The essence of CRPGs indeed. =(
  19. Not really. You say RPG, and I'd say 80% of people will instantly think Final Fantasy. Besides, sure... maybe it did get absorbed, but. Final Fantasy is still the flagship of the company despite that.
  20. Which explains why the series is stronger then any CRPG.
  21. They probably won't ever die. What genre has actually died? Not too many. I don't think things will get better however, it seems like their peak has passed. The main problem being Western RPGs are almost always tied to Computers. That market is almost exclusive to Shooters and Online games these days. So yeah, and since most PC RPG players, for whatever reason don't believe in consoles... Well, there is your answer.
  22. Some random titles you might consider trying. Xenosaga 1 & 2. Both have an exellent story, but again... It's not the type of RPG you are use to probably. It's more suggesting, then interracting. Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 are really good games. Tough puzzles, hard enemies and very nice storytelling. Or if you want some decent action games... Try Resident Evil 4 or Metal Gear Solid 3.
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