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  1. Past hour
  2. Voted for my All-Stars. MLB is weird since all the stars are injured but my WNBA votes are fire and consistent *stares at Stefanie Dolson jersey*
  3. I am so gonna look if Grace Randolph reviewed this shot by shot.
  4. I noticed this tends to be an issue in many a show nowadays.
  5. Had a good day at work at Taco Bell, saw an old doggie friend at the drive thru named Oakie.
  6. Today
  7. I actually get that part. I moved quickly with my wife and we've been married for 20 years now. There is no need to pussyfoot around if the chemistry is right. That being said, if you aren't feeling it, you aren't feeling it, and letting her know early is best. If she doesn't want to waste time, then don't waste her time. I wamted to see my wife every day after the first date.
  8. The problem is, she wants to skip the "get to know one another" and "see if we actually like one another part", because that is a waste of time. A commitment to having kids. Then the other stuff. Basically already planning us moving in together and our holidays and stuff.
  9. Yesterday
  10. I have the same problem, is there a solution in the meantime?
  11. On a serious note, keeping it calm and clear and non-antagonistic always seems the best approach. That it was a pleasant experience but you don't think you meshed as well as you were hoping, and that you're at a stage in your life where you need to find the natural spark rather than try to force it? Things I've learned from one mildly abusive passive-aggressive ex, and another one who was, shall we say, heavily invested in certain tastes that required it, is always making sure communication is clear, trustworthy, and not open to emotional interpretation. Or, you could just say that you're looking for Gomez and Morticia, not Romeo and Juliet. *** On the matter of reading age-ranges, I can hold my hand up and cheerfully admit I've gotten into heaps of trouble with friends with suggestions of reading for their kids. I am apparently heavily biased by the things I read at those ages, which most people apparently don't consider appropriate for their kids at the same ages. I'm not sure if that says anything about what my parents allowed me to read, my grasp on reading, or current trends in parental viewpoints.
  12. Speaking only for myself, I put 500+ hours into the Baldur's Gate series and loved it.... but have put 1200+ hours into the PoE series, 850 or so in Deadfire, I think it's my most played non-MMO game ever. I actually do think PoE is the better series, partly just because it was released later with better engine tech etc...
  13. More like indentured servant/ serf than welfare recipient. An awful lot of western 'aid' is in the form of loans after all, not actual aid. Just talking about peace doesn't really do anything if the talk isn't realistic- and the talk was a lot more realistic 2 years ago from both sides, before Boris Johnson got involved. They spent 20 years talking peace in Afghanistan or Vietnam and in the end victory was made by facts on the ground and that despite actually having peace agreements there; and well, Palestine has had the odd talk about peace over the years. For as much as people think drop feeding military aid/'aid' to Ukraine is about boiling frogging Russia it's also very much about doing the same to Ukraine. Just one more wunderwaffe and you'll be at the doors of Moscow, keep fighting; they're out of [equipment type] now, keep fighting etc...
  14. I took a long break and will try to do an illustrated picture book once more. But I am looking more at pre-schoolers. Mostly because I want to draw unicorns. She might not get the message, but I am noting the idea down for consideration.
  15. При переносе на новую версию движка изменился шейдер воды. В локации "Крепость Редрика" вода теперь не соответствует описанию (над неподвижной водой стоит тяжелый запах), что сразу же бросается в глаза. Верните Редрику его воду, он переживает.
  16. Yes, but I read it as “it is not a sequel to Pillars of Eternity, and is a seperate story. Doesn’t necessarily mean lack of continuity as far as returning characters are concerned, though naturally doing something like save import would make much, much less sense here. Still, it would be an odd choice to have returning characters and not align them with their previous apperances. Surely, the very point of having those characters back, is that returning players will recognise them. I do think that something like Lowyn’s potential death could be written around, though.
  17. Star Trek: Discovery s1 It doesn't have the episodic highs of individual TOS or TNG and didn't stick with things long enough to compete with DS9, all things considered it's like any number of CW shows with a premium channel level of freedom to curse and show....weird lizard people Klingon nips. Not particularly impressive and feels both too short and too long.
  18. Yeah I am gauging a lot of things. I know I do not want to go the YA route since that will always be an uphill. It's difficult due to that and Well as a kid I couldn't grasp Narnia but I know everybnody else could so the subjectivity is definately up in the air. Appreciate the advice, I really was burned out for years until recently
  19. I don't really remember most of the stuff they listed from Rogue One. I'm sure they were in there at some point, it's just not what I came away with. C3PO and R2D2 were in it? I think Vader was at the end? The memorable parts were Mads Mikkelsen and Ben Mendelsohn going back and forth. Forest Whitaker playing a terrorist. Alan Tudyk as an assassin droid (HK-47 fan service?) Donnie Yen and Wen Jiang were also a treat. So yeah, it feels like this RLM video is a better fit for all the SW other stuff, but I get that they need to keep the lights on.
  20. Have a look what qualifies as children and what as teen. I found that to be the hardest, but it can be important for who even looks at your work. But children are very different, so it is rough to try and determine age.
  21. Could say the same for Zelensky's proposals for peace, basically outlines total victory. At least everyone gets a nice trip to Switzerland. Doubt either side can sustain it that long, Russia equipment wise and economic, and Ukraine manpower wise. Both of these countries are screwed for a long time, but Ukraine will be a welfare recipient I guess
  22. As mentioned, I was invited to the London premiere event showing the first two episodes of The Acolyte a few backs. Now with the third episode having dropped and taken that in, I think given the nature of the show, it's going to really require the full thing to be watched to get the best idea on its script. Trouble being, is they're doing a murder-mystery detective plot, which can be slow burn to start with, and then they look to be throwing in flashback episodes and sequences. So yes, they got Carrie-Anne Moss to do the big name, then kill her off in one five minute fight sequence at the start of the first episode, but she's going to be turning up in assorted flashback stuff through the season to showcase why certain things are happening and putting characters into focus. Which I think is part of the problem. Doing an episodic release structure where most character backgrounds and reasons for behaviour aren't going to be explained or understandable until you've gotten half a dozen threads a month down the line... is not going to help with fan reception. A lot of the sensible critique of the show (some stilted dialogue, some cheapish looking costume design, and set choice questions, and flat filming) seem to be getting lost in the haze of complaints of woke casting (It's a very varied casting - which does make sense for a galactic spanning collection) and some fan horror over how not-great the Jedi are coming across as. Not quite picking up on that the High Repuplic time frame is pretty much when the Jedi are at the height of their dogmatic, bureaucratic, this is the right path absolutism with no time for questioning the path. The reveal that Amandla Stenberg was actually was a thing they'd managed to keep hidden from all trailers and such, so that was a nice touch. While you have to recognise the capability that Lee Jung-jae playing Master Sol apparently went from Korean acting royalty to learning English for the role some months before shooting began. So yes, I think to contemplate the actual story, I'm going to end up struggling my way through it just so i can have fully reasoned discussions about it afterwards. But it's not exactly got me excited or engaged.
  23. Correct, I think it also has a lot to do with just what parts of Ukraine Russia is wanting to annex. The Donbas is the Eastern European Ruhr in a way and Ukraine is a big country and very much the bread basket. So it's a tough balance, I don't think anybody wants it to last a decade. However Ukraine has objectively a lot more to lose.
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