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Everything posted by DigitalCrack

  1. So you want proof that a wizard with 12 perception and 12 might deals less damage than a wizard with 18 in both? You need proof that a character that can engage two enemies and has lower deflection (Pallegina) cannot tank as effectively as a charcter that can engage 4 enemies and has higher deflection (Eder)? Or that either of those could even hold a candle to a properly min-maxed fighter tank build? I mean seriously? high probability does not equal concrete truth only that it may be more likely true than not. It remains as such unitl observable evidence is presented to take it out of the realm of probability.
  2. @Ninjamestari would you mind providing a spreadsheet of the math that explicitly proves what your saying. Preferrably one that shows performance breakdown per character per role, also considering applicable equipment and spell effects? If your going to demand as much from others we shouldnt expect less from you concerning your assertions. Not to mention we could end this silly arguement of opinions on stats and builds which is all personal preference when it come down to it.
  3. But yeah really hoping with the addition of subclasses we can get some more active variants of the more docile classes if they decide to keep the "set and forget" type classes as such. Trying to get back on topic, Ghost Heart at least adds an active of summoning a ghost pet. Sounds like that subclass could end up swinging more the way of a caster type which would hopefully translate to more active abilities involving ghost.. stuff? Anyway curious to see where it goes. Which leads into me wondering how much subclasses will add or change from the base class in general?
  4. Would have definitely played a moon godlike had they actually looked like the portraits. specifically the one that was almost ghostlike with the wispy hair and all (male portrait)... But instead they gave you head options that did not do the portraits justice...
  5. See I loved the monks actives and general style was engaging to play. I just dont like monks ha and definitely was one of those people that was like "he's cool but.. eh, I like using equipment more." And I never really gave him a fair shake after that. I will have to go back at some point and try an equipment based monk. I actually wished all the other martial classes had more of an active roster of abilities. Thats why I ended up playing a melee cipher as my first main, he was what I wanted out of a frontline combatant.
  6. yeah you can obvisouly build them for melee in POE1 but the talent selection at level up is all ranged/ pet based. Very frustrating because POE1 was lacking in good melee classes IMO. The spell casters where pulled off wonderfully (except chanter) a lot of the arguments on this forum tend to be about the effectiveness and fun factor of the melee guys eg barbs,rogues, fighters, paladins, rangers another "weapon focused" class to choose from would have been great as fighters and paladins where to defensive based cause most the melee oriented classes didnt have enough active abilities compared to spellcasters. Barb and rouge were close but the others were far too hands off.
  7. As long as we get a ranger this time that isnt designed exclusively to be ranged.. I realize you can spec them for melee but the intention was that rangers would not be melee combatants. maybe this time they can be designed with it in mind. Love the idea of having something more like dunedain rangers from lotr, basically a hybrid of melee and ranged. and talents and abilities that play with that duality.
  8. This mentality represents a philosphy of game design that is straight up ruining rpg's... Sure there are some it will work for but its been treated as sort of a trendy thing to do and is being blanketed across games it has no business being apart of. Oddly enough its this philosphy that has spawned games like PoE in the first place as a counter to "simplification" and to reintroduce a more complex rpg.
  9. That would be nice. A bit like the old D&D rangers - Drizzt and stuff. But I can't think of any plausible talents around dual wielding at the moment (besides two weapon style of course). Maybe more cool Full Attacks would be nice. In PoE things like Wounding Shot (or Strike) are Primary Attacks only - which is lame. Would be a cool thing to have ranger abilities change depending on whether you were using a ranged or melee weapon. PoE1 ranger had a ton of modals which could easily be changed to active abilities to move him away from only primary attacks.
  10. Rangers were one of the classes that was fun but I wished had more actives on the whole. I am more the type who wants no class to be a "set and forget" type class. Really hoping we see a pretty big rework with Rangers
  11. they did mention the possibility of pistols doubling as clubs when needing to engage in melee too I believe. need to go back and listen to the q&a's again...
  12. Effectively an early mortar launcher, I'm betting. Unique to one of the companions, isn't it? That I am not sure of, just that it exists as a weapon. It was brought when someone asked if there were changes being made to firearms.
  13. Some confirmed changes from Q&A's are one handed pistols so they can be paired with things and a hand cannon that fires AoE rounds.
  14. Really hoping the Ghost Heart subclass has more melee components since he wont have a persistent pet.
  15. @ DigitalCrack: WotC and you think alike: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/classes/soulknife.htm Haha wow that awesome! But yeah that would be a cool and different type of subclass for a Cipher.
  16. A melee cipher subclass that soulwhip "is" its weapon is exactly what I would love to see for a cipher. Like you said so many cool ways to do it and would be fun gameplay wise.
  17. Would be cool to see a cipher subclass that instead of spells they amplify the soul lash to where it physically manifests a weapon. Each level they gain abilities that further strengthen that weapon or fighter like abilities that are utilized by their soul lash weapon. Could call them "Mind Blades" or something.
  18. Agree with the favored enemy visuals on weapons.. They were all the same and turned any sword like weapon into a red lightsaber... the best visual effect imo was the electric lash. Having seen some graphics stuff already for pillars 2 and the new fire lash visual (which looked much better than poe1) I feel good about the future of weapon effects. Edit: also agree with other on grey sleeper, like the looks of that one. I also really liked the looks of the white spire estoc, exotic looking without being ridiculous.
  19. Would love to see something like the adventurer's mart from bg2! You could even make it more interesting by making its item stock change based off your explorative actions. Like because you found or completed (X) now they have access to new exotic items. Or it could have its own quest line where you help secure trade routes to new areas which in turn adds more unique equipment to the exotic vendor. Edit: sorry about the errors initially... typing from a phone and haven't had coffee yet...
  20. an earlier poster made the best case for its role. basically they would act like melee weapons (slighly less effective though than melee only) but then they get a certain amount of per-encounter throws. to add to that I would make it so that each type of throwing weapon had its own status effect attached to the throw attack. like throwing knives would be bleeding and throwing axes could be hobbled. Sounds interesting and different to me and unique in role.
  21. Like this Idea alot actually makes them totally different from either melee or ranged. A unique solution that sounds fun.
  22. Rangers to have some melee talents and abilities that are not tied to a specific subclass.
  23. would be cool to see a cipher subclass who gets focus through allies who take damage within a certain radius of the cipher or gains focus by absorbing spells cast on him.
  24. I mostly agree despite wanting some changes. Its just that running heavy or no armor have clear trade offs that are felt and running light or medium armor just makes you feel underpowered... not sure if thats the best way to put it. like you die quicker than heavy armor and do less dps then no armor and thats it (which makes sense).. There is no clear benefit, you just know your not as good as either extreme. light and medium armor needs some benefit that is felt like high dps or high protection but not either of those things, if that makes sense.
  25. Agreed would rather have it be a talent than given naturally. I would rather it be a general talent then class specific also.
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