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Everything posted by SteveThaiBinh

  1. Plooto. Get it?
  2. Although there's been no official announcement, most people are assuming that the removed story material won't be restored by the patch. There are plenty of bugs to keep the programmers busy. Some fans are working on a mod to restore as much as possible. However, it's not clear how much can be reconstructed from the remnants left on the disks. Revan's romance with Bastila was against official Jedi rules, as she told us, again and again and again before completely caving in and entering into a relationship with someone with a proven history of falling to the dark side.
  3. Too forgettable to provoke real dislike.
  4. If they release Kotor 3 with the same engine 18-24 months from now, the magazine reviews will be pretty poor. Many weren't very complimentary about TSL's graphics, but Obsidian just about got away with it because other elements of the game were so strong. Two years down the line, this engine will look dated, and be scored as such. That will hit sales, and the reputation of the franchise. If Obsidian do Kotor 3, the logical thing would be to reuse the NWN2 engine, but I hope that doesn't encourage LucasArts to think they can set another unrealistic deadline for development. If the in-house LucasArts team takes Kotor 3 up again, maybe they'll develop their own engine - Kotor 2's sales would seem to justify it.
  5. Kreia was a really good character, easily the most memorable of the game. She was good on the merits of the writing, but (as has been said elsewhere) it was the voice acting that made her great. How can you even notice any inconsistencies, when each line is delivered with such conviction? I hope they paid Sara Kestelman really well. To the writers of Kotor 3: Please don't misread Kreia's popularity as a desire to have her ghost return in the next game. Her journey is complete.
  6. I found this fight incredibly difficult the first time I played, and no trouble at all every other time. I don't think I levelled Atton a different way. It's just that all the fights until then are fairly easy, so Atton's fight might be the first serious combat challenge some players face. Unless you've sold all the loot you've found, just experiment with different weapons, shields, stimulants, and eventually you'll find a strategy to get through this.
  7. I was able to search them and pick up their stuff. And I think that was the glitch, and the quick transition without a search was correct, given later events.
  8. Ditto for point-and-click adventures. At least, if they ever made any ...
  9. I thought T3 was hiding the location where Revan went after Kotor 1, the place where the 'True Sith' threat is.
  10. Unawares is an adverb. To catch someone unawares is a phrase meaning to surprise someone, do something that they weren't expecting or weren't prepared for.
  11. Four years before the return of the Exile, Revan left known space to look for the 'True Sith' threat. This is true whether Revan is LS/DS or M/F. As this is a point at which the four possible storylines converge, it would be a good place to start Kotor III. Revan would have to start strongly light or dark, for continuity. But if the game takes place in 'unknown space', there's no reason to refer to past history except at very occasional and easily-controlled points, such as coming across a character from a previous game. You would only need to make sure that every situation has a LS and DS path, which has always been the case with Kotor anyway. This is manageable. The question is, whether any writer who values her sanity would wish to go this route, rather than the significantly easier option of fixing Revan as LS male. I don't think you can just dispense with the character yet, after so much was made of Revan's fate in Kotor 2. But I don't want the writers of Kotor 3 to stress so much about continuity that they neglect other aspects of the game.
  12. Just speculating. I don't know anything about the Expanded Universe, so I don't know how much of that time is already 'explained'. Maybe LucasArts is thinking really long term. But if I were them, I'd want to keep lots of virgin territory there, for future development.
  13. To keep the historical timeline uncluttered, leaving lots of empty space for new Star Wars games/novels etc. The galaxy is a big place, with millions (billions?) of star systems. Surely there must be parts that were almost untouched by the events of Kotor 1-2. Thus, you could have the odd familiar character pop up without constantly have to worry about continuity. Trilogies are hard to get right, but have an epic scale that suits the Star Wars universe. I'd rather Obsidian kept getting it three-quarters right than abandon the attempt altogether.
  14. And keep his/her presence in the game very limited, maybe one scene near the end to resolve any romance issues. Provided the main character isn't the Exile or someone intimately involved in the Jedi Civil War, it should be possible to avoid reference to Revan through the whole game without actually breaking continuity.
  15. There are several Sith Lords, but I don't know that any of them qualify as the Dark Lord. The Sith are still in chaos after the events of Kotor 1.
  16. Not really a bug, but when I level up for the first time, it's usually when I've killed two out of three droids in the room. So Kreia starts chatting to me telepathically about the force, and in the background there's this droid hanging around thinking "Excuse me, could I have some attention here, please? Only I was trying to kill you."
  17. I notice that the "Most users ever online was 1,225 on Mar 5 2005, 02:45 AM" Probably as a result of other sites (Penny-Arcade etc.) linking to the cut ending thread. Does this make the closure of the forums more or less likely?
  18. I didn't reach any forums, just a page of information about the game. And the 'community' link sent me to Bioware.
  19. There are cut endings where Atton dies, or Atton kills Disciple, even one where the exile dies, all sorts of combinations and permutations. There are rumours that Kotor 3 was already in development by an in-house LucasArts team as Obsidian was finishing Kotor 2. It's possible that this LucasArts team asked Obsidian to simplify the ending of Kotor 2, to make it more ambiguous, thus allowing Kotor 3 to re-use characters or at least make continuity easier. In any case, according to the same rumours, Kotor 3 has been shelved for the time being.
  20. Uh-huh. Not sure what n'wah means exactly, but some kind of insult.
  21. I had a Morrowind-obsessed student in Latvia who was convinced that n'wah was a real word.
  22. I think it was a private email from a developer to a fan, who then posted it on the 'restore the cut ending' petition thread. Shortly afterwards, this entire thread was deleted. Interpret that as you will.
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