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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/24/24 in all areas

  1. Wow, I haven't been here in years! I forgot my password. lol A friend sent me a link and I saw Gorth's superb offering. Respect! This brings back memories of BIS and the Interplay boards. It's funny in that I played so much Grounded on Steam a couple of years ago before it was completed. I had just gotten back into playing the finished game for about a week when I received word about this project. It's like running into an old girl friend at the grocery years after you broke up. It's not that you have animosity. You just don't know what to say.
    2 points
  2. You can definitely tell Saul Bass' strength was more in visuals than in narratives.
    1 point
  3. Watched the restoration of PHASE IV. Very nice looking film. The ant photography is great. They include the theatrical and original end and while I can appreciate the visuals of the 2001-ish attempt at a purely visual conceptual finale, I think the end deflates the tension of the film and needed at least some narrative or emotional line drawn.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Hey look who's still around!... long time no see old friend. Hope you stop by for a chat every now and then
    1 point
  6. Sure, but I don't know why one would look for that in a game about adventuring and swinging a sword. There are PLENTY games on steam that trade in romance in a variety of flavours.
    1 point
  7. Yeah, still require the EA app... They've made it more annoying too, back when Origin games first came to Steam, you could run them with Origin staying in the background nicely, but now it pops-up and reserves some keyboard shortcuts to itself, etc. DA:O steam version doesn't require it, since it came out before EA's Origin app.
    1 point
  8. Unfortunately, it still requires EA App. The integration could be better and only one version can be installed at a time (there are registry links). Might have been resolved by now, of course, but doubtful. I still hope that EA would allow me to pay them for the third time for the games to have them on GOG without the DRM. It has been almost 10 years since Inquisition.
    1 point
  9. Thanks for your help, man. I'll be sure to try these tips out and I'll take all the help I can get.
    1 point
  10. Thank you for the answer Kvellen. Unfortunately, it did not work for me, as it only made savegames from before the patch appear (which were all the way back into Act 2). However, out of frustration, I decided to delve into the savegame files to see what I could find, and I believe I've found the solution: Go to your Pillars of Eternity 1 Saved Game directory. (C:\Users\"username"\Saved Games\Pillars of Eternity) Open the "gamecomplete.savegame" file in WinRAR. Look for the file "saveinfo.xml" in the archive and open it in Notepad. Find the following string and simply change value="3" to value="2": Save "saveinfo.xml" in the archive, and then select "Yes" when WinRAR asks if you wish to update it in the archive. The completed Pillars of Eternity 1 save file should now appear when you are prompted to import a save into Deadfire, regardless of which patch the game was completed on. Hope this helps others who are in the same boat.
    1 point
  11. So I've finally gotten to sink a little bit of time into this and I'm actually loving the Magic Deceiver so far. I don't like that he's capped at level 6 spells but I love combining spells and they are pretty powerful. My magic missiles are doing force and fire damage and my fireballs have vampiric touch lol.
    0 points
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