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Everything posted by Haitoku

  1. Come on now. I went out of my way to buy the best possible system for that money. The only real error I made was buying Intel instead of AMD (because this was a gaming machine, I got my labtop for school work) and not getting an SLI motherboard (I'm seriously regretting that one). But now, I can't seem to run everything with maxed settings/resolution anymore without taking a rather big FPS hit. ~ You know, you see and hear about how fast technology changes... and sometimes the way is described simply does not sound true. But, there is a lot of truth to it.
  2. He is correct. ... and your wrong anyways.
  3. PS3 for sure. It will have all the great eastern games I want. Then I'll probably get a Revolution, but only if it's cheap and has a decent fun factor. ... Tossing in some PC upgrades next year too, SLI time. :D
  4. There is a way to downgrade back to v1.5.
  5. It actually let you choose someone. EDIT - I didn't like the game much myself, but you cannot deny the kind of freedom you got.
  6. Yes, buggy, wasn't it. A very good game, nonetheless. Though In Memoriam had many many flaws, it deserved more credit than it got for an interesting idea and very creepy use of emails from a kidnapper. Brief, but addictive. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It wasn't underrated, just completely ignored because of the horrible performance issues. Considering how the story falls apart later in the game and how some of the concepts make little to no sense... This game sorta deserved it's fate.
  7. After playing through with and without patches... I say, unofficial patches are bad. Not only are there some game stopping bugs towards the end with the latest, but some of the "rebalance" and tweaking they did it just plain stupid.
  8. Don't bother with any of the unofficial patches... They mess up Chinatown. I had to reinstall the game because of it.
  9. It will be a good game until the end for the most part. ... though, I found some of the idealogy of the game was kind of stupid.
  10. There aren't many. There is this Pen & Paper mod floating around. It's a lot of rubish in my opinion though... Makes the hole game seem unbalanced.
  11. A few tips Hades. *Install the latest official patch ASAP and the unofficial patches if you want. People claim they just fix quest bugs. I don't know too much about it, but since I've started using 1.9, memory leaks are gone. (http://www.3dgamers.com/ for patch, you will need to register) *Open up the .cfg file and set "Rate" to 2500. *Make sure you have atleast 1500 page file. *Create a .bat file... It should read "start /low vampire.exe -console -heapsize ????" Yes, the game runs better in low priority, heapsize should be half your ram. *If you have a decent enough graphic card, I would say nVidia 6 series or ATI x800 series don't bother trying to lower graphic settings to get higher FPS. The game will run the same regardless of settings. Force AA (I'd say 4 or 6) through your control panel since it can help performance on some systems. EDIT - Septerra Core
  12. I imagine each of these personalities grants you new abilities?
  13. Right. All the Xbox bugs made it into the PC version as well. They weren't fixed in the only patch they released either.
  14. The latest patch seems to be currupted... Anyways, I'm gonna continue the game with 1.8. I hope I can finish this time.
  15. I got a sweet knife kill tonight as well. I was stalking some sniper guy... I swear, I was talking behind him for atleast 5mins before he finaly took his position and I slashed him.
  16. good server because of lag or because of players? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was talking about BattleFIELD 2 the hole time, not BattleFRONT 2. Anyways, yes, bad players on Battlefield 2. I think EA should of put a better account method. Anyone can play BF2. You don't need a valid CD-Key or email to play. God, I love Steam. Atleast it gets rid of some of the idiots.
  17. I noticed that too. What was up? My ping was in the 30s... And yours was in the 300s.
  18. Well, I finaly got the chance to play with the folks from Obsidian. Great group of people, all the OEI tag wearers were good players. I got the chance to lead a Squad (my handle was Gotzen-Dammerung FYI), and they all worked together. Everyone worked well together. I asked them to attack a point, they did. I asked them for repair or fire support, they did it. I was amazed. We dominated every map too. I'll be playing on this server again.
  19. Check your firewall? Might be blocking it... Apply the latest patches...
  20. Thread title is Battlefront 2 so I think we can safely assume the OP is talking about the BF2 of the Star Wars variety. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But Haitoku refered to BF2:SF, which I'm assuming is the Special Forces expansion for Battlefield, not Battlefront. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think Haitoku was just saying that Batlefield 2 is better than Battlefront 2 or was just reccomending it as a decent game. Dunno though, I need sleep. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sorry, I read that wrong. X.X Haven't tried Battlefront.
  21. Remember, you don't need a real email to make an account. Mine is fakeemail@void.com or something like that. I'll be hanging around the server... hopefully, people will join.
  22. It's on the back of the booklet. The Top. I couldn't find it either at first. :">
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