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Everything posted by Matt7895

  1. Glad to know that you are aware of these issues and are working to resolve them.
  2. I get performance issues too, post-patch 2.0. Pre-patch I was getting a constant 60 FPS in every area, can't remember it dropping below that even for fights. Now, post-patch, I get a max of 45 FPS and it usually hovers around 15 FPS or lower when there are enemies on screen. It was 45 FPS at Caed Nua - and lower when I went to the new area (not White March, but the other one). It was so bad that I decided to halt my playthrough - it was unplayable. Loading times seem to be three times as long now too. Only other thing that has changed about my PC is that it is now running Windows 10, where it was Windows 8 before. Specs: Intel Core 2 Quad 9660 3.0ghz, GeForce 960 4GB (it was a 750 TI before, a weaker card that still did 60 FPS), 8GB RAM. Samsung 840 Evo SSD. Running at 1920x1080 with vsync off, 60 FPS cap on.
  3. I'd like Chris to blog about it. No need to make videos - I'd rather he enjoy the game the way it was meant to be played, as a solo kind of thing. But he can write about it all he wants, that can come after.
  4. I think you can still kill them as LS, you just have to pick your conversation options carefully...correct me if I'm wrong.
  5. You start seeing strange bubbles everywhere and start trying to disarm/recover them. You start to bash doors instead of normally opening them. Whenever you speak to someone, several conversation choices appear before your eyes. You start to breakdown empty Coke cans and try to make repair parts out of them. You run around your house several times trying to trigger non-existent cutscenes.
  6. Dude you really should have played KOTOR1....
  7. Well like it or not, the EU is canon. Well, most of it, apart from the blatantly apocryphical and ridiculous stuff.
  8. Not only that. It also means that from now on, no more Jedi wookies, EU or not. And of course no double-bladed lightsaber wielding slugs either. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually, NOTHING can be added to the EU (books, games, or otherwise) without Lucas' consent. Every NJO meeting included George Lucas - he sets the rules. For the games, it is Lucasarts, who in turn get their orders from Lucasfilm. This is what Chris Avellone was talking about in the other thread. So Lucas had to have authorised the character of Lowbacca to be Jedi. That means he has gone back on what he originally said, but he's a hypocrite anyway so there's nothing new there.
  9. But the Unknown Regions are beyond the Outer Rim...which is what the title of this thread refers to...so you could also word it as 'What is in the Unknown Regions?' <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually the Unknown Regions aren't 'beyond' the Outer Rim. If you look at a map of the SW universe in the NJO novels, you'll see the universe in all its glory. And before someone here complains - the maps are OFFICIAL, Lucas recognised.
  10. You'll notice a lot of Star Destroyer-like ships in the EU. In Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II, Jerec's ship looked very much like a Super Star Destroyer.
  11. That is just strange, how is hutt meant to move anyways? is it meant to do the snail/slug act and push itself along with its tail *if* its in your party? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was thinking of it using force speed to speed itself up. It's not a bad idea as force speed is often used in the game. Or, the Hutt could have a repulsorsled.
  12. We already know that if you chose Revan to go DS, then Jolee and Juhani were slaughtered and you also had the choice to kill Zaalbar and Mission, or get Zaalbar to kill her (which is what I chose). I was rather disappointed though at the lack of reference to Bastila in the game. I tried to get to the holocron on Korriban but it was damaged when I blew up the door (there was no other way to get in).
  13. Thanks for the flame. I really do appreciate seeing geeks from halfway across the planet insulting me when they don't even know me.
  14. I completely did not understand your post. Maybe if you wrote in proper English everyone would understand. I don't mean to flame, but the language on these forums is English, that's why everyone writes in it. EDIT: I just read through what you wrote a few more times....do you mean whether people went light/dark side in the game? The way you phrased it didn't mean it that way.
  15. I've pre-ordered one of those things. And I'm 17. How sad does that make me?
  16. Unfortunately Obsidian isn't a god-company yet like Bioware. They are a new business (yes, business) that has just started out from the charred remains of BIS, and need to watch their finances if they are to survive. The games industry is one of the most risky. A lot of companies, companies with good potential, have gone bust because they invested too much in a game. What Obsidian needs to do is do a cost-benefit ratio. If they make a patch to fix the game, will it increase game sales, which equal profit? Obsidian needs money in order to finance NWN2 and future titles. They need to follow Bioware's example. Bioware is kind of an 'uncle' company to Obsidian in terms of advice and inspiration. Bioware can easily fund Xbox Live if they want to, Obsidian cant - thats why they decided against it. Therefore I doubt that a patch for Xbox will be distributed via Xbox Live. It's sad, but thats how business works
  17. Just thought I needed to say something extra, if one of the Obsidian peeps is reading. I wholeheartedly understand why you want to shut the forums down, given all of the '133t fanb0is' and K2 haters here. But one of the things that Bioware said they hoped you would do, is listen to the community. They said that they themselves pride themselves on their community feedback and how they take advice from the forums in making, and adding on, to their games. They said they would hope you would do the same. Therefore I think it is a shame the forums are being closed in that respect. But overall I suppose it is for the best. *sniffs sadly*
  18. I thought the planets were cool, especially seeing Dantooine and Korriban again, and of course Nar Shaddaa, possibly the greatest planet in the EU ever.
  19. Actually I'd quite like to see a GTA-style SW games. Imagine that, basically an RPG, but you're free to interact with the environment, get in vehicles/starfighters and move around the universe at will, but with a proper storyline and missions to do! *drools at the thought*
  20. I really did enjoy playing KOTOR2, I liked the characters and the storyline, and I really got that 'Star Wars' feeling. I liked the way you expanded on stuff from KOTOR1 like upgrading, breaking down and creating items, the whole 'influence' system, and how the game never became boring, there was always something interesting going on, always something to do. Even though the ending was disappointing, the rest of the game was still enjoyable to play and I can understand why it won many RPG of the Year awards and high scores in magazine reviews. This isn't a kiss ass post either, I just think its about time Obsidian were given some positive comments on these forums. I hope Fearqus and Chris read this because they have particularly come under unfair criticism. There is a troll (cough, Darth Nuke, cough) in the Storyline forum who keeps dissing Chris over some ridiculous Basilisk war droid issue, and quite frankly, Obsidian dont deserve it. In a rare but shining example of Developer/community inter-relations, Chris Avellone, the lead developer, came on these forums to answer a post regarding the Basilisk War Droid in KOTOR2. He explained why he decided to include a new design for the Droid, and THAT IT WAS ACCEPTED BY LUCASFILM, THEREFORE CANON. The aforementioned poster proceeded to flame Chris and actually piss him off to the point that Chris stopped posting in the topic. I gave my own reply, disgusted at the whole topic: "The Basilisk War Droid in KOTOR2 looked cool. I don't see what the fuss is about. Chris Avellone, the LEAD DEVELOPER of this game, has come onto these forums to explain himself to you, and all you have done is flame him. He was discussing an aspect of the game with fans and you pushed him away. I don't blame him if he doesn't answer more posts in the future, with people like you on these forums." When Fearqus spoke about why Obsidian don't like replying to posts on these forums, I understood completely. Why bother trying to discuss the game with its community when you have retards slagging the game off and refusing to listen to other people's opinions? I eagerly anticipate NWN2 and if KOTOR3 is made by Obsidian, I wouldn't mind. There's my opinion, feel free to agree or disagree with it.
  21. I thought 'Vater' was father in German.
  22. A Basilisk isn't a space craft, it's a beast. I found some more proof that the intention of KOTOR's version was to be the Beast as well. Canderous said he rode his Basilisk into battle, and yes that has been said before. Never once does he speak of riding IN his Basilisk. The pc has the option of saying, "You dropped into a battle RIDING a DROID." Clue number 2. Canderous then talks about HIS ARMOR, "MY ARMOR," glowing red hot because of the heat of reentry. Not the Basilisk outer armor, HIS ARMOR. So clearly Bioware's intentions were the Beast. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No. They said in KOTOR1 it was a droid, ie. 'Basilisk War Droid'. Canderous tells this to you when you discuss the subject with him. A Basilisk is a droid. A droid a Basilisk is. Droid.
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