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Everything posted by SteveThaiBinh

  1. Don't read it. Don't. DON'T!!! See?
  2. Morrowind has a great story, but the dialogue and characterisation aren't as strong as Kotor. Oblivion won't be out for a while. I've only played the first Myst, many years ago, but it was very puzzle-driven rather than story- or dialogue-driven. There are much better adventures out there. Pirates! barely has a story to speak of. I enjoyed it, but it didn't have much replay value.
  3. I only really encountered one game-stopping bug, and that was fixed in the patch. I think the issue wasn't bugs, as such, just that the whole game hadn't been well programmed, making it jerky and rather unstable on systems that really should have been able to handle it. I found it very difficult with 512Mb RAM (the recommended amount), but after upgrading to 1Gb, it was a lot better. I'd recommend it, although the ending was a bit Kotor 2-like.
  4. I think that men tend to have larger brains than women. In the 19th. century, 'scientists' used this to prove that men are superior to women and should have control over them. Then they discovered that Africans have larger brains than Europeans, and you can guess how quickly that theory got abandoned.
  5. Since historically men have had most of the power, I guess we have to take most of the blame as well.
  6. Fewer (if necessary) but bigger planets. With more areas to travel to, I mean. Korriban only had 4 areas in Kotor 2, I think. If they're developing a new engine for Kotor 3, then the geography could be more interactive. Hacking through jungle is my idea of fun!
  7. Some who are atheist or agnostic dislike the labels, partly because they arouse hostility among some theists, and partly because it's odd to define yourself by what you don't believe, rather than what you do . I'm a humanist, more accurately a secular humanist. You can find that on Wikipedia, too, I think. It just gets more and more complicated, doesn't it? Also, it's sad to see the Pope die. But I'm glad that he was able to die the death he wished, in that he was lucid at the end, and I suppose his suffering had religious meaning for him.
  8. That is excellent! No sarcasm intended, that is really funny! I guess it just appeals to my sense of humour.
  9. I think that's the one that's in the room where you were held captive, before your party released you.
  10. Quest for Glory series. If you care more about story and dialogue than battles, then try adventure games, too. Broken Sword 3 is a good place to start.
  11. There can never be too many whiny Anakin death jokes.
  12. Don't know about that, I'm afraid. You could try Bioware's Kotor 1 forums, I think they're still active.
  13. Try here. Looks inconclusive, though. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...17entry312517
  14. Possible connection?
  15. (grudgingly) OK, it did get a small laugh...
  16. Drawn by someone who hadn't played the game, but just assumed that the guy with the horns would be a nasty puppy hater, and the little old lady would be fluffy and nice.
  17. Even if your intentions are noble, you're still forcing someone to do what you think is right, and who gives you the right to decide that for someone else? Who knows what happened to the guy who was told to rethink his life? What's the difference between 'Force Persuade' and 'Dominate Mind'? Nothing. Dominate Mind is just a bit more likely to work, that's all. But 'persuade' has nice, happy connotations, whereas 'dominate' has darker connotations of compulsion. Strip away the language, and the power itself is pretty dark, I think.
  18. Force persuasion is not a universal power, it is a dark side power. Using it is no less immoral than any other kind of brainwashing or coercion. The Jedi Order funded research that showed the long term psychological damage suffered by those who were subjected to this power, but of course the final report was suppressed.
  19. Ermm, it's a laptop, isn't it? I've read lots of people posting on this board saying they couldn't get Kotor 2 to work with a laptop graphics card, even when comparable games (with 3d graphics, I mean) work fine. If I were you, I'd look in the display settings and find out exactly what graphics card you have, then post it here or email LucasArts tech support.
  20. Thank you for the reply, and the apology. I'm sure that when you originally said that the patch would be coming soon, you didn't imagine that it would take this long. Contrast this with the approach from LucasArts, who are probably NOT trying very hard to get the patch out, and certainly haven't bothered to communicate with the public about it. I appreciate Obsidian's willingness to come to these boards and post, even about something they're taking a lot of flak for and don't have full control over.
  21. "I would feel a lot guiltier if you weren't a character in a computer game."
  22. Well, I voted that it was blue. Or bule, technically. But now it's night, the sky is black, and I can't vote again. I don't know what to do...
  23. Is that 'I just read an official post by a LucasArts spokesman on the LucasArts forum' or 'I just read a badly-spelled post by some random fool on April 1'?
  24. Wrong sex, but I'd be the waitress in the Iziz cantina. I'm a frequent daydreamer, and it's quite possible that a major battle could happen around me without my even noticing. "What did he ask for? I'll just guess." sums up my approach to getting drinks for friends; I preferred being in Japan, where everyone gets the same regular tea. I'm also a lightsider, at least I hope so.
  25. I remember reading this somewhere too, but can't remember where. Were they definitely fired, or just moved to different projects (i.e. Episode III)? That might have a bearing on whether or not LucasArts plans to resume the project in the near future.
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